IC47.1 - Cost History

Use Cost History (IC47.1) to view cost history for inventory quantities received at a specific location. Incoming transactions are created in the Inventory Control, Purchasing, Order Entry, and Requisitions applications. Inventory receiving records are created as a result of the following incoming transaction types: receipts (RC), adjustments (AJ), transfers (IR), intransit receivings (RT), requisition returns (RR), purchase orders (PO), and customer and credit returns (CR). **Processing Effect This form displays cost history for incoming transactions by document code. Cost history includes the transaction type, document code, transaction line, transaction date, transaction time, unit cost, received quantity, and the unused portion of the received quantity. Document codes are used to identify transaction(s) when they are created. Transaction dates are defined in the source form directly or when documents are released to the Inventory Control application depending on the transaction. This form lets you list documents by document code or transaction date and youcan list document codes and trans dates beginning with a specific value. To view a specific record in a selected form, select the line action X and the Transfer form action. Then, select a form.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:17:43 2016

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