IC284 - Variance Explanations

Run Variance Explanations (IC284) to print a list of explanations by reasoncode for cycle count variances. Reason codes, entered in any count entry form (IC72, IC73, and IC74) or in IC76.1 (Variance Reasons), are used to explain variances found between item freeze stock-on-hand quantities and actual count quantities. Performing a physical inventory count using the Inventory Control applicationinvolves several steps. Entering reason codes to explain count variances is one of the last steps. Refer to the Inventory Control User Guide for instructions on how to perform physical inventory counts. This report is printed by company and can be limited to a specific location.You must enter a period and year range for this report. This report lists the total number of item lines assigned to a specific reason code. This total is broken down further to line counts by movement class and special count class. NOTE Reason codes are used to explain physical inventory count variances forreporting purposes only. They are not used to override the normal general ledger offset account set up for physical inventory in IC04.1 (General Ledger Category).

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CKPOINT - No Description Available.

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ICACCURACY - No Description Available.
ICCOMPANY - No Description Available.
ICLOCATION - No Description Available.
REASON - No Description Available.

File created: Thu Jun 09 02:20:06 2016

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