Cash Receipt Deposit
The Cash Receipt file contains cash receipt deposit header records.
CB10.1 | CB10.3 | CB10.5 | CB150 | CB180 | CB300 |
CB543 |
CBP-CASH-CODE Element: Cash Code | Alpha 4 The cash code. Represents the bank account you are depositing cash receipt funds to. Must be a valid record in the Cash Code file. |
CBP-BANK-INST-CODE Element: Transaction Code | Alpha 3 The bank service transaction code. Represents a deposit for the cash code. Must be a valid bank service type transaction code record in the Bank Transaction Code file. |
CBP-TRANS-NBR Element: Deposit Number | Alpha 10 (Right Justified) A unique number assigned to the deposit. |
CBP-TRANS-TYPE Element: Trans Type | Alpha 1 Determines if amounts or units are processed in each transaction. " " = Manual 1 = Wire 3 = Lockbox |
CBP-USER-FIELD1 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field. It can be used to capture any data that the user wants. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBP-USER-FIELD2 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable field. This field can be used to enter any data that the user wants to capture for this item. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBP-USER-FIELD3 Element: User Field1 | Alpha 30 This is the first user definable field. It can be used to capture any data that the user wants. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBP-USER-FIELD4 Element: User Field2 | Alpha 30 This is the second user definable field. This field can be used to enter any data that the user wants to capture for this item. The title of the field is setup in IC00. |
CBP-DEPOSIT-AMOUNT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of the deposit in the currency of the bank account. |
CBP-BASE-AMOUNT Element: Base Deposit Amount | Signed 18.2 The amount of the deposit in the company base currency. |
CBP-TRAN-ND Element: Acct Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the currency of the bank account. |
CBP-BASE-ND Element: Base Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the company base currency. |
CBP-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The company number associated with the deposit. Must be a valid record in the General Ledger Company file and a valid relationship record in the Company-Cash Code Relationship file. |
CBP-PROC-LEVEL Element: Process Level | Alpha 5 If using cash receipt process levels, this field contains the process level associated with the cash receipt deposit. Must be a valid record in the Cash Receipt Process Level file. |
CBP-DEPOSIT-DATE Element: Deposit Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The date the funds will be deposited. If left blank, the system date defaults. |
CBP-POST-DATE Element: Post Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The date used for posting the cash receipt deposit to the general ledger. If left blank, the Deposit Date defaults. |
CBP-CURRENCY-CODE Bank Account Currency | Alpha 5 The bank account currency defined for the cash code. |
CBP-EXCHANGE-RATE Element: Curr Rate | Signed 14.7 The currency exchange rate used to convert the bank account currency deposit amount to the company base currency. |
CBP-DEP-APPL-AMT Element: Applied Amount | Signed 18.2 The total cash receipt distribution amount in the currency of the bank account. |
CBP-BASE-APPL-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The total cash receipt distribution amount in the company base currency. |
CBP-DESCRIPTION Element: Description | Alpha 30 (Lower Case) The description of the cash receipt deposit. |
CBP-LAST-DIST-SEQ Element: Seq Nbr | Numeric 4 The last system-assigned sequence number assigned to distributions for the cash receipt deposit. |
CBP-REC-STATUS Element: Rec Status | Numeric 1 The status of the cash receipt deposit. Valid values are: 0 = Unreleased. 1 = Released. |
CBP-ACTIVITY Element: Activity | Alpha 15 The activity assigned to the cash receipt deposit. Must be a valid record in the Activity file. Activities are the tasks that make up an activity group. Activities identify work being done, such as work orders, phases, products, and so on. A variety of costs, revenues, or both make up an activity. The Activity Management system stores information such as responsibility and schedule for each activity. The breakdown of activity costs and revenues is defined by account categories. An activity must belong to an activity group. |
CBP-ACCT-CATEGORY Element: Acct Category | Alpha 5 The account category assigned to the cash receipt header. Must be a valid record in the Activity Account Category file. Account categories are the Activity Management accounts by which activity transactions are grouped for budgeting and reporting. Set up account categories for an activity before you do any budgeting or transaction processing. Using account categories, you can sort and combine incoming amounts into groups for reporting and inquiry on activities. |
CBP-JRNL-BOOK-NBR Element: Jrnl Book Nbr | Alpha 12 The journal book assigned to the cash receipt deposit. Must be a valid record in the Journal Book Header file. |
CBP-RECON-STMT-NBR Element: Recon Stmt Nbr | Numeric 12 The reconciliation statement number assigned to the cash receipt deposit. Used only for cash codes that require reconciliation statements. |
CBP-JBK-SEQ-NBR Element: Jbk Seq Nbr | Numeric 10 The journal book sequence number assigned to a journal book transaction when it is added or interfaced to the Lawson system. Used only when Auto Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in GL10.1 (Company). |
CBP-SEGMENT-BLOCK Element: Segment Block | Alpha 103 This field identifies the user analysis values included in the transaction. You can either type up to four values or use Define (F6) to open the User Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform to select the user analysis values you want to include in the transaction. If you choose to type values, use commas to separate them. For example: value1,value2,value3,value4 There are three conditions that affect how you can select user analysis values. See the User Analysis Entry form help or the Strategic Ledger procedures manual for additional information. |
CBP-SOURCE-CODE Element: Source Code | Alpha 2 A two character code assigned to a transaction to identify where the transaction was created. |
NAME | KEY FIELDS | DESCRIPTION / SUBSET CONDITION | USED IN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Cbbankent | CBBANKENT |
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Cbbankinst | CBBANKINST |
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Cbcashcode | CBCASHCODE |
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Cbcpycash | CBCPYCASH |
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Cbrchdbod | CBRCHDBOD |
Not Required, Delete Cascades
Cbrecptdtl | CBRECPTDTL |
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