Infor buys GT Nexus to strengthen manufacturing ERP cloud

Earlier this month, Infor acquired supply chain management cloud software GT Nexus for $675 million, a move to broaden the capabilities of its Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) software. With customers including the likes of Adidas Group,…

11 Performance Enhancers For Your Lawson Environment

Ever wish you could boost the performance of your Lawson application and just make it go faster? Are you tired of having to tell your users that you’ve tried everything and all that is possible is buying more hardware? Watch this webinar…

How predictive analytics will revolutionize healthcare

An academic medical center in New Hampshire is working to revolutionize healthcare with predictive analytics, wearable devices and the cloud. "It's important to think about healthcare being on the precipice of what I think of as an industrial…

Troubleshooting Lawson Security

Learn how to troubleshoot and debug Lawson Security. This webinar will focus on the tools available and methods to address common issues with Lawson security. The webinar will include a document that can be downloaded with all the necessary…

Lawson Security

Implementing Lawson Security is a relatively simple and straightforward procedure. If you are planning on taking on this challenge in-house we encourage you to follow the following steps: Spend time on gathering your requirements. This…

How to Find an ERP System That’s Easy to Use

If you're trying to find a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to use for  your business, consider the following when choosing the system for you: Simplify your business processes first - you should always look to simplify your…

3 ways cloud is changing ERP forever

According to Unit4 CTO Erik Tiden, Cloud is changing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and altering the way we think about applications, organization and business models. The ongoing growth of cloud is the key to improving our experience of…

Dynamics CRM Now Apple Watch App

Thanks to a collaboration between Microsoft and Webfortis, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) professionals can use the Apple Watch app to check on the latest status of accounts with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM integrated application. According…

Nearly a dozen fake participants caught for re-enrollment

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that 11 fictitious Obamacare applicants were able to re-enroll into subsidized plans for a second year, receiving a total of $30,000 in subsidies. The administration has flagged six of the enrollees…
