Those of you who know me also know that I’ve been a business application consultant for the past 16+ years. In that time, I’ve helped over 400 companies manage their business applications and have logged over 50,000 hours of billable time to clients. As much as I try to be a good steward of my client’s project budget, I can’t help them when they don’t want to be helped. Over the years I have seen so much time go wasted and many projects go over budget, all of which could have been prevented by taking a few measures early on. I thought I would put together some points to help the people in charge avoid some of the pitfalls and take advantage of my years of experience seeing first-hand how projects can be wasteful.

I’m going to list these points in no particular order below:

  1. Travel vs. Remote: Do you really need your consultants to be on site? Do you conceive that somehow there’s a difference between him being in the same building or several hundred miles away? Travel is not only expensive from a hard cost perspective but also from a time perspective. The hard cost of travel for most of the guys I have managed over the years is around $2000/week. That’s Over $100k per year per consultant. You can hire a fulltime employee for that much. Not only that, travel time eats into project time and cuts down on productivity tremendously. The average traveling consultant is on the road 12-16 hours per week (between booking, driving, airport time, air travel time, hotel…). That’s 12-16 hours they could be spending on the project to get it done faster. That’s over 800 hours per year just wasted. Not to mention they’re now less happy to work for you because they’re away from their family, their warm bed, their home, and have to spend several hours a week dealing with travel related stress. The true cost of a traveling consultant is several times the actual travel cost. So if you can help it, arrange for your consultants to work remotely.
  2. VPN: Working via a remote connection has gotten so much easier over the past decade. Nowadays I can work on any customer’s private network with a quick click. But there are several dozen flavors of VPN software and they all vary from place to place. Some make life easier and some make life miserable for your consultants resulting in several of hours of wasted time each week. Here are some of the common ones I have to use each week and how I feel about them:
    1. VMware Horizon View Client – I absolutely love this method. I basically get a VM on the client’s network that I can access with a click of an icon. From there I can jump to whatever machine I want and get my work done. What I love about it is it doesn’t mess with my local internet connection at all and I can be logged into several different clients at once with this client.
    2. Citrix Receiver – This is one of my least favorite things to use. Not only is it typically painfully slow, it’s also very confusing and it requires several bits and pieces to be installed. And I’m sure you can set good user/password policies but most of the time it seems I have to reset my credentials way too often, resulting in support calls and several hours can be burned this way. I’m being generous with 2 stars. 
    3. Cisco AnyConnect – I don’t really like client VPNs in general but the Cisco AnyConnect VPN works really well. If set up correctly on the server side, it can be really solid and never drops off. Only problem with client VPN software like this is you can only log onto one client at a time which is pretty badly limiting when you have multiple accounts to maintain. 
    4. GlobalProtect (by Palo Alto Networks) – This one seems to be okay but somewhat finicky. For some reason I can’t connect to it using my Wi-Fi and I have to be hardwired to get it to work. Although I’m confident this is just an issue on my side, I haven’t had that problem with others software so … And again, having to install a local client prevents me from logging into other client’s which is a negative.
    5. SecureLink – This thing has wasted so much of my time over the years. I hate it for so many reasons. For one it’s Java based and super confusing and picky. I can only get it to work from Internet Explorer and even then I can’t seem to control the resolution of the RDP session or the login credentials leading to several issues. I give this one 2 of 5 stars. 
    6. F5 Networks SSL VPN – This is a pretty good way to go and it seems to work well until it doesn’t. But overall no issues. Really nice because there’s nothing to install client side and it’s SSL only which leaves me intact to work on other stuff. 
    7. Juniper Networks SSL VPN – Another relatively nice VPN application that allows me to log in and get work done relatively quickly but the fact that it requires a local install and several versions makes it difficult to work with and get right. But overall it works well so I’m giving it 3 stars.
  3. Security – This is a touchy subject. Most companies these days would rather err on the side of caution and throw money into a proverbial furnace rather than open up security any wider than the minimum allowable to let you get your work done. That’s all fine and good until it starts to be wasteful. Case in point, the ability to do ftp. One of the first things we typically have to do as a part of an install of Lawson is download a few GB of software. Well, most of the sites we download from use FTP as their transfer protocol. If the customer has the ftp port completely shut off then we have to download several GB into a local machine first, and then upload it to the server over a super slow VPN connection. What should take an hour can now take days to complete. This is just one example of security measures that don’t make much sense. FTP on its face is no more unsecure than HTTP but security consultants are quick to recommend the port be blocked. Mind you, we’re not talking about transferring sensitive information, this is just software downloads. In my experience, unnecessary security measures can hinder progress and efficiency by as much as 30-40% depending on the project and the restrictions.
  4. Project management and issue tracking software – I have spent a lot of time with every software and every methodology on the market. In the past 16+ years the best methodology for actually getting work done has turned out to be Agile Scrum. There are several dozen applications that can help with managing a project and they all work well if you use them well. But please use them well and hold everyone accountable. Invest in something like Pivotal Tracker, Asana, Trello or Jira and just stick to it and make sure everyone is using it correctly. There is no need to ask me for a status report when these tools are being used, That’s a huge waste of time that no one ever reads. Keeping track of issues, features, and bugs any other way in today’s world should be punishable by termination. We use a combination of JIRA and Trello at Nogalis depending on whether the project requires client interaction or not. We love both tools equally. 
  5. A solid single point of contact – More than everything else I’ve mentioned above, this one has probably saved the most amount of time. When clients appoint someone to work as my single point of contact, things just move a lot faster. This is important when dealing with access issues, change control decisions, user testing, documentation, getting consensus from upper management. When there’s a single point of contact we can interface with who knows the organization well, we don’t have to email a group of people or get on the phone for hours trying to figure out how to get a 5-minute task done. So assign a competent single point of contact to work with your consultants and make sure he/she has a bit of autonomy to make easy decisions. The companion point here is about putting too many people in charge. If I have to answer to more than one person, then I have to explain everything to two people, and ask permission from two people, and get feedback from two people. That’s double the time for half the productivity.
  6. Access – A lot of my time is wasted because I don’t have access. I would easily sign whatever document you want me to sign and give you whatever guarantees you need that I won’t do what I’m not supposed to. The way I see it, if you don’t trust me, you shouldn’t have hired me. When I don’t have proper access, I have to come up with alternative ways to get things done. That means making calls, getting others involved, sending emails, and talking to your support line or just compromising and doing things the unintended way. Just give me the access I asked for to get the job done and then remove it when I’m done with the job. You’ll save yourself a ton of money that way.
  7. Tools of the trade – If you’re dealing with consultants, chances are you’re paying $100-$300/hour for the work being done. It may be a good idea to find out what tools they prefer to work with and purchase the tools ahead of time for them. I use a text editor called EditPlus. It’s like $30. But it can save me easily two hours of work each day vs an editor I don’t have experience with. You do the math. (Also, give me enough admin privileges to install it)
  8. A clear SOW – Before starting any substantial project, your first goal should be to determine exactly what everyone is working on. Taking the time to define roles and responsibilities well ahead of time can save you tremendous amount of wasted time. I recall my first project as an independent consultant. I showed up at the client site in New Hampshire eager to work, but no one knew what I was supposed to work on for the first two weeks. So I just sat around and bugged people for a response. This was before Facebook ;). Some of the PM tools I mentioned above can ensure you never waste your resources this way and be prepared for them when then start.

There are probably dozens of other tips I could give you to help save thousands of dollars a year on your consulting costs but the above should be a good start. If you have other suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

Some of the most valuable information you possess is found within your customer relationship management (CRM) system. It contains a wealth of customer and prospect data that can provide valuable insights not just for sales, but also for your marketing efforts. Here are 5 tips for leveraging your CRM data:

  1. Create targeted campaigns
  2. Track client and prospect engagement
  3. Personalize messaging and communication
  4. Search for prospects
  5. Keep your data clean

Overall you should leverage your CRM data in ways that are targeted, thoughtful, cost effective and opportunistic, to maximize your marketing efforts.


For Full Article, Click Here

From time to time you’ll either develop a custom cobol program in test and/or possibly upgrade a client from one version to another – meaning you’ll need to transfer all custom cobol programs.

Assuming you already know the custom programs that need to be transferred over, we need to check if they have library definitions.

Step 1:
Through LID and explorer, navigate to the custom programs main directory folder (found in %lawdir%/<product line>/<SystemcodeSRC>)
For this example we have a custom BN Screen called ZB220 in our %lawdir%/dev/bnsrc directory.

Migrating custom Cobol Programs from Environment to Environment

Go to the pdlib and wslib folders in same directory as custom programs:

Migrating custom Cobol Programs from Environment to Environment_2

Within those folders are library definition files that should start with a Z and end with either a PD or WS depending on what library you’re looking at.

Example of the PD library:

Migrating custom Cobol Programs from Environment to Environment_3

Now we need to dump these libraries and load them in new environment:
libdump <prodline> ZCALCPD.dmp ZCALCPD >> This dumps a file called ZCALCWS.dmp in whatever directory you’re currently in.

Now copy that ZCALCPD.dmp to the system you’re migrating it to and run a libload:
libload ZCALCPD.dmp <prodline>
Do this for the rest of the library definition files.

Now we need to migrate the actual ZB220 programs.
Make sure you’re in the programs main directory, for us this is %lawdir%/dev/bnsrc
Run a pgmdump:
pgmdump <prodline> BN ZB220.dmp ZB220

Now lets copy all ZB220 files over to our other environment so we could load them in:
cp %LAWDIR%/<prodline>/bnsrc/ZB220* \\<your other server>\<d$>\lawson\law\<prodline>\bnsrc
Open a second LID session and go to your 2nd servers main directory where we transferred the ZB220 files.
Run the pgmload command:
pgmload ZB220.dmp <prodline>

Now compile:
qcompile <prodline> BN ZB220
Wait 10-20 seconds to compile and lets now check for errors:
led <prodline> ZB220
Press F or G to check error logs, if errors a window will popup. If there are no errors, you’re done!

Not much has changed in this version of Lawson when it comes to AGS and DME. You can still use them directly whenever you doubt your security access or if you just want to get a sanity check. I have created this article to provide you a quick reference on how they should be run:

To add a Nogalis Currency code:
https://<your server>/servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp?_PDL=TEST&_TKN=CU01.1&_EVT=ADD&_f1=A&_f2=NOG&_f3=Nogalis
To delete the Nogalis Currency code
https://<your server>/servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp?_PDL=TEST&_TKN=CU01.1&_EVT=CHG&_f1=D&_f2=NOG&_f3=Nogalis
To list all currency codes
https://<your server>/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=TEST&FILE=CUCODES
All of the above examples will need to be modified with your server name and your productline. In the above cases, the TEST productline was used.

Infor recently announced the acquisition of Merit Globe AS (Merit), a leading provider of consulting services for Infor M3 across Europe. Infor CEO Charles Phillips said the acquisition would help meet growing demand for Infor M3, which had accelerated growth over the last three years. Infor will also leverage best-practices and technology developed by Merit to deliver proactive services to customers, detecting and resolving issues before customers have experienced any business disruption. “Merit has grown to be one of the largest consulting firms dedicated to Infor products and regarded by our more than 500 customers for delivering unrivaled service,” said Erik Outzen, CEO of Merit Globe AS.


For Full Article, Click Here

WFM Hot Fix – Deploy .ear file

To prepare for applying the Hot Fix

  1. Backup the appropriate databases
  2. Backup important application files (ex. lsfprod/law/system) app server:
    1. ssokeystore
    2. ssotruststore
    3. authen.dat
    4. install.cfg
  3. Backup Ldap
    1. Get the instance name (ex. lsfprod-389)
    2. At the command prompt, browse to C:\
    3. Type: dsdbutil enter
    4. Type: active instance lsfprod-389 enter
    5. Type: ifm enter
    6. Type: create full D:/lsfprod/TEMP/ldapbackup/20160428

How to Apply a Hotfix for MSCM_1


  1. Logon as an administrator WEBLOGIC server.
  2. Backup your current directory where the application is deployed (ex. workbrain_20160502)
  3. Since you backed up the current Weblogic deployment directory, create a directory with the original name (ex. workbrain)
  4. Open a command prompt and browse to the directory where the application is deployed
    ex. cd $WB_HOME/deployments/production/workbrain
  5. Copy the EAR File to deployment directory (ex. $WB_HOME/deployments/production/workbrain
  6. Expand the EAR file in the deployment directory, using the jar tool:
    jar xvf workbrain.ear
  7. Delete the EAR File
    rm workbrain.ear
  8. Create a directory named war
    mkdir war
  9. Move the workbrain.war file into the war directory:
    mv workbrain.war war
  10. Select the war directory and expand the war file:
    cd war
    jar xvf workbrain.war
  11. Delete the war file:
    rm workbrain.war
  12. Edit the application.xml file found in the deployment_directory/workbrain/META-INF
  13. Change the line from:
  14. For the process of deploying as non-root context, select the deployment_directory/workbrain/META-INF directory, edit the application.xml file, and modify for the application non-root context:

<module id=”WebModule_1066144042227″>
<module id=”WebModule_1066144042228″>

NOTE: Make sure that you copy over any custom .jar files. Compare your previously deployed directories (the directory you backed up in step 5) to the new deployment for any custom .jar files.

  1. In the Administration Console, select Deployments in the left panel, and click Install in the right panel.The Install Application Assistant – Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment page is displayed.
  2. Select the folder where the application was exploded.
  3. Click Next The Install Application Assistant – Choose targeting style page is displayed.
  4. Leave the default Install this deployment as an application option selected.
  5. Click NextThe Install Application Assistant – Select deployment targets page is displayed.
  6. Select the managed server.
  7. Click Next. The Install Application Assistant – Optional Settings page is displayed.
  8. Select Copy this application onto every target for me.
  9. Click Next. The Install Application Assistant – Review your choices and click Finish page is displayed.
  10. Leave the default Yes, take me to the deployment’s configuration screen option selected.
  11. Click Finish. The Install Application Assistant – Settings for My App page is displayed.
  12. Confirm that all settings are correct.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Click Activate Changes in the left panel.
  15. Click Deployment in the left panel.
  16. In the right panel, select the deployed application check box.

The Start Application Assistant page is displayed


  1. Click Yes.Note:Before you start your deployment, make sure that your managed server is running (<domain_name>/Environment/Servers/<managed_server>/control).

This scenario may be familiar for you if you’ve been living in the Lawson world.

Let’s say Sarah got promoted or transferred to a new position. The first thing we do is assign Sarah her new security access, but all the Lawson jobs/reports that she used to run no longer pertain to her new position. Rather, Sarah needs a new set of jobs to run and instead of creating them one by one from another user in her new department, we can simply copy them over from another user.


By the name of the command, you may think we are deleting users, but nope, there is a hidden gem inside.

First, lets login to LID and then type the delusers command and press enter

Copy User Jobs Reports to Another User_1

You’ll now see a list of your users >> Press F8

Copy User Jobs Reports to Another User_2

You’ll now be able to Copy reports and jobs:

Copy User Jobs Reports to Another User_3

Make sure you select “Yes” for Reports and/or Jobs.

Any existing jobs/reports that have the same name from the user you’re copying from will be prompted to rename the jobs/report before continuing.

Enjoy your new jobs/reports!

Infor announced significant momentum for the Infor Implementation Accelerator program – preconfigured solutions based on the latest version of Infor application suites that are designed to deliver certain core industry application processes for customers in specific industries. With more than 50 Implementation Accelerators licensed annually since 2013, there are now 26 types of Implementation Accelerators available to customers across more than 16 industries and product areas globally. Global Head of Infor Services, Darren Saumur, adds, “Implementation Accelerators are an integral part of our value proposition, particularly for the Infor CloudSuite™ product line, as these solutions are designed to empower our customers to help speed the time to value.”


For Full Article, Click Here


If you haven’t already done so, implementing SSL after the install is a bit of a black art. Without going into gory detail, here’s a very simple set of steps to follow:

  1. On the LSF server turn off all the services related to lawson aside from ADLDS
  2. Import your new certificate (preferably a wildcard cert) into windows as a personal cert
  3. Create a binding within IIS using the imported certificate on port 443
  4. Load up  your favorite ldap editing tool. We prefer this one.
  5. Under O=lwsnrmdata -> OU=resources you’ll find all your users and services. You’ll want to edit the following identities (or more if you have other service URLs):
    • BPM
    • IOS
    • IOSAdmin
    • LSAdmin
    • mingle
    • mingle_env
    • SSO
    • SSOP
    • Environment
  6. In each of the cases above you’re going to modify the Service URL and any other http protocol. You’ll also want to change the PROTOASSERT attribute from “Use HTTP only” to “Use HTTPS always”.
  7. Then change every relevant entry in %LAWDIR%/system/install.cfg that refers to http, protoassert, or the secure ports. They’re relatively easy to find.
  8. You can now reboot the LSF server and restart your services.
  9. If you have Landmark installed, then bring up the rich client
  10. In the GEN productline, navigate to: “Security System management” > Services
  11. Change every service to HTTPS_ONLY and change the service properties to HTTP Port=-1 and HTTPS Port=443
  12. Change all the relevant entries in system/install.cfg
  13. Reboot the Landmark server
  14. Run all the smoke tests with updated URL to verify everything is working
  15. If you are using inbaskets you’ll want to import your certificates into Websphere as well but that’s a topic for another article

When you upgrade to Lawson version 10, you might notice some issues with session timeouts. The most common issue that I’ve seen is that the user will get 30+ blank popups. IF they have the patience to close each popup individually, they can eventually get back to the browser screen and close it. That’s the only way to start a new session. However, most users do NOT have the patience to click 30+ times, and they end up having to kill their browser session in Task Manager. Either way, it is no fun.

Here are some examples of the popups:

How to Resolve Infor Lawson 10 Session Timeout Errors_1

How to Resolve Infor Lawson 10 Session Timeout Errors_2

Luckily, with several encounters of this bothersome task, here is a solution on how to fix it:

Step 1: Make sure you are on the highest patch level of ios.jar and lawsec.jar for your version of Lawson.

  • You can find your current version in LID by typing in the commands “univver ios.jar” and “univver lawsec.jar”.
  • Then, you can check with Infor support to determine if you need to update, and they will direct you to the appropriate patches

Step 2: Copy the msgdlg.xml to the appropriate location

  • The system seems to generate all these popups in a panic because it can’t find the msgdlg.xml file where it is expected
  • Navigate to LAWDIR/persistdata/lawson/portal/data/msgs/en-us.
    • If the msgdlg.xml file is there, COPY it to WEBDIR/lawson/portal/data/msgs/en-us
    • If the msgdlg.xml file is not there, ask Infor to provide it for you
  • Once you copy the file over, upon session timeout you should receive ONE popup message. Once you click OK, you will be taken back to the logon screen where you can start a new session.

How to Resolve Infor Lawson 10 Session Timeout Errors_3