Infor announced that Waikato Regional Council has completed its implementation of Infor CloudSuite Public Sector, which delivers on its vision for a single, integrated smart platform that will have positive outcomes for all stakeholders and, in the long term, the community. Per the press release, the New Zealand local government entity selected Infor for “Project Reboot” to replace 28 disparate on-premises software systems with a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution — Infor CloudSuite Public Sector. The multi-year, multi-phase transformation program included new modules for financial management and budgeting, planning, human resources, property and rates, among others. Janine Becker, director of finance and business services at Waikato Regional Council, says of the success of the project, “Project Reboot was launched in May 2019 to replace 28 different software systems that didn’t speak to each other, were aging and costly to maintain, and required more than a Band-Aid fix. While a change of the scale delivered will take some time to bed into the organization, it has allowed us to address some key business risks and will provide a technology platform and business processes that our council will continue to use and optimize over time. We are seeing some early wins from the project phases that have been progressively implemented since September 2020. Infor has also brought us ‘into the tent’ where we’ve been involved in their product development cycle. The ability and opportunity to influence future solutions is a big bonus for our innovation program now and in the years to come.” With a solid track record as the cloud provider of choice for utilities and government agencies around the world, it was easy for Waikato Regional Council to choose Infor. Apart from Waikato Regional Council, Infor is the “system of record” for the nation’s water reform program and a close partner to its largest water authority, Watercare. In Australia, six water corporations are customers while leading U.S. water authority Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is also a client.