Infor recently announced that Wayne HealthCare has successfully upgraded its financials and interoperability capabilities to the cloud. According to the press release, with the help of Infor partner GForce Technology Consulting, Wayne HealthCare has been able to migrate critical back-office applications quickly, and set up its teams on new and modern cloud solutions, powered by AWS, that will allow them to stay agile for steady growth, while continuing to provide world-class patient care to the community. Additionally, Infor has helped Wayne HealthCare streamline processes in near real time, to help drive adoption, compliance and productivity. Infor’s next-generation Financials & Supply Management (FSM) applications are role based, data driven, consumer inspired, and mobile enabled, and will help teams at the organization understand better key business drivers and visualize changes that will drive growth. Moreover, Infor Clinical Bridge bridged the divide between clinical and business systems at the organization to streamline operations, reduce supply expense, and maximize staff productivity. Powered by the Infor Cloverleaf Integration engine, Clinical Bridge is a managed integration service that quickly establishes secure connectivity among an electronic health record (EHR) system and business applications, and it maintains that connectivity to maximize uptime. This near real-time integration enables Wayne HealthCare to reduce errors and exceptions, eliminate manual data entry and paperwork, streamline workflows, and reduce supply expenses.


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If you have several files in the LAWDIR/productline/work directory that are taking up a lot of space and need to clean them up, most can be deleted, but be aware that the files with UPPERCASE file names are often used to transfer data to non-Lawson systems or ACH bank files, and they may be waiting to be used by a future process that has not run yet.


The following procedure is to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program.


Automated Cleanup of Print Files, Work Files, and Other Files

Use this procedure to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program. Before running the program or the recurring job, you must set up configuration files. These files enable you to set the cleanup options, exclude specific files from the cleanup process (by file name or by the user name associated with the files), and to specify date ranges for the files to be deleted.

The types of files to be deleted include:

  • Completed job entries
  • Completed jobs forms and the associated job logs
  • Batch report files
  • All print files from the print manager
  • Files from $LAWDIR/productline/work directory
  • All user-related files from the $LAWDIR/RQC_work, $LAWDIR/RQC_work/log, $LAWDIR/RQC_work/cookies directories
  • WebSphere trace and dump (.dmp, .phd, javacore and .trc) files that are in subdirectories of the <WASHOME>/profiles directory.

To clean up print files, work files, RQC files, and other files:

  1. Configure the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file.

You can edit the parameters in the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file in two ways:

    • By using the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Tools. See Configuring Automated File Cleanupin the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Guide, 10.1. (This option is only available in Lawson for Infor Ming.le 10.1.)
    • By directly editing the file in the $LAWDIR/system directory. See Directly Updating the prtwrkcleanup.cfg File.
  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_usrnames.cfg file.

This configuration file is divided into multiple sections:

    • Section 1: usernames list for print and completed job cleanup
    • Section 2: usernames list for RQC cleanup
    • Section 3: usernames list for users home directory cleanup.

The script uses each different section for a different cleanup job. Make sure to put usernames in the right sections to avoid undesired outcomes.

You can enter multiple usernames in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






Note: Do not remove the section dividers.

  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_exclude.cfg file.

Use this file to specify a list of file names to be excluded from the work file cleanup process.

You can enter multiple file names in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






  1. If you want to run the cleanup program just once, open a command line session and follow the substeps below. (Note that a recurring job may be more useful in the long term. See the next main step below.)
    • Ensure that the prtwrkcln executable exists in $GENDIR/bin.
      • In a command line session, navigate to $GENDIR/bin.
      • At the command line, enter the following command:


  1. If you want to run the cleanup program via a recurring job, use the following substeps.
    • In Lawson for Infor Ming.le, navigate to BookmarksJobs and Reports > Multi-step Job Definition.
      • Specify this information to define a multi-step job.

Job Name

Specify a name for the multi-step job.

Job Description

Specify a description for the multi-step job.

User Name

Displays the name of the user defining the job.


Specify prtwrkcln. (This assumes this form ID exists. Use the For ID Definition utility (tokendef) to check if it exists and to add it as an environment form ID if necessary.)

Step Description

Specify a description for the step.

  • Click Addto save the new job.
    • Navigate to Related FormsRecurring Job Definition. Define a recurring job according to the instructions in the “Recurring Jobs” topic in Infor Lawson Administration: Jobs and Reports.

Infor recently announced that Georgia-Pacific’s Packaging & Cellulose business implemented Infor’s CloudSuite solution, powered by its core M3 ERP (enterprise resource planning) system. The goal of the project is to transform business processes and provide a greatly enhanced customer experience. Per the press release, the first completed phase of the rollout saw Infor’s multi-tenant cloud solution (Supply Chain Planning, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Factory Track, and Yard Management) serving as the core technology platform for the mill-based businesses. In addition, moving the business to a common platform and aligned processes enables the consolidation of key functions and retirement of more than 90 percent of the legacy applications previously in use. Moreover, Infor’s M3 ERP system and associated edge applications will be the new core system covering order management, customer experience, supply chain and accounting. Georgia-Pacific’s Packaging & Cellulose business anticipates that the Infor solution will help drive business value in several key areas such as improving business processes, delivering enhanced customer experience, and providing a multi-tenant cloud environment.


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How do I delete or clear out the IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) temporary directories and cached files?


This guide explains the process of removing or erasing the temporary directories and cached files in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS). It includes the appropriate situations for performing this task, the intended users, and the step-by-step instructions.

When is it necessary to perform this action?

If you encounter issues where the deployment manager, nodeagent, or application server fails to start, you can attempt the following steps. However, unless specifically requested by a support analyst, there is no need to carry out these actions.


Who should carry out this task?

System Administrators are responsible for executing these steps.


How is this done?

Follow the instructions below for each profile located within WAS_HOME/profiles (including Dmgr01 and AppSrv01, or whichever name your application server profile has).


  1. Stop the Deployment Manager, nodeagent, and application servers.
  2. Create backups of the existing configurations:
  3. cd PROFILE_ROOT/bin
  4. Run backupConfig
    1. Unix: ./ backup_file
    2. Windows: backupConfig backup_file
    3. IBM i: ./backupConfig backup_file
  5. Repeat for every profile you have (Dmgr, AppSrv01, etc.)
  6. Rename the contents of the following directories or rename these temp directories. They will be recreated when you restart the servers.
  7. PROFILE_ROOT/wstemp
  8. PROFILE_ROOT/temp
  10. Repeat for every profile you have (Dmgr, AppSrv01, etc.)
  11. Delete the javasharedresources directory:
  12. Unix and IBM i: /tmp/javasharedresources
  13. Windows:
    1. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\javasharedresources
  14. From a command prompt or Qshell prompt, run the following command to initialize the OSGI configuration and clear the OSGI class cache:
  15. cd PROFILE_ROOT/bin
  16. Unix:
    1. ./
    2. ./
  17. IBM i:
    1. ./osgiCfgInit
    2. ./clearClassCache
  18. Windows:
    1. osgiCfgInit
    2. clearClassCache
  19. Repeat step 5 for the Dmgr01 profile and any other profiles present on your system.
  20. Start the Deployment Manager, nodeagent, and application servers.


Good luck!

There are many ways to approach data archiving and each approach stores data differently. W. Curtis Preston, backup, storage and recovery expert, shares an informative article on Network World of three main approaches to archiving data: traditional batch archive, real-time archive and hierarchical storage management (HSM) archive.


Traditional batch archive
“With a traditional batch archive, data serves its purpose for a certain period before being tucked away in a safe repository, awaiting the possibility of being of some use in the future. The main idea behind this type of archive is to preserve data over an extended timeframe, while keeping costs at a minimum and ensuring that retrieval remains a breeze even years down the line. In this kind of archive system, each collection of data selected for archiving is given one or more identities, stored as metadata alongside the archived data. This metadata plays a pivotal role in locating and retrieving the archived information, with details such as project names, tools used for to create the data, the creator’s name, and the creation timeframe all forming part of this digital fingerprint.”


Real-time archive
“In this type of archive, data created or stored in the production environment is instantaneously duplicated and sent to a secondary location for archiving purposes. Compliance and auditing are the primary use cases for real-time archives. Take, for instance, the classic example of journal email accounts in the era when on-premises email systems reigned supreme. As an email entered the mail system, an identical copy found its way into the journal mailbox, while the original landed in the recipient’s inbox. This journal mailbox served as a reservoir accessible to auditors and managers seeking information for legal matters or fulfilling freedom of information (FOIA) requests. Access to real-time archives typically occurs through specialized portals equipped with granular search capabilities. It’s important to note that (unlike traditional archive) real-time archives don’t alleviate the pressure on production storage systems – unless, of course, they incorporate the features discussed later in this article regarding hierarchical storage management (HSM).”


HSM-style archive
“Among the diverse archive systems, the “HSM-style” archive is a standout. It leverages hierarchical storage management (HSM) to govern data storage – a term that has somewhat gone by the wayside, even though the concept remains. When users no longer require daily access to data, or when data becomes dated but must be retained for compliance, organizations start exploring alternatives like storing this data on scalable object storage systems or dedicated cloud-based cold storage. Additionally, some solutions allow archive data migration to tape for off-site and offline storage, with the notion that tape provides enhanced security by being virtually inaccessible unless explicitly needed. Moreover, tape often offers a lower cost per gigabyte compared to most other storage systems. Tape also excels at long-term data retention. One common implementation of this concept applied HSM to real-time email archives, a prevalent practice in the early 2000s. As user mailboxes swelled with HTML-formatted emails and hefty attachments, organizations were faced with burgeoning storage requirements. HSM-style archives typically relocate data based on age or the last access timestamp. As data migrates from the filesystem to the archive, it often leaves behind pointers or stubs in the source system, facilitating automated retrieval when required.”


Your specific needs for accessing your historical data will determine which of the three categories your archive solution option falls into. Whether it’s traditional, real-time or HSM, your historical data will be better stored in an archive system than in simple storage databases.


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In recent news, Vital Concept, a French pioneer in distance selling to professionals in three major markets: agriculture, horses and landscaping, has chosen to deploy Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise to support its international growth. This ERP project is part of Vital Concept’s plan to transform their information systems. Per the press release, the project started with Infor and its partner Hetic3 around the overhaul of the information system in place. The technological environment, built around an ecosystem of heterogeneous solutions, required too many interfaces and was very limited in its ability to adapt to the specific business processes of the company in constant evolution.  The project began in September 2020 and Infor and Hetic3 were selected in December 2021. The deployment of the solution took place in May 2023 in France and Belgium, and will continue in early 2025 in The Netherlands.


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