WCO-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 Identifies the AP company if the
resource type = V. Identifies the HR
company if the resource type = E. It is
blank for type A, P or Q resources.
WCO-LOCATION Element: Location | Alpha 5 This field contains a valid stocking
location within the company inventory.
WCO-SHIPMENT-NBR Element: Shipment Nbr | Numeric 10 This field contains the shipment
number. One order can have several
shipment numbers if the items of the
order were not shipped at the same time.
WCO-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This field contains the line number.
WCO-COMPONENT-SEQ Element: Seq | Numeric 3 This field contains the record sequence
WCO-CREATION-DATE Element: Creation Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date that this line was
added to the requisition.
WCO-CREATION-TIME Element: Creation Time | Numeric 6 (hhmmss) The creation time.
WCO-INTERFACE-STS Element: Interface Sts | Numeric 1
WCO-SYSTEM-CD Element: System Cd | Alpha 2 This field indicates on what system the
transaction originated.
WCO-DOC-NBR Element: Doc Nbr | Alpha 10 (Right Justified)
WCO-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item
WCO-QUANTITY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 This field contains the desired
WCO-DETAIL-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 This field contains the desired
WCO-DETAIL-REQ Element: Detail Req | Alpha 1
WCO-UNIT-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5