Acct Receivables Payment Batch
The AR Payment Batch file contains the batch header information for payments entered into the system. Batch header records include balancing controls, transaction dates, currency indicators and other information regarding all payments in that batch.
AR01.1 | AR13.1 | AR13.2 |
ARLL.1 | CB06.1 | CB06.2 | CB191 |
APH-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The number representing an AR company. |
APH-BATCH-NBR Element: Batch Nbr | Numeric 6 This is the identifying number of a group of payments within a company. There is a company option to have this number assigned automatically or manually entered. |
APH-PROCESS-LEVEL Element: Process Level | Alpha 5 This is the process level of the batch. |
APH-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1 This is the status of the batch of payments. Valid values are: 0 = Open batch - unreleased 1 = Released batch |
APH-OPR-CODE Element: Opr Code | Alpha 10 (Lower Case) This will contain the operator code of the individual entering cash. This will either be a valid operator code or the individual's signon identification. |
APH-DEPOSIT-DATE Element: Deposit Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) Deposit date to be recognized for this batch of payments. |
APH-GL-DATE Element: Posting Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) General ledger transaction date for posting the entire batch to General Ledger. |
APH-CASH-CODE Element: Cash Code | Alpha 4 Cash code containing default general ledger cash account. |
APH-CURRENCY-CD Element: Currency Code | Alpha 5 Currency code tied to the cash code entered for the batch. |
APH-ORIG-RATE Element: Exchange Rate | Signed 14.7 The rate used to convert a transaction amount from a non-base currency to the company base currency. |
APH-CURR-MUDV Element: Curr Mudv | Alpha 1 Currency Multiplier or Divider. Mathematical technique used in conjunction with the currency exchange rate to convert the transaction currency amount to the company base currency amount. Valid values are: D = Divide M = Multiply |
APH-GROUP-RATE Element: Group Exchange Rate | Signed 14.7 The rate used to convert a transaction amount from a currency that differs from the customer group currency to the customer group currency. |
APH-GROUP-MUDV Element: Group Mudv | Alpha 1 Group Currency Multiplier or Divider. Mathematical technique used in conjunction with the group currency exchange rate to convert the company base currency amount to the group currency amount. Valid values are: D = Divide M = Multiply |
APH-BASE-CASH Element: Base Cash Amount | Signed 18.2 Total amount of cash in the company base currency for a particular batch. |
APH-BASE-RNA Element: Base RNA Amount | Signed 18.2 Total amount of the Received Not Applied account valued in the company base currency. |
APH-RNA-TOTAL Element: RNA Total | Signed 18.2 This will contain the transaction currency value of the RNA amount for type "P" payments. |
APH-LOCK-BOX Element: Lock Box | Alpha 2 Lock box code identifier for this batch. |
APH-LOC-BOX-BATCH Element: Lock Box Batch | Numeric 3 This will be the batch number from the lock box interface batch header record. It will be for reference purposes only. |
APH-BATCH-TOTAL Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Control total representing total amount of payment records in transaction currency for this batch. |
APH-BATCH-COUNT Element: Batch Count | Signed 5.0 Control total representing total number of payment records within this batch. |
APH-ADDTNL-AMT Element: Additional Amount | Signed 18.2 This will hold any additional charges that may have been incurred from the bank. This has no affect on the total amount of cash in the batch. Example: A charge for currency exchange transactions may be entered on the batch header screen. The offset general ledger account entered will be debited, and the general ledger cash account will be credited. |
APH-ACCT-UNIT Element: Acct Unit | Alpha 15 This will be the accounting unit that the additional charges will be posted to. The offset will be the cash account of that batch. |
APH-ACCOUNT Element: Account | Numeric 6 This will be the account that the additional charges will be posted to. The offset will be the cash account of that batch. |
APH-SUB-ACCT Element: Sub Acct | Numeric 4 This will be the sub-account the additional charges will be posted to. The offset will be the cash account of that batch. |
APH-DETAIL-TOTAL Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Detail total representing actual total of payment records in transaction currency entered for this batch. |
APH-DETAIL-COUNT Element: Detail Count | Signed 5.0 Detail count representing actual number of payment records entered in this batch. |
APH-LAST-LOG-SEQ Element: Seq Number | Numeric 6 Sequence counter representing order of record input within a batch. This field is used for sequential batch reviews and record uniqueness. |
APH-ORIG-ND Element: Number of Decimals | Numeric 1 Currency decimal indicator. |
APH-REFERENCE Element: Reference | Alpha 10 (Lower Case) The batch header reference. |
APH-NOT-APPLD-CD Element: RNA Code | Alpha 4 The default received not applied GL code. The general ledger account represented by this code will be debited for each payment applied, if a prepayment GL code is not present for that payment. |
APH-PRE-PAY-CODE Element: Prepayment Code | Alpha 4 The default prepayment GL code. The general ledger account represented by this code will be debited for each payment applied, if a received not applied GL code is not present for that payment. |
APH-DEP-INST-CODE Deposit Bank Transaction Code | Alpha 3 The deposit bank transaction code of the payment header. It must exist in the Lawson Cash Ledger system. |
APH-TRANS-IDENT Element: Transaction ID | Numeric 10 A unique CB system-generated identification value assigned to the transaction to make the interface CB deposit transaction record unique. |
APH-ADJ-INST-CODE Adjustment Bank Trans Code | Alpha 3 The adjustment bank transaction code of the payment header. It must be set up in the Lawson Cash Ledger system. |
APH-ADJ-TRANS-IDNT Adjustment Trans ID Code | Numeric 10 A unique CB system-generated identification value assigned to the transaction to make the interface adjustment CB transaction record unique. |
APH-JRNL-BOOK-NBR Element: Journal Book Number | Alpha 12 This field contains the journal book number for the payment batch header. |
APH-RECON-STMT-NBR Bank Statement Number | Numeric 12 The bank-assigned reconciliation statement number. Used only for cash codes that require reconciliation statements. |
APH-JBK-SEQ-NBR Element: Jbk Seq Nbr | Numeric 10 The journal book sequence number assigned to a journal book transaction when it is added or interfaced to the Lawson system. Used only when Auto Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in GL10.1 (Company). |
APH-ORIG-CODE Element: Orig Code | Alpha 1 |
APH-CB-USER-FIELD1 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 |
APH-CB-USER-FIELD2 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 |
APH-CB-USER-FIELD3 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 |
APH-CB-USER-FIELD4 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 |
| ||||||||||||||
Ar Company | ARCOMP |
| ||||||||||||
Ar Lock Box | ARLOCKBOX |
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Ar Process Lvl | ARPROCLEVL |
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Aroptr | AROPTR |
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Arupmnthdr | ARUPMNTHDR |
Not Required
Ar Pymnt Detls | ARPAYMENT |
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