The contract funding file maintains the funding sources and funding rules for revenue method "F" (Multi-Funded) contracts. A contract may be funded by a single source or multiple sources. Funding sources may include one or many grants, funds, loans, and or bonds. Addition of this file allows the ability to bill multiple grant sponsors (customers) for a single project and also manage internal or non-grant funding and grant match requirements. The file maintains funding source, funding amount, priority, billable percent, match fund, and revenue GL accounts and activity revenue account categories. Funding amounts are entered in the grant or fund (GMGRANT) currency. Fund amount is exchanged to the contract currency and also stored on the file. All balance amounts stored on the GMCNTRFND are stored in both the contract and grant/funding currency. (Amounts are entered in fund currency and exchanged to the contract currency.) Use GM20 (Multi-funded Contract) to create and maintain Revenue Method = "F" (Multi-funded) contract records. Addition of this new revenue type or Multi-funded contract allows grant users to define project contracts with multiple funding sources. Grant funded projects don't typically have contracts. The contract for grant billing really represents the grant agreement or intersection between the project and project funding.
AC04.1 |
AC10.1 |
GCF-CONTRACT Element: Contract | Alpha 15 The contract number or identifier. The GMCNTRFND file contains funding source records for Multi-Funded Contracts defined as "F" Revenue Method contracts created via GM20 (Multi-Funded Contract). |
GCF-GRANT Element: Grant | Alpha 30 Grant or non-grant fund code or identifier. Grants are funds disbursed by one party (grantor) often a government department or agency to a recipient (grantee). Most grants are made to fund a specific project and require some level of compliance and reporting. Non-grant funds are internal or local funding the grantee contributes towards the project. |
GCF-PRIORITY-ORDER Element: Priority Order | Numeric 2 Funding priority order. Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) will use the priority order to determine expenditure allocation. Funding is processed in priority order. |
GCF-FUND-PERCENT Element: Percent | Signed 7.3 Enter the funding percentage. If a contract is only funded by a single funding source, enter 100%. If a grant funds a project and requires match enter the grant, funding percent and the match fund(s) and match percent. |
GCF-FUND-AMOUNT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Funded amount for the funding source. Fund amount is entered in the fund currency and is exchanged and stored in contract currency. |
GCF-FUND-CURRENCY Element: Currency Code | Alpha 5 Currency code for the funding source. Amounts are entered in fund currency and exchanged to contract currency. This amount represent the fund amount in fund currency. |
GCF-CURR-ND Element: Currency Nd | Numeric 1 Fund currency number of decimals. |
GCF-CNTR-CURR-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract currency amount. Funding source fund amount exchanged to contract currency is stored in this amount field. |
GCF-MATCH-FUND Element: Grant | Alpha 30 If a funding source is a match fund this field contains the grant the fund matches. |
GCF-EXPENDITURES Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source eligible expenditures is updated by Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120). This amount represents the project expenditures allocated or funded by this grant or non-grant fund. This amount is stored in the fund currency. |
GCF-RECEIVABLE Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source receivable or requested amount. This amount is updated by Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121). This amount represents the invoiced or AR receivable amount for grants. It represents the amount funded by the non-grant fund. Non-grant funds are not invoiced. The non-grant fund receivable amount represents internal invoice amounts posted to GL. |
GCF-RECEIPTS Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source cash receipts. This field is not currently used. |
GCF-REMAINING Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source remaining balance. Amount is calculated and stored in fund currency. Equals fund amount less eligible expenditures equals remaining balance. Remaining balance is updated by GM20 (Multi-Funded Contracts), GM120 (Grant Expenditure Allocation) and GM40 (Grant Fund Adjustments and Transfers). |
GCF-AMT-TO-CLAIM Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source amount to claim. This field is not used currently. |
GCF-FUND-GL-CODE Element: Gl Code | Alpha 4 A GL code is short cut code which represents a general ledger account for posting to the General Ledger system. This field is required for non-grant funds. If this field is left blank, it will default from the non-grant fund. This field represents the debit entry or revenue offset account. This account will be debited when project expenditures are paid using match or non-grant funding (when GM121 is run in update mode). |
GCF-REVENUE-GL-CD Element: Revenue Gl Cd | Alpha 4 A GL code is a short cut code which represents a general ledger account for posting to the General Ledger system. This field is required for both grant and non-grant funds. If this field is left blank, it will default from the grant or non-grant fund. This field represents the credit entry or revenue account for the funding source. This account will be credited when project expenditures are paid using this fund (when GM121 is run in update mode). |
GCF-REV-ACCT-CAT Element: Acct Category | Alpha 5 Account categories are groups of costs, revenues, or a combination of both used for reporting and inquires for activities in the Activity Management system. Select a revenue type account category for posting grant and non-grant fund revenue to activities. If this field is left blank, it will default from the grant or non-grant fund. |
GCF-DFR-REV-GL-CD Element: Revenue Gl Cd | Alpha 4 Deferred Revenue GL Code. This field is not currently used. |
GCF-DFR-ACCT-CAT Element: Acct Category | Alpha 5 Deferred Revenue Account Category. This field is not currently used. |
GCF-CNTR-EXPEND Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 This amount represents the contract funding source eligible expenditures stored in contract currency. Eligible expenditures represent the project expenditures allocated to or funded by this funding source. |
GCF-CNTR-RECEIVE Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 This amount represents the contract funding source receivable or requested amount stored in contract currency. Receivable or requested amount represent the project expenditures invoiced to the grantor or funding source. |
GCF-CNTR-RECEIPTS Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source receipts. This field is not currently used. |
GCF-CNTR-REMAINING Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source remaining balance stored in contract curreny. Amount is calculated and equals fund amount less eligible expenditures equals remaining balance. Remaining balance is updated by GM20 (Multi-Funded Contract), GM120 (Grant Expenditure Allocation), and GM40 (Grant Fund Adjustments and Transfers). Projects added mid-project can update contract funding balances using GM54.1 (Contract Funding Balance Creation). Update of expenditures and requested reimbursement amounts via GM54.1 will also update the balance remaining. |
GCF-CNTR-CLAIM-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Contract funding source amount to claim. This field is not currently used. |
| ||||||||
Accntract | ACCNTRACT |
| |||||||||
Cntr Activity | ACACTIVITY |
| |||||||||
Dfrrevacctcat | ACACCTCAT |
Not Required
| |||||||||
Dfrrevenueglcd | ACGLCODE |
Not Required
| |||||||||
Fundglcode | ACGLCODE |
| |||||||||
Gmgrant | GMGRANT |
| |||||||||
Grantor | ARCUSTOMER |
Not Required
| |||||||||
Invoiceoption | ACCUSTOMER |
Not Required
| |||||||||
Matchgrant | GMGRANT |
| |||||||||
Revacctcat | ACACCTCAT |
| |||||||||
Revenueglcode | ACGLCODE |
Achisthdr | ACHISTHDR |
| |||||||||
Gmfndact | GMFNDACT |
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