PMJ-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 Identifies the AP company if the
resource type = V. Identifies the HR
company if the resource type = E. It is
blank for type A, P or Q resources.
PMJ-REC-NUMBER Element: Rec Number | Numeric 10 The receiver number. Assigned when
this receiving information was added.
PMJ-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This field contains the line number.
PMJ-MATCH-OBJ-ID Element: Obj Id | Numeric 12 This is the object identifier. It is
used to relate commitments or posted
transactions back to the originating
subsystems. Each subsystem record that
is updated as a commitment or posted
transaction is assigned an object
identifier. The object identifier is
maintained in the subsystem files and in
the Activity Commitments Detail and
Activity Transaction files. The object
identifier is a unique key used to drill
back from Activity Management to the
PMJ-MATCH-SEQ-NBR Element: Match Seq Nbr | Numeric 4
PMJ-VENDOR Element: Vendor | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) The vendor's identification code.
PMJ-INVOICE Element: Invoice | Alpha 22 Used to identify the invoice.
PMJ-SUFFIX Element: Suffix | Numeric 3 This is the suffix for the invoice.
PMJ-PO-NUMBER Element: Po Number | Alpha 14 (Right Justified) This field contains the number
representing the purchase order.
PMJ-PO-RELEASE Element: Po Release | Numeric 4 Used to identify a purchase order
release (created from a Blanket or
Standing order).
PMJ-PO-CODE Element: Po Code | Alpha 4 This is the purchase order code.
PMJ-PO-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This field contains the line number.
PMJ-ITEM Element: Item | Alpha 32 This field contains the item
PMJ-MATCH-DTL-KEY Element: Match Dtl Key | Alpha 85
PMJ-MATCHED-QTY Element: Rec Qty | Signed 13.4 This is the total quantity to date
received for this ordered item.
PMJ-MATCH-UNIT-CST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 This is the cost on the PORECLINE at the
time of Match. PRL-MATCH-UNIT-COST. This
is not the cost that the invoice was at
for match.
PMJ-AOC-CODE Element: Aoc Code | Alpha 2 This field contains the identifier for
the add on cost associated with this
line item.
PMJ-TYPE Element: Type | Alpha 2
PMJ-TRAN-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) This is the date the record was created
PMJ-TRAN-TIME Element: Update Time | Numeric 6 This is the time the record was created.
PMJ-PO-COST-UPD Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 This is the cost that the PO Last Match
Unit Cost was updated to on the message
PMJ-CHARGEBACK-QTY Element: Chargeback Qty | Signed 13.4 This is the qty of the chargeback qty
PMJ-WRITE-OFF-QTY Element: Write Off Qty | Signed 13.4 This is the qty for the line that has
been written off.
PMJ-ARCHIVE-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 Qty on the line that is archived
PMJ-MEMO-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 This is the qty of the line that a memo
was applied against.
PMJ-MNR-REC-NBR Element: Rec Number | Numeric 10 This is the receipt number for the
receipt that clears a MNR qty that had
been written through a previous match
PMJ-MNR-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 Match Not Received quantity for the line
for the receipt.
PMJ-MNR-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 The PO Cost at the time the MNR is
PMJ-MNR-TAX-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 The cost of the tax on the PO for the
PMJ-MNR-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PMJ-MNR-TOL-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4
PMJ-MNR-TOL-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 This will be a cost difference-this
field will contain any difference in the
cost between the PO Cost and the Invoice
cost for the MNR qty.
PMJ-MNR-TOL-TAX-UC Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 This is a cost difference-this field
will contain any difference in the tax
cost between the PO Cost and the Invoice
cost on the MNR qty.
PMJ-MNR-TOL-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PMJ-ICV-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4 The Quantity that will be written to
PMJ-ICV-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 The cost per unit that is written to
ICV. This cost is the difference
between the PO and the adjusted cost
from the PO Cost Message or change to
PO20 after the matched qty is populated.
PMJ-ICV-TAX-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 Thecost of the tax on the PO for the
PMJ-ICV-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PMJ-ICV-TOL-QTY Element: Quantity | Signed 13.4
PMJ-ICV-TOL-UCST Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 This is the cost difference between the
invoice cost and the PO COst Adjustment
from messaging or a change to the PO
after the match qty is populated.
PMJ-ICV-TOL-TAX-UC Element: Intl Cost | Signed 18.5 THis will be a cost difference-the field
will contain any difference in the tax
cost between the invoice and the
adjusted po cost.
PMJ-ICV-TOL-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2
PMJ-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1
0 = Unreleased 1 = Released 2 = Processed 9 = Cancelled |
PMJ-OPERATOR Element: Operator | Alpha 10
PMJ-API-OBJ-ID Element: Obj Id | Numeric 12
PMJ-REC-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd)
PMJ-REC-CNV-RATE Element: Ent Cnv Rate | Signed 14.7