Activity Billing
This file contains billing information from BR00.1 (Activity Billing). It includes billing information, such as the billing method, billing rates, billing ceilings, billable percentage, billing tolerance, tax information, as well as total billed amounts. ACBILL parameters can be stored at any level in the activity structure. A record is required at the contract level.
AC10.1 | AC120 | AC300 | BR00.1 | BR120 | BR122 |
BR130 | BR131 | BR140 | BR20.1 | BR20.2 | BR20.3 |
BR20.4 | BR20.5 | BR46.1 | BR46.2 | BR46.4 | BR521 |
BR530 | BR580 | BRIP.1 |
ACI-ACTIVITY Element: Activity | Alpha 15 Required key. This is the activity for the billing information. |
ACI-MAX-BILLING Element: Maximum Billing | Signed 18.2 This is the maximum billing for the contract. Total billings should not exceed the maximum billing entered. |
ACI-PERC-BILLABLE Element: Billable Percentage | Signed 7.4 Percent billable is the percentage of total costs that are billable. |
ACI-BILLING-METHOD Element: Billing Method | Numeric 1 The method used to calculate billings. The values are: 1 = Time and Materials 2 = Cost Plus 3 = Units of Production 4 = Milestone 5 = Pass Thru 9 = User Defined |
ACI-TOTAL-BILLED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The total cumulative amount billed for the bill activity. This amount is used to determine advance billing and unbilled accounts receivable entries for revenue recognition and billing. |
ACI-TOT-UNT-BILLED Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The total cumulative units billed for the activity. This unit amount is used to determine advance billing and unbilled accounts receivable entries for revenue recognition and billing. |
ACI-TOT-REV-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The cumulative revenue amount recognized for the activity. |
ACI-TOT-REV-UNIT Element: Tot Rev Unit | Signed 15.2 The cumulative revenue units recognized for the activity. |
ACI-TOLERANCE-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The billing activity tolerance amount. |
ACI-APPLY-TOL-AMT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of tolerance applied for revenue for the billing activity. |
ACI-APPLY-TOL-UNIT Element: Tot Rev Unit | Signed 15.2 Not used. |
ACI-RATE-FLAG Element: Rate Flag | Alpha 1 The Billing Rate determines if the rates are from a resource or a table. The values are: R = Resource T = Table |
ACI-TAX-CODE Element: Tax Code | Alpha 10 A code representing specific tax information for the activity. This must be a valid tax code in the Tax system. |
ACI-TAX-EXEMPT-CD Element: Tax Exempt Cd | Alpha 1 The tax exempt code, indicating whether the activity is taxable or tax exempt. The values are: E = Exempt T = Taxable |
ACI-SERVICE-LOC Element: Service Loc | Numeric 4 A user defined code identifying a customer's service location. |
NAME | KEY FIELDS | DESCRIPTION / SUBSET CONDITION | USED IN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acactivity | ACACTIVITY |
RELATED FILE | INTEGRITY RULES / FIELD MATCH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acbillx | ACBILLX |
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Acblrate | ACBLRATE |
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Acblratex | ACBLRATEX |
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Acceiling | ACCEILING |
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Acceilingx | ACCEILINGX |
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Acmilestn | ACMILESTN |
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Acmilestnx | ACMILESTNX |
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H Acblrate | ACBLRATE |
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U Acblrate | ACBLRATE |
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