While it has been here for a while, Cryptocurrency made more of a noise in 2021. Critics have pointed to crypto’s massive environmental footprint, as well as its popularity in online crime. The general public is showing more interest than ever. With the rise of this digital currency, there is no doubt that this is the next thing to watch in the digital playing field. CNET’s Julian Dossett shares 5 predictions for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, NFT and the future of money as we know it.

  1. Crypto moves further into the mainstream. “Big companies are trying to figure out how cryptocurrency fits into their business. Everyone from hedge fund managers to Starbucks executives are making moves that could impact how we use digital money this year. ‘I hope we’re going to see a lot more focus on utility,’ said Denelle Dixon, CEO of Stellar Development Foundation. ‘Instead of focusing just on a few use cases that create a lot of hype, we’ll see more focus on the use cases that drive real value. And more discussion around financial inclusion.'”
  2. NFTs create new ownership opportunities, and remix old ones. “NFT, or nonfungible token, is a buzzy term that many of us heard for the first time in 2021. A new way to determine ownership of digital property using a blockchain ledger, NFTs are increasingly popular in the art and collectibles scenes. But the potential of NFTs goes far beyond eccentric digital artworks. NFTs are also used for digital land purchases in virtual worlds and for next-generation music ownership, licensing and publishing. Some observers see a future in which NFTs offer access to special sales or limited-edition products. How about using a NFT as a concert ticket? Or when you log into your favorite video game online? Expect to see all of that in 2022.”
  3. Bigger hacks and bigger ransoms. “Cryptocurrencies were used to facilitate millions of dollars of ransomware payments in 2021. They’re difficult to track, they’re borderless, and once the payment goes through, it’s nearly impossible to unwind. ‘We should expect to see more criminals turning to cryptocurrency and services that promise to obfuscate illicit funds due to the misconception of total anonymity,’ Gurvais Grigg, a senior tech officer at Chainalysis, said in an email. ‘Bitcoin is appealing to criminals for the same reasons it appeals to those using them for legitimate purposes: It’s cross-border, instantaneous and liquid.'”
  4. You’ll hear more about stablecoins. “Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have grabbed headlines because of their volatility. You can become a millionaire or lose it all at the hyper speed of the internet. But try buying a latte with bitcoin, and that volatility can make things confusing fast. Enter stablecoins. This subcategory of cryptocurrency, which is tied to an underlying asset, mitigates much of that volatility. Stablecoins could play a vital role in turning cryptocurrency into something we can easily use to conduct the ordinary transactions of everyday life.”
  5. New crypto rules appear on the horizon. “Washington lawmakers sense that cryptocurrency is a big and important thing. But they are struggling, perceptibly, to understand it. It may only be a matter of time before crypto gets its “series of tubes” moment from a hapless representative out of their element. There could be more milestones to reach before Americans see a comprehensive framework for crypto-focused legislation. But if industry leaders and elected officials can work together, regular cryptocurrency users and investors may benefit while environmental and security concerns are addressed.”

As the cryptocurrency industry grows up, we can guarantee that Crypto will be a part of our economic future for a long time.

The following error may occur when running a stoplaw command, or when stopping the lawson insight service from Windows services.

To resolve the issue, open the windows registry editor (regedit).  Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control.  For 32-bit Windows systems, select New > DWORD.  For 64-bit Windows systems, select New > QWORD.  The name of the new value is “ServicesPipeTimeout”.  Set this value to a number of milliseconds that is appropriate for your environment (this may require trial & error).  Restart your machine and attempt a stoplaw command to verify.


Wolf Lingerie Chooses Infor CloudSuite Fashion ERP Solution to support the company’s development of online sales. Per the press release, the choice of the Infor solution covers a broad scope, from the entire supply chain to purchase planning and customer invoicing, including supply and stock management, accounting and financial management and, in a second phase, the implementation of the Infor Birst BI module. In addition, the power and openness of Infor OS technology will allow Infor CloudSuite Fashion to be easily connected with Wolf Lingerie’s other business applications, including Infor Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Infor Warehouse Management System (WMS). Further, Eric Bricout, administrative and financial director in charge of IT at Wolf Lingerie, shares, “The deployment is planned for mid-2022, and by then we must have reworked and upgraded all our processes so that they can benefit from the full functional wealth of Infor’s CloudSuite Fashion as standard. The choice of the cloud was also a natural choice because of its advantages in terms of agility, scalability and speed of deployment.”


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If you receive the error message “SUA not installed” when performing some Linux functions, you’ll need to reinstall LUU with the -c option.

Here is an example of the error message:

First, back up your LUU folder.

Next, run the LUUSetup.pl script again with the -c option.

After a successful install, try your command again.


Comet Spa, an Italian company and world leader in the production of pumps for agriculture, recently chose Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise, on the Infor Cloud powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Per the press release, Comet selected Infor because of its high functional coverage on individual industrial processes and the greater safety in the implementation path provided by Infor Implementation Accelerators. With Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise built as a composable ERP platform with Infor OS leveraging AWS, it will offer high levels of security, disaster recovery and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as a low total cost of ownership. This will allow Comet to increase performance and efficiency in essential areas for the manufacturing company, such as production planning, finance, supply chain, improving data availability and operations. Further, Comet aims increase in the company’s competitiveness, resulting from the standardization of processes and the use of technologically advanced tools made available by the Infor CloudSuite. The go-live is scheduled for early 2023 in the Italian offices of Comet and Lavor, with the intention of extending the use of the solution to foreign offices in the future.


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If you encounter a sync error during the federation process, you may not be able to restart the sync until the federation certificate is deleted.  The error message on the front-end is very generic, but if you get the below message, delete the federation cert, restart, and try again.

To delete the federation cert, log into ssoconfig.  Select “Manage Federation” > “Manage Federated Server Certificates” > “Delete Federated Server Certificate”.  After a successful confirmation, restart the servers and try again.


Another year has come and gone and another year is upon us. Technology is an ever-evolving topic and 2022 won’t be any different with growing trends and innovations. Anis Uzzaman, General Partner and CEO of Pegasus Tech Ventures, shares an article on Inc.com of the top 10 technology and business trends that we’ll likely encounter in the coming year.

Momentum in Life Science Technologies. “The life science industry comprises pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental sciences, biomedicine, nutraceuticals, neuroscience, cell biology, and biophysics. Partially because of increased investments in mRNA vaccine technology and high-performance Covid-19 testing, 2021 has driven great innovation in life science technologies. Examples of this innovation include the mRNA-based vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna. Recent Covid drug developments by Merck have also pushed the life science industry forward rapidly.”

Networking and Interconnectivity: Expansion of 5G-6G and Satellite-Based Internet Usage. “As remote working becomes commonplace, internet reliability becomes more vital than ever. The internet of things (IoT) makes the internet a more integral part of our lives, and developments at all network levels will continue to drive research and push the internet economy forward.”

High-Performance Computing Becomes Mainstream. “Given the recent growth of big data-based research and analysis and cloud-based computing, expect high-performance computing usage to surge in 2022. From drug discovery to cancer research to space exploration, high-performance computing will become increasingly important, and quantum computing technology needs to keep up with business demand.”

Continued Growth in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and Cloud Computing. “A.I. has become an integral part of our lives. From improvements to personalization, ranking search results, recommending products, and understanding and controlling devices to building better models of the environment to automating industry, we see the application of artificial intelligence everywhere as we look toward 2022. According to a report published by Facts & Factors, the global predictive analytics market is growing at a compound average growth rate of around 24.5 percent and is expected to reach $22.1 billion by the end of 2026. We will also see massive growth in cloud computing. By 2022, the cloud will be more entrenched and more computing workloads will run on the cloud.”

Internet Security and Privacy Dominate. “As the world becomes more digital, we’re seeing an increased number of personal and organizational cyberattacks around the world. In 2022, we’ll see cyberattacks across sectors, and we will see the industry take a variety of counteractive measures. Defending against cyberattacks will include educating individuals so they can identify and avoid network assaults, thereby safeguarding their company’s image.”

The Metaverse Will Shine in 2022. “The metaverse is a digital reality combining social media, online gaming, augmented reality, virtual reality, and cryptocurrencies to allow virtual user interaction. We expect the metaverse to be immersive, ubiquitous, and free to access. It will create an entire ecosystem for developers, apps, ads, and new digital innovations. The metaverse will facilitate convenience, consumption, and a frictionless access to services.”

NFT Platforms Will Boom. “A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital object: computer code and data that conveys ownership of something. In 2022, we are likely to see NFTs everywhere; this includes in movies, TV shows, books, and more. NFTs are part of the digital economy and are becoming mainstream because they allow people to own something that represents a part of something bigger than themselves — a piece of art or a character, for example. The digital economy is made up of a variety of online markets, including game economies, virtual real estate, and even social media platforms like Facebook.”

The Robotics Sector Will Become More Prevalent. “We expect to see an increased use of robotics in everyday life during 2022. Usage will include the health care, agriculture, automotive, warehousing, and supply chain management sectors, and we will see more robotics-based automation that will continue to progress.”

Increased Urgency in the Renewable Energy Technology Sector. “According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 40 percent more green energy was generated and used in 2020; the agency expects continued growth in 2022. While newer energy technologies like nuclear fusion, biofuel, and liquid hydrogen might take longer to come full circle, we look forward to serious advancements in 2022.”

Blockchain Technology Prevails. “Blockchain, an innovative breed of distributed ledger, enables companies to track a transaction and do business with unverified parties — even without the assistance of financial institutions. This new capability significantly lessens business conflicts; it also adds other benefits such as append-only data structure, transparency, security, immutability, and decentralization.”


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It can be useful to verify the exact version of products installed in WebSphere, especially in post-deployment validation.  The installed version data can be found in the MANIFEST.MF files located at WAS_HOME\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<cell>\<product>.ear\<product>.war\META_INF.




Technology has since transformed the way we communicate with one another. In business, communication is key in the business and consumer side.  Every industry is affected by technology trends, especially those in the field of professional communications. It’s the way you utilize certain mediums of communication that affect your company’s day to day operations and how to relay messages through your marketing plans. The experts of Forbes Communications Council Expert Panel offer their best predictions as to which technologies will most impact professional communications in the coming year.

  1. Cloud-Native And SaaS Platforms To Boost Collaboration
  2. Investment In First-Party Data Solutions
  3. AI- And ML-Based Insights Into Message Resonance
  4. Solutions That Utilize First-Party Data And AI/ML
  5. Greater Use Of Data Analytics To Drive ABM Campaigns
  6. The Use Of Social Media Insights To Build More Relevant Content
  7. The Rise Of The Multichannel Communication Platform
  8. More Leveraging Of In-Product And In-App Insights
  9. More Sales Made Via Short-Form Video
  10. Adapting Messages To TikTok And Similar Platforms
  11. A Continuing Shift From Email To Messaging Apps


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Crystal Reports Application Server can be horizontally scaled to assist with LBI performance.  To do this, you will add new CRAS servers in the configuration manager, and then configure LBI to utilize the new servers.  It is not recommended that you scale out to more than 3 servers, as you will start to notice diminishing returns after 3 and can actually end up with a performance degradation.

First, Open the CRAS configuration tool and click the “plus” sign at the top to add a new server.  Follow the steps in the wizard.


The default port for the original CRAS is 1566.  Choose a new port for your new server (such as 1567).  Also, give the server a new name and display name (or take the defaults).

Set the server and database configurations to mirror the current server.

Edit  [LBIHOME]\ReportingServices\Reporting Services.ear\erswar-x.x.x.x.war\WEB-INF\lib\clientSDKOptions.xml in a text editor.  Add your two new servers.  Increment the id and specify the port(s) that you specified when you added the servers.

Finally, remove the default application server in ERS System Settings.  In LBI, navigate to Tools > Reporting Services System Administration > System Settings.  Blank out the “Default Report Application Server” value and click “Save”.  Restart WebSphere.

To verify that the new CRAS servers are being utilized, open the task manager to “Details” and run a few reports.  All of the cras server CPU and memory values should start changing.  You can also stop the main server and make sure you are still able to run reports.