Bank Transaction Code
The Bank Transaction Code file contains transaction code records. A transaction code represents a type of cash payment, bill of exchange payment, or bank service.
AP111 | AP14.5 | AP16.1 | AP213 | AP284 | EE135 |
MA310 | MA64.6 | MA64.9 | MAED.1 | CB01.2 | CB05.1 |
CBBB.1 | CBOP.1 |
CBI-BANK-INST-CODE Element: Transaction Code | Alpha 3 A user-defined code that represents a cash payment, bill of exchange payment, or bank service transaction. |
CBI-BANK-INST-DESC Transaction Code Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The description of the transaction code. |
CBI-BANK-INST-TYPE Transaction Code Type | Alpha 1 Indicates the type, or transaction category, of bank transaction code. Valid values are: C = Cash Payment Transaction. Used in the Lawson Accounts Payable system. D = Bill of Exchange Payment Transaction. Used in the Lawson Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable systems. B = Bank Service Transaction. Used in the Lawson Accounts Receivable and Cash Ledger systems. |
CBI-TRANS-VALUE Transaction Numbering Value | Alpha 1 Indicates the value of transaction numbers for the bank transaction code. Valid values are: N = Numeric. A = Alpha. |
CBI-AUTO-RECON Automatic Reconciliation | Alpha 1 Indicates whether transactions for the bank transaction code are considered reconciled when they reach or are entered into the Lawson Cash Ledger system. If this field = No, transactions associated with this bank transaction code must be reconciled in the Lawson Cash Ledger system. Valid values are: N = No. Y = Yes. |
CBI-PMT-DOC-ORIGIN BOE Payment Document Origin | Alpha 1 Used only for cash and bill of exchange payment transaction codes. Indicates who creates the payment document. Valid values are: P = Accounts Payable. The person or company responsible for paying an obligation creates the payment. R = Accounts Receivable. The person or company to whom an obligation is owed creates the payment. Blank. Not a cash or bill of exchange payment transaction code. |
CBI-OUTPUT-OPTION Element: Output Option | Alpha 1 Used only for cash payment and bill of exchange payment type bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = C or D). Indicates the type of payment output to be created. Valid values are: N = No output. Payments are created manually. P = Printed Document. Cash payments are printed using AP155 (Payment Forms Creation). Bill of exchange payments are printed using AP156 (Bill of Exchange Printing) or DT155 (BOE Print-Tape Create). T = Tape or Electronic File. Cash payments are created using AP160 (Payment Tape Creation) or AP161 (Electronic Payment File). Bill of Exchange payments are created using DT155 (BOE Print-Tape Create). Blank. Not a cash payment or bill of exchange payment type bank transaction code. |
CBI-AR-ACCEPT-FL AR Acceptance Required Flag | Alpha 1 Used only for bill of exchange payment type bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = D). Indicates whether bill of exchange payments for this transaction code require acceptance in the Lawson Accounts Receivable system. Valid values are: N = No. Bills of exchange are considered accepted upon entry or creation. Y = Yes. Bills of exchange must be accepted in DT30 (Bill of Exchange Acceptance). |
CBI-AR-GL-ACCEPT AR Acceptance Accounting Flag | Alpha 1 Y = Yes N = No |
CBI-AP-ACCEPT-FL AP Acceptance Required Flag | Alpha 1 Used only for bill of exchange payment type bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = D). Indicates whether bill of exchange payments for this transaction code require acceptance in the Lawson Accounts Payable system. Valid values are: N = No. Bills of exchange are considered accepted upon entry or creation. Y = Yes. Bills of exchange must be accepted in AP28 (Bill of Exchange Acceptance). |
CBI-PRENOTE-REQ Prenotification Required | Alpha 1 Used only for cash payment bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = C) with the Output Option field = T. Indicates whether the processing bank must be prenotified with bank account information before AP160 can create an ACH payment for a vendor using this cash payment transaction code. Valid values are: N = No. Default value. Y = Yes. |
CBI-ALTERNATE-PMT Alternate Transaction Code | Alpha 3 Required if Prenotification Required field = Y. Represents an alternate cash payment transaction code used to create an accounts payable cash payment when the processing bank has not been prenotified. Must be a valid cash payment transaction code in the Transaction Code file. |
CBI-ACCT-BAL-TYPE Banking Transaction Type | Alpha 1 Used only for bank service type bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = B). Indicates whether the transaction represents a bank debit, such as a withdrawal, which credits the general ledger or a bank credit, such as a bank charge, which debits the general ledger. Valid values are: D = Bank Debit Transaction. C = Bank Credit Transaction. Blank = Not a bank service type bank transaction code. |
CBI-MN-PMT-RESERVE Manual Payment Reservation | Alpha 1 Used only for cash payment type bank transaction codes (Transaction Code Type field = C) with the Output Option field = N or P. Indicates whether the payment numbers you assign to manual payments in AP20 or AP55 must be reserved in AP81.1 (Manual Forms Reservation). Valid values are: N = No. Y = Yes. |
CBI-TRANS-IDENT Element: Transaction ID | Numeric 10 A unique system-generated identification value assigned to a Cash Ledger transaction to make the record unique. |
CBI-ACTIVE-STATUS Element: Active Status | Alpha 1 The status of the bank transaction code. Valid values are: A = Active. I = Inactive. |
CBI-USED-FLAG Element: Used Flag | Alpha 1 Indicates whether the bank transaction code has been used. Valid values are: N = No. Y = Yes. |
CBI-TAPE-PMT-SUMM Element: Tape Payment Summary | Alpha 1 The payment summarization option for the transaction code. Indicates the cash ledger summarization breaks for electronic payments. Used for cash payment transaction codes only. Valid values are: S = Summarize Payments. N = Payment Detail. |
CBI-PMT-FORMAT Element: Pmt Format | Alpha 3 This is the format of the electronic payment (ie Post Giro) |
CBI-ORG-IDENTIFIER Element: Org Id | Alpha 15 |
CBI-PMT-INSTRUCT1 Element: Pmt Instruct | Alpha 35 |
CBI-PMT-INSTRUCT2 Element: Pmt Instruct | Alpha 35 |
CBI-USER-FIELD1 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field. It can be used to capture any data that the user wants. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBI-USER-FIELD2 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable field. This field can be used to enter any data that the user wants to capture for this item. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBI-SORT-OPTION Element: Sort Option | Alpha 1 |
CBI-PAYMENT-OPT Element: Payment Opt | Alpha 1 |
Cbtrans | CBTRANS |
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