CU10.1 - Exchange Rates

Use Exchange Rates (CU10.1) to define and maintain effective dates and exchange rates for a single currency relationship in a currency table.Exchange rates are used to convert an amount from one currency to another. You can maintain rates as often as once a day. **More Information You must define exchange rates for a currency relationship with a blank system code first. This becomes the default exchange rate between the currency codes. If AUTO is displayed next to the table name, an opposite currencyrelationship is autogenerated when a 'from-to' currency relationship is created. If you want to define different rates for each system code, define additional rates and select a specific system code. To define exchange rates for multiple currency relationships with a single effective date, choose the Daily Rate button to open CU10.2 (Daily Rate Entry). You must select Yes in the Currency Exchange field in the Currency form tab on GL10.1 (Company) to exchange rates for a company. NOTE You cannot define an effective date or an exchange rate for currencies that display as triangulated currencies, such as Euro-bound currencies. For such currencies, you must instead define exchange rates between each currency and the triangulation currency (in this case, the Euro). To define a currency relationship as triangulated, use CU02.1 (Currency Relationship).

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CUCONV - No Description Available.
CURELAT - No Description Available.

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CUCODES - No Description Available.
CURELAT - No Description Available.
CUTABLE - No Description Available.

File created: Wed Jun 08 20:49:48 2016

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