How to add a new user using Infor Cloudsuite

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Infor Cloudsuite allows you to add users into Lawson more easily then the traditional method of adding the user via Lawson Security Administrator or LID via the loaduser command.   Login into Cloudsuite and Create a Service Request …

Innovative Ways Tech Has Benefited 3 Different Groups

Technology is a double-edged sword. some tech can be beneficial, others a disaster if used incorrectly. Yet there is little to no doubt that technological innovations make for a better, forward moving society. Entrepreneur Serenity Gibbons…

How To Choose A CRM In Six Easy Steps

The competitive landscape of any industry is as oversaturated as ever. Great customer relationships is the key to establishing  your business in the marketplace. This is where customer relationship management, or CRM, comes in. A CRM can help…

Main Challenges Of Mergers And Acquisitions

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In many mergers and acquisitions (M & As), retention problems can lead to negative employee attitudes. High-level organizations can lose influential executives and board members, which can damage the deal's success, and corporate culture…

Valmet and Infor Continue Their Shared Journey to the Cloud

Valmet, a leading global developer and supplier of technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries, has chosen Infor CloudSuite for industrial manufacturers as a next step in the company’s ERP-enabled business…

PDLSET1 error in Lawson

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If you are getting an error message in Lawson Security Administrator that references “No record found for given key PDLSET1 in PRODLINE”, it is possible that your Lawson instance has lost connection from the database and is unable to recover. …

Five Characteristics To Look For In A Highly Effective MES

A manufacturing execution system (MES) is the foundation for just about every smart manufacturing endeavor in the modern digital and industrial age. A MES supports a number of capabilities from data collections to enterprise resource planning…

A workaround for TLSv1 error after java update

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With the latest java update, some instances of Lawson are throwing exceptions.  The portal is throwing a 404 error, and SSOCfgInfoServlet throws a 500 error.   In this scenario, the security_authen.log is throwing an exception “Failed…
