This table contains the Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN) and related information.
IC00.1 | MA278 | PO130 | PO132 | PO137 | PO223 |
PO254 | POIE.1 | RQ111 |
GTI-ITEM-GROUP Element: Item Group | Alpha 5 This field contains the identifier for a group of items that can be shared by one or more companies. |
GTI-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item identifier. |
GTI-GTIN Element: Gtin | Numeric 14 |
GTI-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This field contains the unit of measure associated with this trade item. This must be a valid UOM for the associated item on the item master. |
GTI-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1 This is status of this trade item. 0 = Active 1 = Inactive |
GTI-GTIN-STRUCTURE Element: Gtin Structure | Numeric 1 0 = GTIN-8 1 = GTIN-12 2 = GTIN-13 3 = GTIN-14 |
GTI-COUNTRY-CODE Element: Country Code | Alpha 2 This is the country code that identifies the target market. The target market is at country level or higher geographical definition and is where a trade item is intended to be sold. |
GTI-GPC-SEGMENT Element: Gpc Segment | Alpha 2 |
GTI-GPC-FAMILY Element: Gpc Family | Alpha 2 |
GTI-GPC-CLASS Element: Gpc Class | Alpha 2 |
GTI-GPC-BRICK Element: Gpc Brick | Alpha 8 |
GTI-ICSEGMENT Element: Icsegment | Alpha 2 |
GTI-ICFAMILY Element: Icfamily | Alpha 2 |
GTI-ICCLASS Element: Icclass | Alpha 2 |
GTI-ICCOMMODITY Element: Iccommodity | Alpha 2 |
GTI-BRAND-NAME Element: Brand Name | Alpha 35 (Lower Case) The recognizable name used by a brand owner to uniquely identify a line of trade items or services. This is recognizable by the consumer. |
GTI-FUNCTIONAL-NME Element: Functional Nme | Alpha 35 (Lower Case) This describes the use of the product or service by the consumer. |
GTI-ABBREV-DESC Element: Abbrev Desc | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) This is a free-form abbreviated description of the trade item that can be used to identify the trade item at point-of-sale or robotic distribution systems. |
GTI-FULL-DESC Element: Full Desc | Alpha 40 (Lower Case) This is the full description of the trade item, including variants. |
GTI-HEIGHT-MEASURE Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is measurement of the height of the trade item, the vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level the trade item height will include the height of the pallet itself. Business Rules: Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-HEIGHT-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the unit of measure for the height dimension of the trade item. |
GTI-WIDTH-MEASURE Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is measurement from left to right of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-WIDTH-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the unit of measure for the width dimension of the trade item. |
GTI-DEPTH-MEASURE Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is measurement from front to back of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-DEPTH-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 |
GTI-NET-CONTENT Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is the amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. In the case of multi-packs, it indicates the net content of the total trade item. For fixed value trade items, it is the value claimed on the package, to avoid variable fill rate issues that arise with some trade items which are sold by volume or weight and whose actual content may vary slightly from batch to batch. In the case of variable quantity trade items, it indicates the average quantity. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-CONTENT-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the unit of measure for the net content amount of the trade item. |
GTI-GROSS-WEIGHT Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is used to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level the trade item gross weight includes the weight of the pallet itself. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-GR-WEIGHT-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the unit of measure for the gross weight of the trade item. |
GTI-NET-WEIGHT Element: Measurement | Signed 14.4 This is used to identify the net weight of the trade item and applies to all levels but the base level. The net weight excludes all packaging materials of the trade item. For the base unit, the net content measure replaces the net weight. This needs to be associated with a valid UOM. |
GTI-NET-WEIGHT-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the unit of measure for the net weight of the trade item. |
GTI-CONSUMER-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This identifies whether the current hierarchy level of a trade item is intended for ultimate consumption. For retail, this trade item will be scanned at point-of-sale. At retail, this data is commonly used to select which GTINs should be used for shelf planning and for front end POS databases. This value reflects the intention of the Information Provider which may not necessarily be reflected by the retailer. This is Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is a consumer unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-ORDERABLE-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This is an indicator identifying that the information provider considers this trade item to be at a hierarchy level where they will accept orders from customers. This may be different from what the information provider identifies as a dispatch unit. This may be a relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is a Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is an ordering unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-INVOICE-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This is an indicator identifying that the information provider will include this trade item on their billing or invoice. This may be relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point-to-point agreement. This is a Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is an invoicing unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-SHIPPING-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This is an indicator identifying that the information provider considers the trade item as a dispatch (shipping) unit. This may be relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is a dispatch unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-BASE-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This is an indicator identifying the trade item as the base unit level of the trade item hierarchy. This is a Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is a base unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-VARIABLE-UNIT Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This indicates that an article is not a fixed quantity, but that the quantity is variable. It can be weight, length or volume. The trade item is used or traded in continuous rather than discrete quantities. This is a Boolean where Yes (1) indicates the trade item is a variable unit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-BAR-CODE-TYPE Element: Bar Code Type | Numeric 2 This is an indication if the trade item is physically bar-coded with the primary trade item identification number. 00 = No Barcode 01 = Composite Component A 02 = Composite Component B 03 = Composite Component C 04 = EAN/UCC 13 Symbol 05 = EAN/UCC 14 Symbol 06 = EAM/UCC 8 Symbol 07 = ITF 14 Symbol 08 = RSS 14 09 = RSS 14 Stacked 10 = RSS14 Stacked Omni-Directional 11 = RSS 14 Truncated 12 = RSS Expanded 13 = RSS Expanded Stacked 14 = RSS Limited 15 = UCC EAM 128 Symbol 16 = UPC A Symbol 17 = UPC E Symbol 99 = Other |
GTI-BATCH-LOT-REQ Element: Batch Lot Req | Numeric 1 0 = No Batch/Lot Number Required 1 = Batch/Lot Exists & Req by law 2 = Batch/Lot Exists But Not Req |
GTI-RETURNABLE Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 This is an indication whether the trade item has returnable packaging. This is a Boolean where Yes (1) applies to returnable packaging with or without deposit. 0 = No 1 = Yes |
GTI-DIET-ALLERGEN Element: Diet Allergen | Numeric 2 00 = None 01 = Approved for Tube Feeding 02 = Contains PVC 03 = Contains PVC with Phthalates 04 = Contains PVC W/O Phthalates 05 = Diet Product - 450-800 KCAL 06 = Diet Product - 800-1200 KCAL 07 = Lactase Enzyme 08 = Low on Phenylalanine 09 = Low Sugar 10 = Mothers Milk Substitute 11 = Nutrition Supplement 12 = Contains Latex 99 = Other |
GTI-STERILE-IND Element: Sterile Ind | Numeric 2 00 = None 01 = Sterile 02 = Extremely Clean 99 = Other |
GTI-PARENT-GTIN Element: Gtin | Numeric 14 |
GTI-DATE-AVAILABLE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date from which the trade item becomes available from the supplier, including seasonal or temporary trade items and services. This does not address backorder situations. |
GTI-TIME-AVAILABLE Element: Time | Numeric 8 This is the time at which the trade item becomes available from the supplier, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services. |
GTI-EFFECTIVE-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date on which the information contents of the master data version are valid. The effective date can be used for initial trade item offering or to mark a change in the information related to an existing trade item. This date would indicate when these changes take effect. |
GTI-EFFECTIVE-TIME Element: Time | Numeric 8 This is the time at which the information contents of the master data version are valid. The effective time can be used for initial trade item offering or to mark a change in the information related to an existing trade item. This time would indicate when these changes take effect. |
GTI-PUBLICATION-DT Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date on which all static data associated with the trade item becomes available for viewing and synchronization. |
GTI-PUBLICATION-TM Element: Time | Numeric 8 This is the time at which all static data associated with the trade item becomes available for viewing and synchronization. |
GTI-BRAND-OWNR-GLN Element: Gln Nbr | Alpha 13 This is the GLN for the brand owner of the trade item. |
GTI-PROVIDER-GLN Element: Gln Nbr | Alpha 13 This is the GLN for the information provider of the trade item. The information provider refers to the trading partner who is responsible for the GTIN message/information. GTINs may be published by multiple partners depending on their trading relationship. |
GTI-MANUF-CODE Element: Manuf Code | Alpha 4 This field contains a user defined code that indicates the manufacturer of an item. |
GTI-MANUF-DIVISION Element: Manuf Division | Alpha 4 This is a user defined code that indicates which division of a manufacturer is tied to an item. |
GTI-MANUF-NBR Element: Manuf Nbr | Alpha 35 This is the identifier that the manufacturer has assigned to an item. |
GTI-SHELF-LIFE-PRD Element: Shelf Life | Numeric 4 |
GTI-SHELF-LIFE-DEL Element: Shelf Life | Numeric 4 |
GTI-RECYCLABLE Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 |
GTI-RETURN-UNSOLD Element: Boolean | Numeric 1 |
Brandownergln | GLNLOC |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Icitemcode | ICITEMCODE |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Icmanfcode | ICMANFCODE |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Instctrycd | INSTCTRYCD |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Itemgroup | ITEMGROUP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Itemmast | ITEMMAST |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Parentgtin | ICITEMGTIN |
Not Required, Delete Cascades
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Procuregrp | PROCUREGRP |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Providergln | GLNLOC |
Not Required
RELATED FILE | INTEGRITY RULES / FIELD MATCH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Icitemgpc | ICITEMGPC |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Poitemven | POITEMVEN |
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