ZH568 - Reed Employee Census Interface

Reed Group manages an extraordinary amount of employee data during the course of administering Absence Management programs. A Client Roster File (also referred to as an Eligibility File) is valuable in providing a listing of employees and their basic demographic data based on the Clients payroll and HRrecords. The Client Roster File is intended to be a full listing of all employees of the client company and is used to determine employee eligibility,communicate with employees and supervisors, and provides a structure for reporting on your programs. ZH568 creates the Reed interface file. Most fields are populated directly from HR11. Actual hours worked is calculated as sum of hours in pay class 750for the past 12 months. The check date starting point is calculated as current date minus 356 days. ZH568 is always run on Friday.

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File created: Thu Jun 09 11:16:22 2016

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