CB00.4 - Bank Transaction Definition

Use Bank Transaction Definition (CB00.4) to define transaction codes. A transaction code represents a type of payment, such as a check or bill of exchange, or a bank service, such as a deposit or service charge. Definetransaction codes for each type of payment and bank service you plan to use in the Lawson Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Cash Management applications. **More Information To define transaction codes for the cash payment documents and payment tapes you use in the Lawson Accounts Payable application, choose the Cash Payment button to open the Cash Payments subform. The Output Option you select determines whether the cash payments are manually created (no output), printed documents, or tape records. To define transaction codes for the bill of exchange payment instruments you use in the Lawson Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable applications, choose the BOE Payment button to open the BOE Payments subform. TheTransaction Origin you select determines who creates the bills of exchange. The Output Option you select determines whether bill of exchange payments are manually created, printed documents, or tape records. To define transaction codes for the banking transactions that debit or credit your bank accounts, choose the Bank Service button to open the Bank Services subform. You use bank service transaction codes in the LawsonAccounts Receivable and Cash Management applications. After you define transaction codes, use Cash Payment Formats (CB00.5) to define the format of each cash payment transaction code and Bill ofExchange Formats (CB01.2) to define the format of each bill of exchange paymenttransaction code you define.

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File created: Wed Jun 08 20:48:24 2016

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