To Install a CTP on AS400, follow these guidelines:


Open a green screen and go to command line:

Enter the following commands:

call lawenv


cd $LAWDIR (or location of tar files)

The Versions file is EBCDIC instead of ASCII. You will use /QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar to unpack package.

Otherwise, you will get this error:

Error: Versions file is wrong CCSID.

If so, you will need to remove all untarred files from directory and start over with QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar


/QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar -xvf 9.0.1_patch_84930.tar                  

   x 9.0.1_patch_84930.readme.html, 331911 bytes, 649 media blocks.            

   x Versions, 5816 bytes, 12 media blocks.                                    

   x Tasks, 3034 bytes, 6 media blocks.                                        

   x patch.tar.Z, 2483873 bytes, 4852 media blocks.                            


 perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall preview ProdLineName                              

 perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall update ProdLineName                              

 perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall activate ProdLineName                              


check for errors

ls $LAWDIR/ ProdLineName/rpg/*rpg/*SRC/*.err

Hit F3 to exit command line

Dspmsg to Display messages

If you find any failed job enter

Wrkjob # for failed job                                                     


Keeping an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system up to date is critical in maintaining an effective business process. Upgrading an ERP system can be just as daunting a task as selecting one, probably even more challenging. That is because with an upgrade so many things need change and so many pieces are changing at once. But, how do you know when the right time to upgrade is? How do you know if your current ERP system works just fine? Also, what are you upgrading for? These are just a few questions you need to consider when dealing with your ERP systems. Experts from SMC (formerly Solution Minds Consulting) outline some key questions in an article on that decision makers should ask themselves to understand when the right time is to upgrade their current ERP systems.

Is your business growing or going through change? “There are several critical events that signal when a business is ripe for upgrading their ERP systems. The most obvious is when an organization is experiencing significant growth or change. A scalable ERP platform will support profitable future growth – meaning you won’t need to increase headcount at the same rate as revenue growth.”

Are you keeping up with your competitors? “If your systems are not up-to-date and lacking in what are now standard features available in newer technology, you will be denied the associated competitive advantages.”

Has your vendor stopped supporting your current technology? “The enterprise software market is rapidly changing and sometimes when a vendor has sold their product there is a sunset clause and you are pushed to ‘upgrade’ to their flagship product, which may not be the best for you. These are signs you need to bite the bullet and take the necessary steps to evaluate your options and potentially upgrade your business systems.”

Are legacy systems expensive to maintain? “Legacy platforms are expensive to preserve and costs will continue to grow over time. Often it is very difficult to find people who can program old code and developers of today are mostly averse to working on antiquated technology when so much more modern technology is available on the market. Decision makers should be asking the question: if legacy software breaks down under a heavy load, how might the business be affected and specifically, can they afford not to upgrade?”


For Full Article, Click Here

Shifting your company to the cloud is a cumbersome yet rewarding (if done right) process. In this day and age, the pros -improved security and faster service – certainly outweigh the cons – time and costs – costs being the hardest to sell to decision makers, With careful planning and decision making, you can easily avoid unnecessary expenses and keep your implementation costs under control. 16 Forbes Technology Council Tech Experts share their tips on how to minimize costs when shifting to the cloud.

  1. Establish Governance Models Up Front
  2. Take Advantage Of Cloud-Specific Benefits
  3. Adopt Spot Instances
  4. Follow A Multicloud Design And Build Strategy
  5. Consolidate Cloud-Based Offerings
  6. Invest In Private Access
  7. Dedicate Efforts To Monitoring Cloud Spending And Usage
  8. Establish Clear Visibility Into Application Performance And User Experience
  9. Leverage Resource Modeling And Discovery Tools
  10. Ensure You’re Operating Cloud-Native Systems
  11. Let The Team Decide On ‘Nice To Haves’
  12. Focus On Scalability And Growth
  13. Develop Hot And Cold Storage
  14. Negotiate With Your Cloud Provider
  15. Automate Noncritical Systems Shutdowns
  16. Establish A Rules-Based Archival Strategy


For Full Article, Click Here

When troubleshooting issues, you can look at the base UI of Infor applications temporarily without configurations by simply modifying the URL.

It is important to note that the URL addition must go on the Landmark URL (not Ming.le).

To open up the landmark URL, first right-click on any of the menu items on the side panel and select “Open link in new tab”.


Next, you will need to add the text &csk.disableuiconfigs=true to the URL.  Keep in mind that this will only work for the HTML4 web  UI.

That’s all there is to it. You’ve successfully disabled custom configurations in Infor web applications.

Global bakery ingredients business Zeelandia Group recently deployed the Infor Coleman AI (artificial intelligence) solution across their business. With these new AI capabilities, Zeelandia can improve the accuracy and speed of product selection and pricing strategies and helping to sustain business growth despite ongoing market challenges. Per the press release, Zeelandia started its digital transformation journey with Infor in 2017, moving its enterprise resource planning (ERP) to Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage. The cloud ERP solution provides a modern technology platform, Infor OS, to derive more value through innovations, including the application of Infor Coleman AI. Additionally, Zeelandia worked with Infor to explore the potential of using Infor Coleman AI capabilities to create machine-generated recommendations for products and pricing. With AI-driven product recommendations, Zeelandia has achieved 83% faster time to prepare product recommendations for a customer, resulting in better customer experience with intelligent, personalized product recommendations. They also increased revenue per transaction and improved marketing conversion for new products or products that are about to expire. Further, Infor Coleman AI helped Zeelandia with their pricing strategy, resulting in improved customer loyalty, meeting profitability goals, and cutting time and costs through machine-generated pricing. Zeelandia’s next step is to be early adopters of Infor’s hyper-automation solutions to gain even more efficiencies.


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I’m often connecting to Lawson servers to grab reports, important files, etc. via Citrix through the browser and it’s frustrating when you can’t copy files via clipboard direct from the server, forcing me to use alternatives like


A workaround that seems to work for me is opening Citrix Workspace from your desktop tray icon

Then select Menu >> Accounts >> Add…

Add your store URL and continue

Once added, click Sign In

Enter your credentials and open the Remote Desktop app in your Citrix App Store.

Once remote desktop is open, click Show Option >> Local Resources and make sure Clipboard is checked

Clipboard should work properly now. If this ever doesn’t work, reboot your PC and try again.


Implementing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a consuming project. Researching your options, determining your budget and time commitment are all factors to consider. One major factor that shouldn’t take a backseat in the selection process is choosing your stakeholders. This task may be easily overlooked but key stakeholders being involved in the ERP implementation process early on could prove to be beneficial. HR Technology expert Eric St-Jean shares an article on TechTarget on how stakeholder play an important tole in ERP implementation. “Failing to include key stakeholders early in the project can negatively affect the ERP implementation in a variety of ways. Stakeholders may catch potentially costly mistakes like failing to include important tasks like data migration in the project plan. In addition, the stakeholders may not support the project if they haven’t been included from the start,” St-Jean says. the role of a stakeholder can stretch from having key advisors, active team members in the project, and support for critical issues. Setting them up in different stages of the implementation means there will always be input from them throughout the process. St-Jean concludes that including the right stakeholders in the project can benefit the project in many ways. and can also promote the new ERP system to their co-workers, which could help with system adoption, and help document new processes, making it easier for their co-workers to learn the new system.


For Full Article, Click Here

Infor recently announced that Delta Galil Industries Ltd., a global leader in the design, manufacture, distribution and sale of intimates and activewear, has adopted the Infor Nexus supply chain platform to help the brand improve visibility of inventory and enhance collaboration with suppliers and customers. The project will cover the entire supplier network across the US, China, East Asia, Israel and Europe, with Infor Nexus underpinning standardized best-practice processes for all interactions. Per the press release, after a thorough review of the market, Infor Nexus was chosen based on its capability to combine physical and financial supply chain processes. Infor has already a rapport with Delta Galil, having previous experience with the Infor Nexus platform for several years in its capacity as contract manufacturer for a global active brand. Additionally, the implementation will enable the synchronization of orders generated in the ERP, order change requests, supplier pack lists, invoice/payment flow, advance shipping notices (ASNs), and estimated times of arrival (ETA) back to the ERP. This in turn will increase visibility across the Delta Galil supply chain and reduce supply and capital costs.


For Full Article, Click Here

secdump and secload AS400 error: “Command Not Found”

In order to have your command run successfully, you need to set up your Environment variables and library BEFORE you try to run any commands in Qshell.


Here are a couple of syntax examples for running the secdump and secload commands from Qshell to copy the security setup from test to production on AS400:

Dumping all security classes from a test Environment to a production Environment



secdump lawapptest /home/secclasses.dmp




secload -o /home/secclasses.dmp lawappprod


Dumping a single security class from a test Environment to a production Environment



secdump lawapptest /home/hrclerks.dmp hrclerk




secload -o /home/hrclerks.dmp lawappprod


Additional Information:

The two options outlined above are just two of the more common options used with secdump and secload; there are other options you can use. The complete syntax information for secdump and secload are provided below. See these syntax rules for information on other command options.

If your Landmark server is all of a sudden not communicating with your Lawson LSF server and you’re receiving the “Unable to connect to Grid Registry”, below are some steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Checks to validate grid connection issue in your file:

  • useLPS is set to false (not connecting to Landmark)
  • lpsHost (Landmark Host) is not configured thus cannot be found in the file as well as
  • lpsPort (Landmark Port)

On the Landmark server:
1. Run this command on the Landmark command prompt.
Windows – packageLPSClientJars.bat
Unix –

This command grabs newly deployed jars and (re)creates the LPSClientJars.jar file in LASYSDIR\LPS directory

2. Copy the newly created LPSCLientJars.jar file to the LSF system (place it in GENDIR/bpm/jar)

On LSF Server
3. Stop the LSF Environment
4. From a command prompt, cd to GENDIR/bpm/jar
5. Extract the jar files out of the LPSClientJars.jar by running this command.
jar -xvf LPSClientJars.jar
6. Delete the LPSClientJars.jar file itself
UNIX – rm LPSClientJars.jar
Windows – del LPSClientJars.jar

The ONLY files that should exist in GENDIR/bpm/jar are

There should be no sub directories in GENDIR/bpm/jar

7. Restart your LSF Environment

NOTE: If your LSF environment runs on AIX, the LIBPATH in lawson.ev needs to include javahome/jre/lib/ppc64

This should resolve the issue and update the configuration.

If you’re not comfortable making these changes, we recommend organizations look into hiring a Lawson consultant team who offers managed services (typically at a fixed monthly rate). These Lawson teams have a wider range of expertise and knowledge and are ideal for larger organizations but also are great for smaller ones that don’t need a dedicated Lawson employee on-site 24/7.