To Install a CTP on AS400, follow these guidelines:
Open a green screen and go to command line:
Enter the following commands:
call lawenv
cd $LAWDIR (or location of tar files)
The Versions file is EBCDIC instead of ASCII. You will use /QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar to unpack package.
Otherwise, you will get this error:
Error: Versions file is wrong CCSID.
If so, you will need to remove all untarred files from directory and start over with QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar
/QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar -xvf 9.0.1_patch_84930.tar
x 9.0.1_patch_84930.readme.html, 331911 bytes, 649 media blocks.
x Versions, 5816 bytes, 12 media blocks.
x Tasks, 3034 bytes, 6 media blocks.
x patch.tar.Z, 2483873 bytes, 4852 media blocks.
perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall preview ProdLineName
perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall update ProdLineName
perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall activate ProdLineName
check for errors
ls $LAWDIR/ ProdLineName/rpg/*rpg/*SRC/*.err
Hit F3 to exit command line
Dspmsg to Display messages
If you find any failed job enter
Wrkjob # for failed job