PVN-PROCURE-GROUP Element: Procure Group | Alpha 4 Type or select a procurement group. A
procurement group is a group of
companies that share a common
procurement effort. They buy items and
services together.
PVN-VEN-AGRMT-REF Element: Agreement Ref | Alpha 30
PVN-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This is the line number.
PVN-AGMT-TYPE Element: Agmt Type | Alpha 1
C = Contract B = Blanket S = Standing T = Catalog/Quote V = Service |
PVN-VENDOR Element: Vendor | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) The vendor's identification code.
PVN-PURCH-FR-LOC Element: Purch Fr Loc | Alpha 4 The vendor's purchase from location.
PVN-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item
PVN-VEN-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item
PVN-NDC-NBR Element: Ndc Nbr | Alpha 15 National Drug Code.
PVN-MANUF-NBR Element: Manuf Nbr | Alpha 35 This is the identifier that the
manufacturer has assigned to an item.
PVN-DESCRIPTION Element: Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) This field displays the description.
PVN-DESCRIPTION2 Element: Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) This field displays the description.
PVN-BASE-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-COST-OPTION Element: Cost Option | Alpha 1
1 = Cost Required 2 = No Charge 3 = Vendor Determined |
PVN-BASE-PERCENT Element: Base Percent | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-CURRENT-PCT Element: Current Pct | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-BEG-NET-CST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-CURR-NET-CST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-DEFBUY-UCOST Element: Defbuy Ucost | Numeric 18
PVN-QUANTITY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 This field contains the desired
PVN-UOM Element: Uom | Alpha 4 This is the valid stock unit of measure
for this item.
PVN-UOM-MULT Element: Uom Mult | Signed 13.7 This field contains the multiplier for
converting this unit of measure to the
stock unit of measure.
PVN-MATCH-UOM-FL Element: Match Uom Fl | Alpha 1
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-SERVICE-CODE Element: Service Code | Alpha 1
Q = Quantity A = Amount |
PVN-MARKUP-DISC Element: Markup Disc | Alpha 1
M = Markup D = Discount |
PVN-STOCKLESS-FL Element: All Flag | Alpha 1
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-PRIORITY Element: Priority | Numeric 1 Indicates order of precedence for
contracts to determine costing defaults
for items.
PVN-HOLD-FLAG Element: Hold Flag | Alpha 1 This field enables this entire lot to
be put on hold, not allowing any issues
or transfers to be made for this lot.
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-ACCOUNT Element: Account | Numeric 6 This field along with the accounting
unit and subaccount make up the location
(account) where amounts and other
account information is stored.
PVN-SUB-ACCT Element: Sub Acct | Numeric 4 This field contains the subaccount from
your general ledger chart of accounts
that was charged with the amount carried
on this record.
PVN-ACTIVITY Element: Activity | Alpha 15 Activities are the processes or
procedures that produce work. Cost
objects (products, services, customers,
and so on) are the reasons for
performing the activity.
PVN-ACCT-CATEGORY Element: Acct Category | Alpha 5 Account categories are groupings of
costs, revenues, or a combination of
both used for reporting and inquiries
for activities in the Activity
Management system. All transactions are
posted to an account category within an
activity. You can assign a specific
General Ledger account or range of
accounts (company, accounting unit,
account, and subaccount) that make up
the transactions posted to an account
category using AC07.1 (Account
Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
life-to-date balances are maintained by
account category for activities. Account
categories must be assigned to
activities before you do any budgeting
or transaction processing.
Valid account category types are:
pass thru
PVN-BILL-CATEGORY Element: Bill Category | Alpha 32
PVN-AGRMT-MAX-QTY Element: Agrmt Max Qty | Numeric 10
PVN-AGRMT-MAX-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-ORDER-MIN-QTY Element: Order Min Qty | Numeric 10
PVN-ORDER-MIN-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-ORDER-MAX-QTY Element: Order Max Qty | Numeric 10
PVN-ORDER-MAX-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-PO-USER-FLD-2 Element: Po User Fld 2 | Alpha 2 Purchase order line user defined field.
PVN-PO-USER-FLD-4 Element: User Fld2 | Alpha 30 (Lower Case)
PVN-PO-USER-FLD-6 Element: User Fld3 | Alpha 15 (Lower Case)
PVN-TAX-CODE Element: Tax Code | Alpha 10 This field contains a code representing
specific tax information. This must be
valid Tax Code.
PVN-TAXABLE-FLAG Element: Taxable Flag | Alpha 1 Select whether or not the line is
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-TAX-USAGE-CD Element: Tax Usage Cd | Alpha 10 The tax usage code for the vendor.
This field is required if the AP Company
indicates that VAT reporting required.
PVN-LNBRK-QAFLAG Element: Lnbrk Qaflag | Alpha 1
Q = Quantity A = Amount |
PVN-LNBRK-QTYAMT1 Element: Lnbrk Qtyamt1 | Numeric 13
PVN-LNBRK-QTYAMT2 Element: Lnbrk Qtyamt2 | Numeric 13
PVN-LNBRK-QTYAMT3 Element: Lnbrk Qtyamt3 | Numeric 13
PVN-LNBRK-QTYAMT4 Element: Lnbrk Qtyamt4 | Numeric 13
PVN-LNBRK-QTYAMT5 Element: Lnbrk Qtyamt5 | Numeric 13
PVN-LNBRK-PERCENT1 Element: Lnbrk Percent1 | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-LNBRK-PERCENT2 Element: Lnbrk Percent2 | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-LNBRK-PERCENT3 Element: Lnbrk Percent3 | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-LNBRK-PERCENT4 Element: Lnbrk Percent4 | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-LNBRK-PERCENT5 Element: Lnbrk Percent5 | Percent 6.3 (Percent)
PVN-LNBRK-COST1 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-LNBRK-COST2 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-LNBRK-COST3 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-LNBRK-COST4 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-LNBRK-COST5 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-AMT-ORDERED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-QTY-ORDERED Element: Qty Ordered | Signed 14.4
PVN-LAW-ITEM-FLAG Element: Law Item Flag | Alpha 1 The Lawson item flag is used to
identify vendor items that should be
available for purchase in the Lawson
system. Entering Y in this field means
the vendor item should be available for
purchase and must be linked to a valid
Lawson item number. Vendor Price
Agreement Load (PO536) can be run to
link the vendor item to an existing
Lawson item number, or it can be run to
link the vendor item to a new Lawson
item number. How the new Lawson item is
created is controlled by the item create
flag on the agreement header. Only
records with a value of Y in this field
can be updated in PO25.
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-INPUT-ITEM Element: Input Item | Alpha 32 The Lawson item number input manually
by the user or included on the vendor
catalog file. This item number may or
may not be on the item master.
PVN-GENERIC Element: Generic | Alpha 10 A user-defined general name for an
item, used for searching for an item.
PVN-MANUF-AGR-REF Element: Manuf Agr Ref | Alpha 30 The agreement reference with the
PVN-LIC-CODE Element: Lic Code | Alpha 4 The Labeler Identification Code (LIC)
is assigned to any organization in the
healthcare industry. The LIC is used
with bar code technology to identify the
company that put the label on the
PVN-UPC Element: Upc | Alpha 15 Universal Product Code.
PVN-SKU Element: Sku | Alpha 15 The Stock Keeping Unit identifier.
PVN-UPN-NBR Element: Upn Nbr | Alpha 20 The HIBCC compliant Universal Product
PVN-UPN2-NBR Element: Upn2 Nbr | Alpha 25 (Right Justified) The UCC/EAN compliant Universal Product
PVN-ICSEGMENT Element: Icsegment | Alpha 2 Segment is the first level of the
UNSPSC code.
PVN-ICFAMILY Element: Icfamily | Alpha 2 Family is the second level of the
UNSPSC code.
PVN-ICCLASS Element: Icclass | Alpha 2 Class is the third level of the UNSPSC
PVN-ICCOMMODITY Element: Iccommodity | Alpha 2 Commodity is the forth level of the
UNSPSC code.
PVN-PURCH-MAJCL Element: Major Class | Alpha 4
PVN-PURCH-MINCL Element: Minor Class | Alpha 4
PVN-INVEN-MAJCL Element: Major Class | Alpha 4
PVN-INVEN-MINCL Element: Minor Class | Alpha 4
PVN-USER-FIELD1 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field.
It can be used to capture any data that
the user wants. The title of the field
is setup in IC00.
PVN-USER-FIELD2 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable
field. This field can be used to enter
any data that the user wants to capture
for this item. The title of the field
is setup in IC00.
PVN-USER-FIELD3 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable
field. This field can be used to enter
any data that the user wants to capture
for this item. The title of the field
is setup in IC00.
PVN-USER-FIELD4 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable
field. This field can be used to enter
any data that the user wants to capture
for this item. The title of the field
is setup in IC00.
PVN-USER-FIELD5 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable
field. This field can be used to enter
any data that the user wants to capture
for this item. The title of the field
is setup in IC00.
PVN-USER-FIELD-N1 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-USER-FIELD-N2 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-USER-FIELD-N3 Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-EFFECTIVE-DT Element: Effective Dt | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The effective date is the date the
record is first valid.
PVN-EXPIRE-DT Element: Expire Dt | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The expire date is the last date the
record is valid.
PVN-PREV-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-FUTURE-CST-DT Element: Future Cst Dt | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The future cost date is the date the
future cost becomes effective.
PVN-FUTURE-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-COST-UPD-DT Element: Cost Upd Dt | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The cost update date is the date the
base cost field was updated.
PVN-REC-UPD-DT Element: Rec Upd Dt | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The record update date is the date the
record was last updated.
PVN-ERROR-FLAG Element: Error Flag | Alpha 1 The error flag is set to Y to indicate
the record has an error. All error
messages for database POVAGRMTLN will be
written to a separate error database
Y = Yes N = No |
PVN-MANUAL-FLAG Element: Manual Flag | Numeric 1 The manual flag identifies records that
require manual input. A value of 1
means Yes the record requires manual
input, 0 means No it does not. An
agreement record can be set to require
manual input if a new vendor item is
loaded and the agreement header has an
item create flag of manual, or if there
is an error encountered when assigning
a Lawson item to the record. PO36.2 can
be used to display and update records
with the manual flag set to 1.
0 = No 1 = Yes |
PVN-DIST-CODE Element: Dist Code | Alpha 9 A user-defined code used to
automatically create expense
distributions or expense distribution
"shells" for invoices or to split an
invoice distribution into multiple
PVN-REBATE Element: Rebate Flag | Alpha 1
N = No Y = Yes |
PVN-REBATE-PERCENT Element: Percent | Signed 7.3 The percentage determines how much
retention is held. It can either be a
percentage of each invoice, or it can be
a percentage of a total.
PVN-REQ-LOCATION Element: Req Location | Alpha 5 The location requisitioning items.
This location can be an inventory or
noninventory location.
PVN-SS-EVENT-NBR Element: Ss Event Nbr | Numeric 8
PVN-COMMODITY-CODE Element: Commodity Code | Alpha 35
PVN-SS-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 Identifies the AP company if the
resource type = V. Identifies the HR
company if the resource type = E. It is
blank for type A, P or Q resources.
PVN-CONTRACT-GROUP Element: Enterprise Grp | Alpha 4
PVN-CM-CONTRACT Element: Cm Contract | Numeric 15
PVN-CSN-MRKP-DISC Element: Markup Disc | Alpha 1
PVN-CSN-BRK-QAFLAG Element: Lnbrk Qaflag | Alpha 1
Q = Quantity A = Amount |
PVN-CSN-BRK-QTYAMT Element: Whole Qty Amt | Numeric 13 Occurs 5 Times
PVN-CSN-LNBRK-PCT Element: Percent 3dec | Percent 6.3 (Percent) Occurs 5 Times
PVN-CSN-BRK-COST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 Occurs 5 Times
PVN-CSN-QTY-ORDERD Element: Qty Ordered | Signed 14.4
PVN-CSN-AMT-ORDERD Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-LN-BRK-LEV-FL Element: Ln Brk Lev Fl | Alpha 1
PVN-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1
0 = Unreleased 1 = Released 2 = Revisions in Progress 3 = Closed |
PVN-LAST-DIST-SEQ Element: Seq | Numeric 3
PVN-MANUF-CODE Element: Manuf Code | Alpha 4
PVN-MANUF-DIVISION Element: Manuf Division | Alpha 4
PVN-RETAINAGE Element: Flag Num | Numeric 1
0 = No 1 = Yes |
PVN-RET-PCT-1 Element: Pct | Percent 5.2 (Percent)
PVN-RET-PCT-2 Element: Pct | Percent 5.2 (Percent)
PVN-RET-UP-TO-PCT Element: Pct | Percent 5.2 (Percent)
PVN-RET-PCT-COMP Element: Pct | Percent 5.2 (Percent)
PVN-RET-OVRD-PCT Element: Pct | Percent 5.2 (Percent)
PVN-RET-INV-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-RET-INV-QTY Element: Rec Qty | Signed 13.4
PVN-CHARGEBACK-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-CHARGEBACK-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4
PVN-PVN-OBJ-ID Element: Obj Id | Numeric 12
PVN-AMT-REQUESTED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-CLOSE-COMMIT-F Element: Close Commit F | Numeric 1
0 = Commitment not cleared 1 = Commitment has been cleared |
PVN-CSN-CUR-NETCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5
PVN-REL-VEN-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32
PVN-VEN-ITEM-DESC Element: Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case)
PVN-AC-COMMIT-FLAG Element: Ac Commit Flag | Numeric 1
PVN-GL-COMMIT-FLAG Element: Gl Commit Flag | Numeric 1
PVN-DIST-CODE-CO Element: Company | Numeric 4
PVN-MEMO-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4
PVN-MEMO-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PVN-PROD-TAX-CAT Element: Prod Tax Cat | Alpha 15
PVN-REQ-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 A company to validate the requesting
location on the agreement line.
PVN-GTIN Element: Gtin | Numeric 14
PVN-SPEC-ITEM-FLAG Element: Flag Num | Numeric 1
0 = Item with Master File Record 1 = Special-type Item |
PVN-REASON-CODE Element: Reason Code | Alpha 4 This field contains the reason code,
which indicates the cause for putting
the agreement line on hold.
PVN-AGRMT-MAX-AOC Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Maximum Lifetime Add-On Charge amount
for this agreement line
PVN-AGRMT-MAX-TAX Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Maximum Lifetime Tax amount for this
agreement line
PVN-DESCRIPTION3 Element: Description3 | Alpha 350 (Lower Case)