Vendor Balance
The Vendor Balance file contains records of all vendor purchase and payment balances for each period of the current and last vendor group years.
AP10.1 | AP10.2 | AP100 | AP109 | AP111 | AP14.1 |
AP14.2 | AP14.5 | AP16.1 | AP16.2 | AP160 | AP161 |
AP240 | AP590 | APBD.2 | CB00.1 | CB10.1 | CB150 |
EE20.1 | EE20.2 | EE90.1 | EE90.2 | MA64.6 | MA64.9 |
MA95.1 | MA95.2 | MAED.1 | AR09.1 | AR09.8 |
FIELD NAME | DESCRIPTION/VALID VALUES | UPDATED BY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VBA-VENDOR-GROUP Element: Vendor Group | Alpha 4 The vendor group. Must be a valid record in the Vendor Group file. |
VBA-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 The company number. Must be a valid company in the Accounts Payable Company file. |
VBA-VENDOR Element: Vendor | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) The vendor number. Must be a valid record in the Vendor file. |
VBA-LOCATION-CODE Element: Location Code | Alpha 4 The alternate vendor location code. Represents an alternate remittance or purchasing location for the vendor. Must be a valid record in the Vendor Location file. |
VBA-BAL-CURRENCY Element: To Base Curr | Alpha 5 The balance currency defined for the vendor. Represents the currency in which balances for the vendor or location are stored and displayed. If left blank, the company base currency is used. Must be a valid record in the Currency Code file. |
VBA-TRAN-ND Element: Acct Nd | Numeric 1 The number of decimal places defined for the balance currency. |
VBA-LAST-PMT-DATE Element: Last Pmt Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The last date a payment was made to the vendor or alternate vendor location. |
VBA-LAST-PUR-DATE Element: Date | Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) The last date a purchase was made for the vendor or alternate vendor location. |
VBA-HIGHEST-BAL Element: Highest Balance | Signed 18.2 The highest open balance ever reached for the vendor or alternate vendor location. This balance applies only to vendor activity not yet deleted from the Lawson Accounts Payable system by AP300 (History Purge). |
VBA-CURRENT-BAL Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The current open balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location. |
VBA-DRAFT-BAL Bill of Exchange Balance | Signed 18.2 The current open bill of exchange balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location. |
VBA-CY-INC-WH Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of reportable income withholding for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the current year. |
VBA-LY-INC-WH Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 The amount of reportable income withholding for the vendor or alternate vendor location for last year. |
VBA-CP-PURCH Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times The purchase balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the current vendor group year. Note: The 14th period is used to store purchase activity dated after the end of the current vendor group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any balance in the 14th period will be transferred to period one of the new vendor group year. |
VBA-LY-PURCH Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times The purchase balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the last vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PAYMENT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the current vendor group year. Note: The 14th period is used to store payment activity dated after the end of the current vendor group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any balance in the 14th period will be transferred to the first period of the new vendor group year. |
VBA-LY-PAYMENT Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the last vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DSCTAKE Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the current vendor group year. Note: The 14th period is used to store discounts taken activity dated after the end of the current vendor group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any balance in the 14th period will be transferred to the first period of the new vendor group year. |
VBA-LY-DSCTAKE Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the last vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DSCLOST Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the current vendor group year. Note: The 14th period is used to store discounts lost activity dated after the end of the current vendor group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any balance in the 14th period will be transferred to the first period of the new vendor group year. |
VBA-LY-DSCLOST Element: Intl Amt | Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the last vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-GAINLOS Current Period Gain or Loss | Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times The net amount of currency gain or loss activity for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the current vendor group year. Note: The 14th period is used to store currency gain/loss activity dated after the end of the current vendor group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any balance in the 14th period will be transferred to the first period of the new vendor group year. |
VBA-LY-GAINLOS Last Year's Gain or Loss | Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times The net amount of currency gain or loss activity for the vendor or alternate vendor location for each period of the last vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-01 Element: Period 1 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the first period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-02 Element: Period 2 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the second period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-03 Element: Period 3 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the third period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-04 Element: Period 4 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fourth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-05 Element: Period 5 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fifth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-06 Element: Period 6 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the sixth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-07 Element: Period 7 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the seventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-08 Element: Period 8 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eighth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-09 Element: Period 9 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the ninth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-10 Element: Period 10 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the tenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-11 Element: Period 11 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eleventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-12 Element: Period 12 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the twelfth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-PMT-13 Element: Period 13 Payments | Derived The payment balance for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the thirteenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-01 Period 1 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the first period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-02 Period 2 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the second period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-03 Period 3 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the third period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-04 Period 4 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fourth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-05 Period 5 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fifth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-06 Period 6 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the sixth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-07 Period 7 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the seventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-08 Period 8 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eighth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-09 Period 9 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the ninth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-10 Period 10 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the tenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-11 Period 11 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eleventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-12 Period 12 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the twelfth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-TK-13 Period 13 Discounts Taken | Derived The amount of discounts taken for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the thirteenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-01 Period 1 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the first period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-02 Period 2 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the second period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-03 Period 3 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the third period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-04 Period 4 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fourth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-05 Period 5 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the fifth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-06 Period 6 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the sixth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-07 Period 7 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the seventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-08 Period 8 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eighth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-09 Period 9 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the ninth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-10 Period 10 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the tenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-11 Period 11 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the eleventh period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-12 Period 12 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the twelfth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-DISC-LST-13 Period 13 Discounts Lost | Derived The amount of discounts lost for the vendor or alternate vendor location for the thirteenth period of the current vendor group year. |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS Element: Nbr Pmts | Signed 6.0 Occurs 14 Times |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-01 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 01 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-02 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 02 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-03 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 03 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-04 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 04 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-05 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 05 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-06 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 06 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-07 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 07 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-08 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 08 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-09 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 09 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-10 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 10 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-11 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 11 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-12 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 12 | Derived |
VBA-CP-NBR-PMTS-13 Element: Cp Nbr Pmts 13 | Derived |
VBA-LY-NBR-PMTS Element: Nbr Pmts | Signed 6.0 Occurs 13 Times |
NAME | KEY FIELDS | DESCRIPTION / SUBSET CONDITION | USED IN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Apcompany | APCOMPANY |
| |||||||||||||||
Apvenloc | APVENLOC |
| |||||||||||||||
Apvenmast | APVENMAST |
| |||||||||||||||
Vbabod | VBABOD |
Not Required, Delete Cascades
Apapphist | APAPPHIST |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Apdrafts | APDRAFTS |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
Appayment | APPAYMENT |
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