AP02.2 - Reportable Income Group Entities
Use Reportable Income Group Entities (AP02.2) to assign accounts payable
companies and process levels to the reportable income group. This is a required step in setting up Accounts Payable for reportable income reporting. The company and reportable income group must have the same vendor group.
**Process at a Glance
1. Use Income Code (AP02.4) to define the income codes you want
to use to track a vendor's reportable income.
2. Use Reportable Income Group (AP02.1) to define a group that
associates a vendor group and tax identification number.
3. Choose the Entities button on AP02.1 to access Reportable
Income Group Entities (AP02.2). Use this subform to assign accounts payable
companies and process levels to the reportable income group.
4. Assign a reportable income code to a vendor class, to a vendor,
or to a reportable income invoice to track reportable income.
File created: Wed Jun 08 20:47:39 2016
Nogalis, inc.
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