Panda Restaurant Group — the parent company of the largest family-owned and operated Asian dining concept in the U.S., Panda Express — recently selected Infor Expense Management (XM) to automate expenses, realize greater efficiencies, and streamline how the organization tracks travel and entertainment (T&E) spend for its multiple brands. Per the press release, Infor XM is one of the most flexible and configurable T&E expense management solution on the market, delivering real-time reporting for advanced T&E data visibility. It offers a modern and user-friendly experience design that streamlines all phases of the expense reporting process, including four modules for Expense Reports, Travel Plans, Payment Requests, and Timesheets. Users have the tools to improve the way they track, analyze, and control employee-initiated expenditures to realize important opportunities for cost savings. Further, application supports mobile usage and social collaboration, helps eliminate manual processes and delivers a consumer-grade experience built for enterprise users.



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When setting up an SMTP host and user email inbox for LBI and or Smart Notifications, you may want to consider using an MX (Mail Exchanger) Record for your next setup via direct send. This can not only save you on license costs, but also skip the need for setting up an inbox.


If you’re not a network admin and solely working within Lawson, you’ll need to reach out to one to setup the MX Record for you. You can also read up more on this topic here if needed.


Once setup, the network admin will send you an MX Endpoint URL similar looking to this:



  1. Now in LBI go to Report Administrator
  2. Under Server Administrator >> Select Email and Printer Settings
  3. Under Device Type Tools >> Select Manage Device Types >> Select Email
  4. Copy the MX Endpoint into the Host field, the From address could be anything you prefer
  5. Now go to Smart Notifications (if needed).
  6. Select Admin >> under Settings >> Select Install Validator
  7. Under Field 16, select “Click here to modify”
  8. Enter same settings:
  9. Now run some smart notification and LBI tests to verify all is working. Make sure you check your junk mailbox. Good luck!

Cloud technology and cloud usage has grown in importance for our everyday work, school, and personal lives. Despite the ease of use, there are major areas to focus on such as portability and connectivity, on reining in the cost of these elastic services, and on a rebalancing of cloud versus on-prem workloads. Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) writers Joyce Wells and Stephanie Simone share 11 cloud technology predictions from IT leaders for 2022 and the coming years.

  1. Cloud-native apps go to the edge
  2. “The Great Resignation” and IT talent shortage will create a push to cloud adoption
  3. 2022 will see the first public cloud vendor make its services available on another public cloud
  4. Revisiting cloud investments and best practices in 2022
  5. On-prem storage will increase in importance
  6. The marriage of cloud and edge computing
  7. Hybrid (everything) is here to stay
  8. Multi-cloud infrastructures will become mainstream
  9. Hybrid cloud is a reality and a multi-cloud strategy is a no-brainer
  10. The value of multi-cloud will be challenged
  11. A large-scale software supply chain attack will take down a major cloud computing service


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There are a few common reasons why scanned invoices may stop showing up in Lawson Portal via MHC’s IXDrill.


Reason 1 – IXDrill is outdated on the user’s PC and may need a newer version (assuming auto-update is not enabled or working).

Reason 1 resolution: The server’s version of IXDrill may have updated, you’ll need to contact MHC or your organizations Windows IT support to get a newer version installed of MHC IXDrill



Reason 2 – Error: Cannot connect to ixQueryEngine Server

Reason 2 resolution: The server’s IXQueryEngine process may have crashed and your organizations local IT windows support may need to reboot it. Alternatively, the server may have migrated to a new virtual machine and the URL in your IXDrill settings will need to be updated.



Reason 3 – Incompatible or Outdated Browser

Reason 3 resolution: Contact MHC to get a compatibility matrix for browser supported with the version if IXDrill you’re currently using or contact your Lawson support team to verify the browser in use is also supported with Lawson Portal.

The Infor Coleman AI Digital Assistant app is now available for Microsoft Teams. The addition to Microsoft Teams will help reduce adoption friction when rolling out the digital assistant to organizations that already use Teams in their day-to-day work. Per the press release, The Infor Coleman AI Digital Assistant provides a conversational interface to the Infor OS platform, the underlying foundation of Infor CloudSuites. It offers custom skills, a chat UX, and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. Additionally, as a digital assistant, Coleman uses a conversational UX and natural language processing to chat, hear, talk and, in the future, analyze images to help people work more efficiently. Further, The Infor Coleman Digital Assistant can help maximize human work potential by advising, augmenting, automating, and conversing with the user. Infor Coleman makes its AI capabilities easily accessible, as it is built on the foundation of the Infor OS enterprise application platform (EAP).


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There’s no doubt about it – cloud technology is ever more present and will continue to be present in our digital workspace. Looking ahead to where cloud computing will take us in the next year, Asim Razzaq, CEO of cloud cost management Yotascale, shares an article on of some key trends that span technology and social concerns.

More Teams Will Consider Migrating Their Workloads
“Depending on the skillset of the team you have to work with, migrating to multiple clouds can be an excellent strategy to avoid vendor lock in and cherry pick the best tools for each use case. Or it can be a drain on the engineering team as it creates more complexity and prevents teams from going “deep” enough on each cloud to get the most bang for the buck. Yet companies can be expected to invest deeply in cloud migration the year ahead.”

The Value of Multi-cloud Will Be Challenged
“Gartner predicts that by 2025, greater than 90% of enterprises will pursue a multi-cloud infrastructure and platform strategy. While almost all enterprises are now embracing some form of multi-cloud, it remains a challenge for teams to intimately know AWS, GCP, and Azure. To get the most benefit from a cloud and to get more cost savings, businesses need to go deeper and embed core services rather than building tools generically.”

Sustainability Will Hit an Inflection Point as Businesses Prioritize ESG
“As digital transformation and digital infrastructure increasingly becomes a key part of the modern economy, how businesses reduce their carbon footprint, treat their employees, and adhere to regulations in the industry are becoming bigger priorities in many organizations. As this concern grows, ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) is gaining momentum as a concern in the cloud market.”


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If you’re reviewing an Infor Process Automation log and notice the “Error: Unable to lookup RMI object rmi://localhost:16003/dbSecurity” or something similar firing on a FileAccess node, this means your bpm.ear config file got updated (possibly from an environment update) and needs to be fixed.

To resolve this, you’ll need to update the dbrmihostname field from “localhost” to the LSF server domain name in the bmp.ear file. See steps below.


To update the bpm.ear and bpm.war files follow the steps below:

  1. You must run the command from the same directory as where the bpm.ear file and bpm.war file exist:

cd %GENDIR%/assembly/products/bpm/jar

  1. Execute the perl script to rebuild the files, providing the new RMI port and hostname of your LSF machine:
    • perl %GENDIR%/bin/ <RMI_PORT> <HOSTNAME>
    • Example: perl %GENDIR%/bin/ 16003
  2. Redeploy bpm.ear in WebSphere from the %GENDIR%/assembly/products/bpm/jar directory.
  3. Generate and Propagate the Plugin in WebSphere.
  4. Restart Process Flow.
  5. Restart the LSF WebSphere Application Server(s).
  6. Restart the web server.
  • Improve Your Customer Service
  • Improve Your Customer Relationships
  • Increase Your Customer Retention
  • Leverage Detailed Analytics and Reporting
  • Increase Productivity and Effectiveness
  • Centralized Data Dashboard
  • Help You Manage Communications With Leads
  • Increase Your Sales
  • Automate Sales Reporting
  • Utilize Sales Forecasting Tools

Businesses small and large can benefit from a CRM platform. CRMs will provide better customer experiences by ensuring your employees know what information they need to collect about each customer, then leverage that data to provide excellent service and in turn increase revenue.


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Problem – PA100 Job goes into recovery with similar error:

 “Error connecting to Taxfactory11 – THE PROVISIONAL LICENSE IS NOW EXPIRED.”


  1. To resolve this issue, login to your MyBSI account at
  2. Go to your TaxFactory Tab on the Home Page
  3. Select Maintain Machine Key

  4. Click Add New Key >> Select Desired Version and enter Host Name where BSI is being hosted.
    1. Note: To verify current Host Name of license, open command prompt, change dir to where tf11lic.exe is located and type following command tf11lic -v

  5. One you enter the New Key Info, select the Request Server Key button
  6. You should now see your newly added Machine Key, click Save as File to download
  7. Copy the machinekey.lic file to the server where TF11 is installed and the tf11lic.exe is located
  8. In command prompt, cd to where tf11lic.exe is and type this command: tf11lic -i machinekey.lic

  9. Type tf11lic -v to validate if the license is valid.
  10. In Lawson portal, calculate a PR80 record to verify Lawson is connecting to BSI
  11. Connect to Lawson Interface Desktop >> jobschd >> recover PA100 job in recovery (or any other job that requires a valid BSI license that went into recovery)


That’s it! Good luck!

French wine company Sieur d’Arques has chosen to deploy Infor M3, with Infor partner Hectic3. Per the press release, the integration of this enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is part of a project to transform the information systems of Sieur d’Arques, which wants to benefit from the many advantages of a solution designed to respond precisely to the requirements of the wine business and its relationships with its producers, distributors, and resellers. The Infor M3 solution will be spread over two phases of 12 months each. One will be devoted to the commercial management part, and the other to all activities involving the cooperative. Further, it will occupy a team of nine people within the Maison Sieur d’Arques accompanied from start to finish by the Infor and Hetic3 teams.


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