This table contains the transaction information for rebate payments received
on a contract.
RRC-CONTRACT-GROUP Element: Enterprise Grp | Alpha 4 This field contains the identifier for a
group of contracts that can be shared by
one or more companies.
RRC-CM-CONTRACT Element: Cm Contract | Numeric 15
RRC-REBATE-TYPE Element: Rebate Type | Alpha 25
RRC-DUE-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The rebate due date for a CM contract.
RRC-REBATE-SEQ Element: Seq Number | Numeric 6 A unique sequence number for this rebate
RRC-DOC-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The document date for the rebate
RRC-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The company assigned to the rebate
RRC-AR-BATCH-NBR Element: Batch Nbr | Numeric 6 This identifies the batch to which the
entered payments belong.
RRC-AR-INVOICE Element: Invoice | Alpha 22 This is used to identify the AR invoice.
RRC-API-OBJ-ID Element: Obj Id | Numeric 12 A unique identifier assigned to an
APINVOICE table entry.
RRC-CB-CASH-CODE Element: Cash Code | Alpha 4 The cash code. Represents the bank
account you are depositing cash receipt
funds to. Must be a valid record in the
Cash Code file.
RRC-CB-BANK-INST Element: Bank Inst Code | Alpha 3 The bank service transaction code.
Represents a deposit for the cash code.
Must be a valid bank service type
transaction code record in the Bank
Transaction Code file.
RRC-CB-TRANS-NBR Element: Trans Nbr | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) A unique number assigned to the deposit.
RRC-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1 This field displays the status of the
0 = Entered 1 = Cancelled/Voided |
RRC-TRANS-AMOUNT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Total rebate amount received in the
transaction currency.
RRC-TRANS-CURR Element: Currency Code | Alpha 5 Currency code for the transaction.
RRC-CONT-CURR-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Total rebate amount received in the
contract currency.
RRC-CURR-RATE Element: Curr Rate | Signed 14.7 The currency exchange rate applied to
the transaction to convert from the
transaction currency to the contract
RRC-PAYMENT-NBR Element: Payment Nbr | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) This is the payment number for the
transaction. This can be a check number,
wire transfer number, or any other
number that identifies the transaction.
RRC-LAST-DIST-SEQ Element: Seq Number | Numeric 6