Bank Transaction
The Bank Transaction file contains Cash Ledger bank transaction records.
CB175 | CB222 | CB170 | AP195 | CB195 |
FIELD NAME | DESCRIPTION/VALID VALUES | UPDATED BY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CBT-CASH-CODE Element: Cash Code | Alpha 4 The cash code. Represents a bank account. Must be a valid record in the Cash Code file. |
CBT-BANK-INST-CODE Element: Transaction Code | Alpha 3 The bank transaction code. Represents a type of cash payment, bill of exchange payment, or bank service. Must be a valid record in the Bank Transaction Code file. |
CBT-TRANS-NBR Element: Transaction Number | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) A unique number used to identify the bank transaction. |
CBT-SUFFIX Element: Transaction Suffix | Numeric 3 The transaction suffix number. Represents the occurrence value of the transaction. |
CBT-BANK-INST-TYPE Transaction Code Type | Alpha 1 Indicates the type of bank transaction (based on the transaction code assigned to the transaction). Valid values are: C = Cash Payment Transaction. D = Bill of Exchange Payment Transaction. B = Bank Service Transaction. |
CBT-SOURCE-CODE Element: Source Code | Alpha 2 Identifies where the transaction was created. Must be valid source code. |
CBT-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The company number that initiated the bank transaction. Must be a valid record in the General Ledger Company file and a valid relationship record must exist in the Company-Cash Code Relationship file. |
CBT-VENDOR Element: Vendor | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) If the Source Code field = AP, this field contains the accounts payable vendor number associated with the bank transaction. Must be a valid record in the Accounts Payable Vendor file. |
CBT-CUSTOMER Element: Customer | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) This field contains the accounts receivable customer number associated with the bank transaction. This field is only populate if the transacion is a Return to Maker (RTM) record created in AR82. Must be a valid record in the AR Company Customer file. |
CBT-EMPLOYEE Element: Employee | Numeric 9 The employee number associated with the bank transaction. THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY USED. |
CBT-TRANS-IDENT Element: Transaction ID | Numeric 10 A unique system-generated identification value assigned to the transaction to make this record unique. |
CBT-PROC-LEVEL Element: Process Level | Alpha 5 The process level associated with the bank transaction. If the Source Code field = AP, must be a valid record in the Accounts Payable Process Level file. If the Source Code field = AR, must be a valid record in the Accounts Receivable Process Level file. If the Source Code field = CB, this field may be blank or must be a valid record in the Cash Deposit Process Level file. |
CBT-ISSUE-DATE Element: Issue Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The date of the transaction. |
CBT-RECON-DATE Element: Recon Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) Represents the date the transaction cleared the bank or was voided. |
CBT-ISSUE-BNK-AMT Acct Currency Issued Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the transaction in the currency of the bank account. |
CBT-ISSUE-BASE-AMT Base Currency Issued Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the transaction in the base currency of the company responsible for generating the transaction. |
CBT-RECON-BNK-AMT Acct Currency Reconciled Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the transaction recognized by the bank in the currency of the bank account. |
CBT-RECON-BASE-AMT Base Currency Reconciled Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the transaction recognized by the bank in the currency of the company responsible for generating the transaction. |
CBT-TRAN-ND Element: Acct Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the bank account currency. |
CBT-BASE-ND Element: Base Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the currency of the company responsible for generating the transaction. |
CBT-BNK-TRANS-SIGN Banking Transaction Type | Alpha 2 Indicates the type of bank transaction. Valid values are: CR = Bank Credit. DR = Bank Debit. |
CBT-ORIG-CNV-RATE Element: Curr Rate | Signed 14.7 The exchange used to convert transaction amounts from the bank account currency to the company base currency. This is the rate in effect at the time the transaction was created or entered. |
CBT-RECON-CNV-RATE Reconciled Exchange Rate | Signed 14.7 The exchange used to convert transaction amounts from the bank account currency to the company base currency. This is the rate in effect at the time the transaction was reconciled. |
CBT-ISSUE-TRAN-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the transaction in the currency of the transaction. |
CBT-BNK-CNV-RATE Element: Curr Rate | Signed 14.7 The exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to the bank account currency. |
CBT-BANK-ND Element: Acct Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the bank account currency. |
CBT-CURRENCY-CODE Element: Transaction Currency | Alpha 5 The currency of the transaction. Must be a valid record in the Currency Codes file. |
CBT-DESCRIPTION Element: Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The description of the transaction. |
CBT-REFERENCE Element: Reference | Alpha 10 (Lower Case) The reference value assigned to the transaction. Used for informational purposes. |
CBT-PERIOD-DATE Element: Period Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The ending date of the bank statement period the transaction was reconciled in. |
CBT-LAST-DIST-SEQ Element: Seq Nbr | Numeric 4 The last system-assigned sequence number assigned to distributions for a cash ledger transaction. |
CBT-REC-STATUS Element: Rec Status | Numeric 1 The status of the transaction in the Lawson Cash Ledger system. Valid values are: 0 = Unreleased. 1 = Open. 2 = Reconciled. 3 = Voided. 4 = Stop Payment. 5 = Stale Dated 6 = Escheated |
CBT-REINSTATE-FL Element: All Flag | Alpha 1 If Source Code = AP, indicates whether invoices associated with a voided cash payment have been reinstated by AP190 (Invoice Reinstatement). If Source Code = CB, indicates whether the voided transaction has been updated by CB180 (Cash Ledger Void Update). Valid values are: N = No. Y = Yes. |
CBT-PRINT-STATUS Element: All Flag | Alpha 1 Indicates whether the transaction has been updated as reported on by the bank transaction reconciliation. Valid values are: N = No. Y = Yes. |
CBT-DIST-APPLIED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The total distribution amount applied to the transaction in the currency of the bank account. If the Source Code field = CB, the transaction cannot be released until the total distribution amount equals the transaction amount. |
CBT-BASE-APPLIED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The total distribution amount applied to the transaction in the currency of the company responsible for generating the transaction. This field is used to balance the transactions distribution base amounts when the transaction amount is in balance. |
CBT-DIST-DATE Element: Dist Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The date used for posting the transaction to the general ledger. |
CBT-SERIAL-NUM Element: Serial Num | Numeric 8 A system-generated number used to group tape payment transactions. |
CBT-SUMMARY-OPTION Element: Summary Option | Alpha 1 Indicates whether the transaction is a summarized tape payment record. Valid values are: Y = Yes. Blank = Not a summarized tape payment record. |
CBT-REC-TYPE Element: Rec Type | Alpha 1 Identifies the type of bank transaction record. Valid values are: R = Cash Receipt Entry. T = Fund Transfer Header. D = Fund Transfer Detail. Blank = None of the above. C = CB Payment E = CB EFT Extract |
CBT-PAY-GROUP Element: Pay Group | Alpha 4 The pay group associated with the transaction. Used only if the Source Code field = AP. Must be a valid record in the Pay Group file. |
CBT-JRNL-BOOK-NBR Element: Jrnl Book Nbr | Alpha 12 The journal book assigned to the transaction. |
CBT-RECON-STMT-NBR Element: Recon Stmt Nbr | Numeric 12 The bank-assigned reconciliation statement number. Used only for cash codes that require reconciliation statements. |
CBT-STMT-STATUS Element: Stmt Status | Numeric 1 The status of the reconciliation statement associated with the transaction. Used only for transactions for a cash code that requires reconciliation statements. Valid values are: 1 = Open. 9 = Closed. Blank = Reconciliation statements not required. |
CBT-BANK-SIGN Element: GL Transaction Type | Derived Indicates whether the transaction represents a bank debit or a bank credit. |
CBT-RPT-ISSUE-AMT Element: Report Issued Amount | Derived The issued amount of the transaction stated as positive or negative. |
CBT-RPT-RECON-AMT Report Reconciled Amount | Derived The reconciled amount of the transaction stated as positive or negative. |
CBT-DRILL-DOWN-STS Element: Drill Down Status | Derived The status of the transaction. Used for drill down display purposes. |
CBT-RECON-VARIANCE Reconciliation Variance | Derived The amount posted to the general ledger reconciliation variance account for the transaction. |
CBT-SHORT-PAYEE Element: Short Payee | Derived A short vendor name for payments generated by Accounts Payable. |
CBT-JBK-SEQ-NBR Element: Jbk Seq Nbr | Numeric 10 The journal book sequence number assigned to a journal book transaction when it is added or interfaced to the Lawson system. Used only when Auto Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in GL10.1 (Company). |
CBT-SOURCE Element: Source | Alpha 1 The source of the transaction. Input or output. Input transactions are Accounts Payable. Output transactions are Accounts Receivable. |
CBT-TAX-FLAG Element: All Flag | Alpha 1 " " = Not interfaced I = Interfaced |
CBT-MAINT-DATE Element: Maint Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The date last changed. |
CBT-MAINT-TIME Element: Maint Time | Numeric 6 (hhmmss) The time last changed. |
CBT-USER-FIELD1 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field. It can be used to capture any data that the user wants. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBT-USER-FIELD2 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable field. This field can be used to enter any data that the user wants to capture for this item. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBT-USER-FIELD3 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field. It can be used to capture any data that the user wants. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBT-USER-FIELD4 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable field. This field can be used to enter any data that the user wants to capture for this item. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBT-STALE-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This field displays the system date when this was created. |
CBT-STL-ACCT-UNIT Element: Acct Unit | Alpha 15 The accounting unit is a shorthand notation representing the variable level number. When used in the General Ledger Account Master file, the accounting unit must be defined in the General Ledger Names file as a posting accounting unit. |
CBT-STL-ACCOUNT Element: Account | Numeric 6 This field along with the accounting unit and subaccount make up the location (account) where amounts and other account information is stored. |
CBT-STL-SUB-ACCT Element: Sub Acct | Numeric 4 This field contains the subaccount from your general ledger chart of accounts that was charged with the amount carried on this record. |
CBT-CSR-STMT-NBR Element: Recon Stmt Nbr | Numeric 12 The bank-assigned reconciliation statement number. Used only for cash codes that require reconciliation statements. |
CBT-CSR-STMT-SUFF Element: Suffix Code | Alpha 5 |
CBT-CSR-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This field contains the line number. |
CBT-CSR-RECON-DESC Element: Description 60 | Alpha 60 (Lower Case) |
CBT-CSR-TRANS-NBR Element: Trans Nbr | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) A unique, user-defined value used to identify the transaction. |
NAME | KEY FIELDS | DESCRIPTION / SUBSET CONDITION | USED IN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Apdrafts | APDRAFTS |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Aphset4 | ARPYMNTHDR |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Aphset5 | ARPYMNTHDR |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Cbadjust | CBADJUST |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Cbbalance | CBBALANCE |
Not Required
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Cbbankent | CBBANKENT |
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Cbbankinst | CBBANKINST |
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Cbcashcode | CBCASHCODE |
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Cbcpycash | CBCPYCASH |
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Cbrecpthdr | CBRECPTHDR |
Not Required, Delete Cascades
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Cbretpmt | CBRETPMT |
Not Required
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Cbstmtrec | CBSTMTREC |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Cbtrfhdr | CBTRFHDR |
Not Required
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Glsystem | GLSYSTEM |
RELATED FILE | INTEGRITY RULES / FIELD MATCH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apapphist | APAPPHIST |
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Appayment | APPAYMENT |
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Cbcheck Summ | CBCHECK |
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Cbdistrib | CBDISTRIB |
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Cbfttrans | CBFTTRANS |
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Cbpayment | CBPAYMENT |
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Cbrecptdtl | CBRECPTDTL |
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Cbtransaud | CBTRANSAUD |
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Cbtrfdtl | CBTRFDTL |
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