PR125 - Employee Wages for Employment Health Tax

Run Employee Wages for EHT (PR125) to report the gross wages plus taxable benefits to calculate the Employer Health Tax (EHT). PR125 reports andcalculates gross payroll wages totals for a prior date range. **Process at a Glance 1. Define deductions for income tax and EHT on Deduction (PR05.1). 2. Assign the deductions on Canada Employee Taxes (PR13.5) or using required deductions. 3. Run PR125. 4. Run Earnings and Deductions Calculation (PR140). 5. Run remainder of payroll cycle programs. **Processing Effect You must have deductions set up for province in come taxes and EHT. The income tax deduction must be calculated for payments during the date range you select on this form. If no income tax deductions were calculated within the date range, PR125 cannot report the gross wages used to calculate the EHT deduction. The Payroll application uses the wages associated with the income tax deduction to calculate the EHT deduction. When you run PR125, Payrollpopulates EHT Wages (PR05.4) with the gross wages and the effective dates for the EHT deduction. NOTE If you have employer health tax deductions for provinces that have exemption amounts you will need to indicate how the exemption amounts should be applied on EHT Exemptions (PR05.5) each year based on how youremployer health tax account numbers are assigned to their Lawson process levels. **More Information Employers usually run this report for the prior month, but you can select any date range.

Updated Files
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
PRONWAGES - No Description Available.

Referenced Files
DEDCODE - No Description Available.
PAYDEDUCTN - No Description Available.
PAYMASTR - No Description Available.
PRPROVINCE - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.
PRTAXAUTH - No Description Available.

File created: Thu Jun 09 02:31:30 2016

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