Galva Coat Industries LLC, a landmark plant in the industrial area of Abu Dhabi that produces a wide range of steel products, has selected Infor CloudSuite Industrial to enable the digitalization of the production process and delivery, in its effort to become the leading producer of lighting poles and guard rails across the region. Infor CloudSuite Industrial is a powerful cloud-based, industry-focused, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, which will help Galva Coat move forward with their transition from their legacy on-premise systems to the cloud – a crucial part of its digital transformation. Per the press release, after evaluating various options, the company chose Infor CloudSuite Industrial, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), to enable order management with CRM, planning, shop floor operations, time sheets management, supply chain including vendor portals and customer portals, finance and analytics. The multi-tenant Infor CloudSuite Industrial, running on the Infor OS operating services platform and powered by AWS, helps with Galva Coat’s aim to automate and integrate its production control systems and plant maintenance solutions and provide meaningful real-time analytics across operations to its senior management. Further, the deployment will start in April and is expected to go live before December. ITWare LLC, Dubai, UAE, one of Infor’s long-standing ERP channel partners, worked closely with the Infor team during the entire presales cycle and will be leading the implementation efforts.


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Searching for user properties in LDAP may not be as straightforward to do or you may not have had formal instructions in past to do this task. Below is a step-by-step guide to easily search for user properties in the LDAP application.


D:\LSF > ldifde -f cli.ldif -r “samAccountName=Cli”

Connecting to “cust.private”

Logging in as current user using SSPI

Exporting directory to file cli.ldif

Searching for entries…

Writing out entries1 entries exported


The command has completed successfully

D:\LSF > ls cli*


D:\LSF > lashow cli.ldif


dn: CN=Li\, Catol,OU=Users,OU=Accounting,OU=Finance,DC=cust,DC=private

changetype: add

objectClass: top

objectClass: person

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: user

cn: Li, Catol

sn: Li

title: Accountant I

description: Finance – Accounting

physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Halo

telephoneNumber: (713) 644-3333

givenName: Catol


CN=Li\, Catol,OU=Users,OU=Accounting,OU=Finance,DC=cust,DC=private

instanceType: 4

whenCreated: 20210218225523.0Z

whenChanged: 20220224165103.0Z

displayName: Li, Catol CatolCat

uSNCreated: 293302835

memberOf: CN=!AP_Invoice_Process,OU=Distribution Lists,DC=cust,DC=private


CN=FortiGateWebFilter_Finance,OU=Web Groups,OU=Information Technology,DC=cust,



In recent news, Japanese food importer and distributor Foodex Group has selected to implement Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise, a cloud ERP platform with prebuilt capabilities for food and beverage distributors. Per the press release, the 20-year-old company from Paris has chosen a “One Infor” approach, entrusting the vendor with the entire project through a mission of consulting, support and services delivered in SaaS mode throughout the project. Infor’s CloudSuite covers the main needs of large international food distributors as standard, from omnichannel sales and order management, through purchasing, inventory and supply management, financial management, and associated analytical reporting with the implementation of the Infor Birst BI module.


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If you receive a “socket” error when saving data in Infor Security Administrator, it is probable that your Federated Server Certificate is corrupt or out of sync and needs to be recreated.  Note that this is NOT the WS Federation Certificate.

To recreate the Federated Server Certificate, open a command line window on the LSF server and set the environment variables.  Log into ssoconfig -c.

First, get the Federated Server Certificate name.  “Manage Federation” > “Manage Federated Server Certificates” > “List Federated Server Certificates”.  Make note of the name.

Select “Manage Federation” > “Manage Federated Server Certificates” > “Delete Federated Server Certificate”.  Type in the name that you saved above.

After a successful confirmation, restart the servers and try again.  A new Federated Server Certificate will be generated upon recycle.


While remote work has been a recent trend as of late thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a specific type of worker group who hasn’t been given much attention, yet they should. Deskless workers, or those who are essentially always on-the-job lack many of the tools and resources an employee would otherwise have if working at a desk or home office. More than 2.7 billion workers worldwide are categorized as deskless employees. However, despite making up 80% of the global workforce, deskless workers lack the necessary technology needed for a more efficient work flow. Jacob Waern, founder & CEO at eduMe, shares a great read on Forbes explaining the importance of this niche in the workforce. This lack of tools should be available to deskless workers, and it should be available now. While you can name a laundry list of the basic essentials (i.e. a work laptop, mobile phone, etc), Waern does note that this immediate transition of technological availability for deskless workers is not a simple task. In his Forbes article, Waern shares three criteria which are nonnegotiable when it comes to empowering adoption and ongoing use of mobile technology among deskless demographics:

  1. Easily Accessible. “92% of users who forget their login information simply leave the site or app they’re trying to access. Ensure that access to learning content is as frictionless as possible. One way is to embed it into your native app.”
  2. Delivered At The User’s Point Of Need. “If training doesn’t fit into a deskless worker’s flow of work, it won’t be adopted long-term. Lean on triggered notifications and workforce communication tools to intelligently deliver relevant and timely content.”
  3. Short-Form Content. “The microlearning method isn’t just beneficial for user engagement and long-term knowledge retention, it also caters to deskless workers’ tight schedules. Break training content down into two-to-five-minute bursts to retain learners’ attention.”

Remote workers as well as deskless workers are fast becoming the majority of today’s workforce. Just like remote workers who had to immediate set up their machines and networks at home, these on-the-job deskless employees need the right resources to their job as well.


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ProMedica, a mission-based, not-for-profit health and well-being organization headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, has successfully implemented Infor CloudSuite Healthcare on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Needing to replace their legacy systems and consolidate common functional requirements after the acquisition of HCR ManorCare in 2018, it was an easy choice to use Infor and AWS cloud services. Per the press release, since the go-live ProMedica has improved data sharing and streamlined its processes. The organization has also significantly increased the number of financial reports for monthly distribution and reduced item master data from 60,000 items down to 13,000. Infor’s CloudSuite applications specialized for healthcare offers flexibility of the configuration and encompassed everything necessary from financial reporting to financial close, as well as being able to monitor the close. Further, with this successful go-live, the hunger for innovation continues with plans to further improve financial processing and other key areas of the business with Infor over the next two to three years.


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After making changes to Landmark application configuration or security configuration, it is not always necessary to restart Landmark.  You can force configuration changes via command line, or in Rich Client.

To force changes via command line, open a Landmark command with environment variables set.  Run the command clearconfigs -s <data area> to clear the security caches.  Other options are -a for authendat, or blank for all (clearconfigs gen).

To perform this task in Rich Client, Go to “Start > Configure > Manage Cache”.  Then select “Actions > <the cache you wish to clear>”


Ostseehotel Dierhagen has recently decided to upgrade to the Infor Hospitality Management Solution (HMS). With this upgrade, Rostock, Germany-based hotel is taking a significant step towards digital transformation and equipping itself for the future. A long-time customer of Infor Starlight on-premise, moving to the cloud is an important step for the company towards the future for the hotel, and will help ensure its competitiveness for the long term. Per the press release, the Infor Sales & Catering module will help streamline processes in the banquet and conferencing area, through automated processes in resource and event management. Additionally, mobile functionalities such as check-in via smartphone and the option to manage housekeeping via mobile devices will significantly increase efficiency. With a cloud-based solution in place, Ostseehotel Dierhagen can now build upon a fully integrated, solution specifically designed to automate the entire event booking process. This in turn will help optimize internal processes and relieve employees from menial duties, allowing them to focus on providing guests with optimal service.


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The listprod -d command shows information about the product line’s status.  The -a option shows information about all product lines.

For Example:

D:\\>listprod -ad
prodline data area Status

gen gen active
prod prod active
test test active
dev dev active


Here are descriptions of the statuses:


The data area has an active dictionary


The data area has a pending dictionary


The data area is being upgraded


The framework version used to build the most recent dictionary for the data area does not match the framework version used to build the most recent “GEN” dictionary


The framework version used to build the active dictionary for the data area does not match the framework version used to build the active “GEN” dictionary


There is no data area configuration file


The data area configuration file is newer than the newest dictionary for the data area


There is no source for the product line


The source for the product line has changed since the newest dictionary for the product line’s data area was built






One of the biggest security risks for any business is human error. This can expose your business to serious vulnerabilities. With the major shift to remote work/hybrid work spaces since the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced, an influx in cyberattacks have happened – targeting mostly to remote workers. While remote work isn’t new, it’s demand in the current times will continue to be a huge representation in today’s workforce. This doesn’t mean we need to worry greatly about cyber attacks – it means we should be more prepared. Vivian Lopez at Trello shares some great tips on how to tighten your company’s cybersecurity for remote and hybrid work spaces. Employees need a solid understanding of security risks for your business, Lopez says. Below are three factors to gretaly consider when setting up your employees to work remotely.

Make IT Security Education Part Of Onboarding. “Instill good IT security habits from the start. Work with human resources to ensure IT security training is part of onboarding. Let new team members start their job with a clear understanding of your enterprise’s IT policies and procedures, like maintaining password hygiene or discouraging shadow IT.”

Conduct Regular Cybersecurity Training. “Cybersecurity threats grow and evolve, and consistent cybersecurity training is a necessity. While many industry experts recommend quarterly training, we recommend a cadence that supports your company goals. And there’s plenty to cover. According to the (ISC)² 2021 Cloud Security Report, the top IT security training topics enterprises find valuable include cloud-enabled cybersecurity, incident response, risk-based frameworks, and application security.”

Build A Knowledge Hub Of Cybersecurity Assets. “There’s a lot for your remote workforce to absorb when it comes to cybersecurity—IT policy and procedure handbooks, training videos, and more. Your team needs a source of truth for reference materials: An accessible knowledge hub where all IT security resources live.”

One suggested offering for security would be Lopez’s Enterprise Security suite with Trello. “Trello Enterprise relies on enterprise-grade security to help build cybersecurity awareness and keep your business safe. Security features like single sign-on (SSO), user management capabilities, and mobile device management help teams collaborate and work remotely,” says Lopez.


Original Post by Vivian Lopez from Trello.

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