AOH-COMPANY Element: Company | Numeric 4 Identifies the AP company if the
resource type = V. Identifies the HR
company if the resource type = E. It is
blank for type A, P or Q resources.
AOH-PO-NUMBER Element: Po Number | Alpha 14 (Right Justified) This field contains the number
representing the purchase order.
AOH-PO-RELEASE Element: Po Release | Numeric 4 Used to identify a purchase order
release (created from a Blanket or
Standing order).
AOH-PO-CODE Element: Po Code | Alpha 4 This is the purchase order code.
AOH-LINE-NBR Element: Line Nbr | Numeric 6 This field contains the line number.
AOH-STATUS Element: Status | Numeric 1 This field displays the status of the
0 = Unreleased 1 = Released |
AOH-VENDOR Element: Vendor | Alpha 9 (Right Justified) The vendor's identification code.
AOH-DROPSHIP-FL Element: Dropship Fl | Alpha 1 This flag indicates whether goods being
shipped by the vendor directly to a non
standard location need to have the
receiving process performed.
AOH-PO-LINE-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-RCVD-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-RJCT-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-RTRN-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-INVC-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-CHBK-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-AM-CREATE-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-AM-DIST-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.
AOH-CNCL-QTY Element: Item Quantity | Numeric 8 The number of units that make up the
asset item. Each unit of an item is
exactly the same as every other unit of
the item.