RQ40.1 - Requisitions by Location

Use Requisitions by Location (RQ40.1) to inquire on the specific requisitions for a requesting location or requester within the requesting location. You can only inquire on the following: 1=Unreleased, 2=Needs Approval, 3=Rejected, 4=Processed, 5=Closed, 6=All (default) requisitions for the requesting location, or 7=In Process. **More Information The description of the first item on the requisition is displayed to help identify the desired requisition. To inquire on a specific requisition, use the selection code value X to select the requisition and transfer toanother inquiry or entry form.

Updated Files
REQHEADER - No Description Available.
REQLINE - No Description Available.

Referenced Files

File created: Thu Jun 09 11:28:48 2016

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