
A user is encountering a problem while utilizing the XM reporting tool in conjunction with the Chrome browser.



When launching the Ad-hoc reporting tool using Chrome and selecting the ER Model option, the “list” option is chosen from the provided pre-defined report layouts. Normally, users would be presented with the report building functions, and the right-side source panel would display all available fields that can be dragged into the report area. However, as observed in the attached document, both the source field and report area are completely empty, rendering it impossible to construct any form of report.


This issue persists when creating new reports and running existing ones through both Ad Hoc and Professional Reporting, specifically when utilizing Chrome or Incognito mode.


Note: Please be aware that IR only supports IE11 or Edge (in IE mode).


Another workaround may be to use another Browser:  IE, Firefox, Edge, etc.


And that’s all there is to it. Good luck!

Infor recently announced that Dormac Marine & Engineering, a division of Southey Holdings, has embarked on an upgrade project to move its existing Infor LN enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to the cloud. Having implemented Infor LN in 2014, Dormac recognized the value in a SaaS approach needed today. Per the press release, with a strategic approach the team at Infor partner iOCO guided Dormac in charting the best course to ensure its ERP system was geared for the future, while also enjoying continued support and easy upgrades, immediately deployed. Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise was selected as a result. Since starting the upgrade, iOCO has been working closely with Dormac to identify which processes and reports will be moved to the cloud today, and where enhancement opportunities can be capitalized on. Moreover, the teams will be taking all historical data to the cloud rather than only opening balances, ensuring easy and complete reference into past projects and eliminating the need to run two systems.


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If you’re creating a new IPA (Infor Process Automation) Process Flow or editing a new one, you’ll want to know where the SMTP configuration information is to send out email notifications within the flow itself.


For 901 and v10 systems:

  1. Go to your LSF application server
  2. Go to the $LAWDIR\system directory.
  3. Search for the file and find the mailserver= line that contains the SMTP server info.
  4. Update it if needed, restart the server and test.


For cloud customers, this can be found in the Web based Process Server Administration portal for your organization.

  1. Login into your organizations Process Server Administration portal
  2. Go to Configuration >> System Configuration
  3. Locate the “system” configuration name and double click it to open
  4. Under property name, find mailServer, edit the value if needed

That’s it!

Award-winning boutique hotels, luxury resorts, and unforgettable adventures Noble House Hotels & Resorts recently selected Infor Hospitality Management Solution (HMS) for its property management system (PMS) of record. Deciding to remove its existing PMS and fully standardize on the Infor cloud-based platform is part of the brand’s project to fully integrate a PMS built for the cloud with flexibility, security, efficiency and mobile capabilities – all of which Infor HMS offers. Per the press release, Noble House has already completed successful go-lives at 10 properties, with an additional 12 slated for 2024. With Infor, Noble House has instant access to modern technology to unify and refine operations, deliver superior guest experiences, and implement and execute intelligent strategy to continue to deliver the unexpected to guests at its hand-selected portfolio of experience-driven hotels and resorts. Additionally, Infor HMS will serve as the hub of hotel operations for Noble House, providing a holistic technology platform that will connect every aspect of operations to the guest experience, creating a seamless journey that will help the organization continue to meet and exceed the highest standards.


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In the ever growing world of healthcare, big data is very important to protect and access. But some hospitals and health systems often underestimate and/or under budget for their data storage and archiving plans leading to costly mistakes and greater challenges down the road. While cost is essential and time is critical, there should be no shortcuts in selecting a data archiving strategy for your hospital’s data system. Having a carefully thought out budget and clear timeline should be the first step in your data archiving journey. Dr. Shelly Disser, Vice President of Innovation and Collaboration at MediQuant, the leading innovator and provider of enterprise-active archiving solutions to hospitals and health systems, shares an informative article at HIT Consultant on why budget alignment is critical for stakeholders to consider in a hospital’s data archiving plan.

From the moment a new electronic health record (EHR) system is selected the data archiving journey begins, says Dr. Disser. She breaks down that at surface glance, the data archiving process involves three main steps: data extraction, data conversion and data migration. What happens in between is so complex, which is where you cannot skimp on costs, time and experience. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” system for data archiving, there are some best practices to follow to have a solid archiving plan. Dr. Disser explains them below:

  1. Establish Long-Term GoalsPrioritize Managing Legacy System Data.  “Start the archiving project along with the EHR transition by setting definite goals and a distinct plan with a tentative go-live date. This can include discontinuing legacy applications, creating a unified archive for all patient data, seamlessly integrating it with the new EHR, ensuring comprehensive record access for clinicians, meeting regulatory storage requirements, expediting medical information requests, and preparing for future data needs and regulations.”
  2. Set a Budget That Matches the Goals. “The budget and goals should account for what each stakeholder needs to do with the data today and in the future. For example, non-discrete data archiving – involving file types such as PDFs and images – is less expensive but has critical limitations. By comparison, discrete data helps with use cases across teams and has the flexibility to allow for future demands. It can ensure success with things like HIM requests and complete compliance with Information Blocking. The wrong archival procedure to meet these needs often leads organizations to revamp and revise later. Beware of automated archiving methods that extract data in one large PDF. These are indeed fast and cheap but do not make crucial information either searchable or useable.”
  3. Create an Archiving Project Team. “Effective planning involves assembling a diverse team of stakeholders for an archiving project, drawing from various departments including clinicians, IT, HIM, legal, finance, and external resources if needed. Subject matter experts play a crucial role in understanding workflow intricacies and aiding in data validation. It’s essential to engage these experts early in the process, before they transition to new systems. This interdisciplinary team structure ensures a comprehensive approach to project oversight, data entry, and database management. However, it also requires careful consideration of the team’s existing commitments and potential external resource requirements, all of which should be factored into the budgeting process to prevent undue disruptions to the project or workflow.”

It is very important to note that is no substitution for experience and methodology when choosing an archiving partner. Again, time and money will be a factor for stakeholders and decision-makers, but having the rightfully experience archiving partner will pay for itself in having a solid and smooth archiving plan. You also should trust that your archiving partner knows what to look for and how to extract your data when it comes to the start of the project. Nothing is more valuable than data for hospitals and any business in fact. There are no shortcuts to securing, accessing and properly storing your data. Dr. Disser concludes that choosing the best archiving partner for collaboration and the alignment of collective objectives among stakeholders will result in optimized patient care while meeting compliance, legal and research needs – now and in the future.


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The IPA Services for Infor Lawson product (lpaservice.jar) contains the definition for each service.

These steps describe how to download, install and configure the services.

Download and install the services

  1. Download IPA Services for S3 from the Infor Product Download Center.
  2. Transfer the .jar file to your IPA server.
  3. Extract the contents of the .jar file to a new temporary directory.

jar –xvf lpaservice.jar

  1. Run the installation program from the temporary directory. Use the data area created in Landmark for IPA.

perl dataarea

  1. In order for Lawson applications to create workunits in IPA, standard workflow service data must be loaded onto the System Foundation (LSF) server.

In the temporary directory that you created, you will see the following directory structure and file:

YourTempDir/lsf/ wf-data-10.exp

Copy this file to your LSF environment in your normal install directory.

  1. Run the following command:

perl GENDIR/bin/ imp wf-data-10.exp

NoteIf the installation provides feedback that some data was duplicated, you can ignore the message. This means that some or all of the workflow data already existed on the server which is not a problem.

  1. Verify that the services imported. View them on the IPA server. Navigate to: Start > Applications > Process Server Administrator > Configuration > Service Definitions


Configure email properties for IPA services

  1. From the IPA administration console on the IPA server, navigate to Configuration > System Configuration.
  2. Locate a configuration set named “ProcessFlowSolutions”.
  3. Verify that the configuration set should contains the following properties:
    • FromEmailAddress
    • ToEmailAddress

If the configuration set and/or the two properties do not exist, either re-install the product OR manually create the configuration to add the properties. Be sure to name them as shown above.

  1. Set the values of the properties to be meaningful for your organization.
  2. When you are finished updating, save the configuration.


Infor recently announced that Emmi, a leading dairy product manufacturer based in Lucerne, Switzerland, has implemented Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Per the press release, Emmi has replaced its previous on-premises enterprise resource planning (ERP) infrastructure with the industry-specific multi-tenant platform at five locations within just 6.5 months. Additionally, Infor’s public cloud strategy enables Emmi to benefit directly from proven industry best practices at the international acquisitions. Their locations in Canada, United Kingdom and Benelux are working with Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage, as well as two subsidiaries in Turlock and Sebastopol, California, in the United States. More subsidiaries are being deployed in Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage. The greatest benefit to this implementation for Emmi is the excellent scalability of the cloud platform, which allows new branches to be connected easily, as well as the lower costs in operation. In addition, the multitenant-capable solution is always up to date due to regular real-time updates. Emmi can benefit particularly from the newest functions in the areas of finance and reconciliation. Further, the out-of-the-box functionalities for the dairy and cheese industry enabled a fast and efficient implementation at Emmi. These include the receipt of milk in fat, protein and dry matter components, push-pull planning for milk and dairy products, consideration of variable weight in cheese production and seamless batch traceability.


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