AM95.2 - Disposal Totals

Use Disposal Totals (AM95.2) to view totals for the asset disposal analysis online forms. Depending on the form from which it is called, the Totalsubform displays different information. **Processing Effect - If chosen on Disposal Analysis (AM95.1), the subform displays total basisand book value amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis. - If chosen on Disposal LTD Analysis (AM95.4), the subform displays totalbook basis, life-to-date depreciation, and book value amounts for the disposedassets included in the analysis. - If chosen on Disposal Gain/Loss Analysis (AM95.5), the subform displaystotal gain/loss and deferred gain/loss amounts for the disposed assets included in the analysis. - If chosen on Disposal Proceeds/Cost Analysis (AM95.6), the subform displaystotal sales proceeds or expenses incurred for the disposal of the assets included in the analysis.

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