HPR-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 Identifies the AP company if the
resource type = V. Identifies the HR
company if the resource type = E. It is
blank for type A, P or Q resources.
HPR-VISIT-NBR Element: Visit Nbr | Alpha 12 This is the identifier that makes a
visit unique with a company.
HPR-REV-CENTER Element: Rev Center | Alpha 5 The revenue center is the department
that charges are associated with.
HPR-CHARGE-NBR Element: A4comp Name | Alpha 80 The number used by the patient billing
system to charge patients for items
HPR-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item
HPR-CHARGE-SEQ Element: Seq Nbr | Numeric 4 This field contains a sequence number
to make a record's key unique.
HPR-QUANTITY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 This field contains the desired
HPR-DATE-OF-CHRG Element: Date Of Chrg | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date the supply was given
to the patient.
HPR-FROM-LOCATION Element: Location | Alpha 5 This field contains the location that
was the source of the supplies.
HPR-UPDATE-DATE Element: Update Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This field contains the date the record
was updated.
HPR-UPDATE-TIME Element: Update Time | Numeric 6 This field contains the system time
when the record was updated.
HPR-BATCH-NBR Element: Batch Nbr | Numeric 6 This is the identifier used to control
charges being sent to a patient billing
system. This batch number will be blank
until the charge has been sent to
billing. Then it will contain the batch
number so it is not sent on subsequent
runs. The charge cannot be changed once
is has been sent to billing.
HPR-UNIT-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
HPR-PRICE Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 This is the unit price of the item
charged to the patient.
HPR-FICA-NBR Element: Fica Nbr | Alpha 20