TA148 - Canada Vacation Rollover

Run Canadian Vacation Rollover (TA148) to take vacation balances from one year and apply them to the following year's beginning balance. IMPORTANT Run this program after the last payroll of one year and before the first payroll for the following year. **Processing Effect TA148 uses the Rollover OptionType and Rollover Limit fields to determine whether limits are applied, and if so, how to calculate the number of hours to apply to the following year. Accrual dollars are prorated based on the hours to roll over. However, it may not be possible to get a completely accurate prorated dollar value due to employee wage fluctuations that could have occurred during the From Year. In these cases, you may need to use Canadian Vacation Adjustments(TA42.1) to adjust the new dollar balance. NOTE If you are consistently applying limits to the number of vacation accrual hours that an employee can hold, you may want to apply those limits on a pay period basis by using the maximum limits fields on Canadian Vacation Plan Master (TA40.1). If you use TA40.1 limits, the plan stops accruing as soon as the limits are reached. That way, you can run TA148 at the end of the year to without applying limits to the following year. Because TA40.1 is applying the limits every pay period, all employees will be within those limits at the time of the rollover. Below is a description of the rollover types you can enter in the Rollover Optoin field. The amount entered in the Hours or Percent Limit field aretreated as either an hours limit or a percentage limit. - Rollover no limit: The entire balance from the from year is transferred to the following year. - Rollover apply hours limits: The amount in the Hours or Percent Limit field are used as the hours limit amount. Only the accrual hours up to that limit are applied to the following year. The balance of hours are lost. The accrual dollars to rollover are prorated. - Rollover apply percent limit: The employee's level of entitlement from Canadian Vacation Hours Schedule (TA40.2) or Canadian Vacation DateSchedule (TA40.3) is applied as a limit. For example, if 100 is entered in Annual Hours Entitlement field of TA40.3 and 150 (percent) is entered on the Hours orPercent Limit field of TA148, then a maximum of 150 hours is applied to the following year. Any hours above 150 are lost. Again, accrual dollars to rollover are prorated.

Updated Files
CKPOINT - No Description Available.
EMTAMASTR - No Description Available.
EMTATRANS - No Description Available.
EMTATRNSUM - No Description Available.

Referenced Files
CAVACMSTR - No Description Available.
EMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
GLCODES - No Description Available.
HRSECLEV - No Description Available.
PGEMPLOYEE - No Description Available.
PLANMASTER - No Description Available.
PRHOURS - No Description Available.
PRPROCGRP - No Description Available.
PRSYSTEM - No Description Available.
PRTAXAUTH - No Description Available.

File created: Thu Jun 09 02:32:56 2016

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