The Bank file contains bank records. A bank represents a financial institution location.
AP150 | AR09.1 | AR09.2 | AR10.1 | AR301 | AR501 |
AR550 | CB170 | CB175 | CB286 | CB55.1 | MX123 |
MX500 | TX140 | AP167 | CB01.1 | CB01.7 | CBBC.1 |
CBE-BANK-ENTITY Element: Bank | Alpha 15 The unique identifier assigned to the bank location. |
CBE-BANK-NAME Element: Bank Name | Alpha 60 (Lower Case) The name of the bank location. |
CBE-BRANCH-NAME Element: Bank Name | Alpha 60 (Lower Case) The name of the bank. |
CBE-ADDR1 Element: Address 1 | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The first line of address information for the bank location. |
CBE-ADDR2 Element: Address 2 | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The second line of address information for the bank location. |
CBE-ADDR3 Element: Address 3 | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The third line of address information for the bank location. |
CBE-ADDR4 Element: Address 4 | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The fourth line of address information for the bank location. |
CBE-CITY-ADDR5 Element: City or Address 5 | Alpha 18 (Lower Case) The city or fifth line of address information for the bank location. |
CBE-STATE-PROV Element: State or Province | Alpha 2 The state or province for the bank address. |
CBE-POSTAL-CODE Element: Postal Code | Alpha 10 (Lower Case) The postal code for the bank address. |
CBE-COUNTY Element: County | Alpha 25 (Lower Case) The county for the company address. |
CBE-COUNTRY Element: Country | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The country for the bank address. Can also be used for additional information such as an attention name. |
CBE-CONTACT-DESC Element: Contact | Alpha 30 The name of the contact person for the bank location. |
CBE-PHONE-PREFIX Element: Phone Prefix | Alpha 6 The telephone number country code for the bank location. |
CBE-PHONE-NUMBER Element: Phone Number | Alpha 15 The telephone number for the bank location. |
CBE-PHONE-EXT Element: Phone Extension | Alpha 5 The telephone extension number for the bank location. |
CBE-FAX-PREFIX Element: Fax Prefix | Alpha 6 The fax machine telephone number country code for the bank location. |
CBE-FAX-NUMBER Element: Fax Number | Alpha 15 The fax machine telephone number for the bank location. |
CBE-FAX-EXT Element: Fax Extension | Alpha 5 The fax machine telephone extension number for the bank location. |
CBE-CHG-ACCT-CODE Element: Charge Account | Numeric 1 The charge account for the bank. Used for payments transmitted electronically using the SWIFT system. Indicates which account should be charged. Valid values are: 1 = Principals base account. 2 = Principals foreign account. 3 = Beneficiary. |
CBE-USED-FLAG Element: Used Flag | Alpha 1 Indicates whether the bank has been used. Valid values are: Y = Yes. N = No. |
CBE-COUNTRY-CODE Element: Country Code | Alpha 2 The country code. Required for VAT and intrastat reporting. Must be defined in IN01.1 (Country Maintenance). |
NAME | KEY FIELDS | DESCRIPTION / SUBSET CONDITION | USED IN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cbcashcode | CBCASHCODE |
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