This table contains the accounting information for Contract Management rebates
that have been received. These rebates can be received as non-AR cash
payments, AP credit memos or CB cash receipt deposits.
RDS-CONTRACT-GROUP Element: Enterprise Grp | Alpha 4 This field contains the identifier for a group of contracts that can be shared by one or more companies. |
RDS-CM-CONTRACT Element: Cm Contract | Numeric 15 |
RDS-REBATE-TYPE Element: Rebate Type | Alpha 25 |
RDS-DUE-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The rebate transaction due date. |
RDS-REBATE-SEQ Element: Seq Number | Numeric 6 This is the sequence number on the corresponding POREBRECD table entry. |
RDS-DIST-SEQ-NBR Element: Dist Seq Nbr | Numeric 6 A unique sequence number for the rebate distribution. This number will be the same as corresponding distributions in the APDISTRIB, ARDISTRIB and CBRECPTDTL tables |
RDS-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The company assigned to the distribution. This may be different from the company assigned to the transaction if an intercompany relationship is system. |
RDS-AR-BATCH-NBR Element: Batch Nbr | Numeric 6 The batch number associated with the AR transaction distribution. |
RDS-AR-INVOICE Element: Invoice | Alpha 22 This is used to identify the AR invoice. |
RDS-API-OBJ-ID Element: Obj Id | Numeric 12 A unique identifier assigned to an APINVOICE table entry. |
RDS-CB-CASH-CODE Element: Cash Code | Alpha 4 The cash code. Represents the bank account you are depositing cash receipt funds to. Must be a valid record in the Cash Code file. |
RDS-CB-BANK-INST Element: Bank Inst Code | Alpha 3 The bank service transaction code. Represents a deposit for the cash code. Must be a valid bank service type transaction code record in the Bank Transaction Code file. |
RDS-CB-TRANS-NBR Element: Trans Nbr | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) A unique number assigned to the deposit. |
RDS-DIST-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The distribution company assigned to the rebate distribution. Must be a valid record in the General Ledger Company file and a valid relationship record must exist in the Intercompany Relationship file. |
RDS-ACCT-UNIT Element: Acct Unit | Alpha 15 The accounting unit is a shorthand notation representing the variable level number. When used in the General Ledger Account Master file, the accounting unit must be defined in the General Ledger Names file as a posting accounting unit. |
RDS-ACCOUNT Element: Account | Numeric 6 This field along with the accounting unit and subaccount make up the location (account) where amounts and other account information is stored. |
RDS-SUB-ACCT Element: Sub Acct | Numeric 4 This field contains the subaccount from your general ledger chart of accounts that was charged with the amount carried on this record. |
RDS-ACTIVITY Element: Activity | Alpha 15 Activities are the processes or procedures that produce work. Cost objects (products, services, customers, and so on) are the reasons for performing the activity. |
RDS-ACCT-CATEGORY Element: Acct Category | Alpha 5 Account categories are groupings of costs, revenues, or a combination of both used for reporting and inquiries for activities in the Activity Management system. All transactions are posted to an account category within an activity. You can assign a specific General Ledger account or range of accounts (company, accounting unit, account, and subaccount) that make up the transactions posted to an account category using AC07.1 (Account Assignment). Period-to-date, year-to-date, and life-to-date balances are maintained by account category for activities. Account categories must be assigned to activities before you do any budgeting or transaction processing. Valid account category types are: cost revenue accrual pass thru |
RDS-TRANS-AMOUNT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Total rebate distribution amount received in the transaction currency. The currency rate will be stored on the corresponding POREBRECD table entry for conversion to the contract currency. |
RDS-TRANS-CURR Element: Currency Code | Alpha 5 Currency code for the transaction. |
RDS-CONT-CURR-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Total rebate amount received in the contract currency. |
RDS-CURR-RATE Element: Curr Rate | Signed 14.7 The currency exchange rate applied to the transaction to convert from the transaction currency to the contract currency. |
RDS-CONT-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 |
RDS-CONTRACT-DEPT Element: Contract Dept | Alpha 15 |
RELATED FILE | INTEGRITY RULES / FIELD MATCH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acacctcat | ACACCTCAT |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acactivity | ACACTIVITY |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apdistrib | APDISTRIB |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ardistrib | ARDISTRIB |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cbrecptdtl | CBRECPTDTL |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Glmaster | GLMASTER |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Glsystem | GLSYSTEM |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pocontgrp | POCONTGRP |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pocontract | POCONTRACT |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pocontreb | POCONTREB |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Porebdue | POREBDUE |
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