1. Open Infor Rich Client Run A Process-1
  2. At the login prompt, enter the Lawson username and passwordRun A Process-2
  3. The canvas is now open. Look in the upper left corner and make sure you are pointing to the prod or test data area (not gen) Run A Process-3
  4. In the upper right corner, click “Start > Applications > Process Server Administrator > Administration > Channels Administrator”Scan for Files in IPA-1
    1. At this point, you can click, HOLD, and drag the “Channels Administrator” link to the canvas. That way, it will create a shortcut on the canvas. Create a File Channel in IPA-4
  5. Once you are in Channels Administrator, click on the File Channels tab, and you should see a list of File Channels that have been set up
  6. Locate the channel for which you wish to scan
  7. Right click on the channel and select “Scan Now”Scan for Files in IPA-2
  1. This will scan the file configured in the Channels Administrator, and kick off any processes that use the files in that directory (the processes are configured in the File Channel Receivers section)


Your install is successful, but when you log on to the BSI Interface (Screen Print #1) you receive an error (Error Message. Exception is: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Login failed for user ‘tf10’. ClientConnectionId:f0509232-la4c-4d22-b118-785e9ba8eee5). See Screen Print #2

You will receive this error if your SQL database is configured with a Named Instance. The Named Instance should be configured with a static port. You should not use the default port (1433) when installing the BSI Client even though your ODBC will connect successfully with the default port. Please see article on assigning a static port for SQL Server named instance: (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/arvindsh/2012/09/08/how-to-assign-a-static-port-to-a-sql-server-named-instance-and-avoid-a-common-pitfall/)

Screen Print #1

Troubleshooting BSI Database Connection during Install-1


Screen Print #2

Troubleshooting BSI Database Connection during Install-2

Lawson programs, especially batch jobs, can sometimes take hours to complete. In rare instances, a badly written 4GL batch job can even take days to complete depending on the number of records it has to process and how it goes about doing so. Depending on your skill set, you may be able to optimize the code directly and use a debugger to find out how to speed things up. But if you want some statistics about what the program is doing and a quick shortcut, then there’s a utility for that.

The utility is actually several different utilities wrapped into one.

dbadmin utility to set some parameters. The main parameter you want to set is the TIMESTATS parameter. The timestats function is activated using the dbadmin utility.

Before you go changing stuff, to show current settings, run ‘dbadmin get’ from a LID command prompt or a qsh command prompt in System i.

dbadmin get
Current Value for REUSE=ON
Current Value for DEBUG=OFF
Current Value for DBAPIERRORS=ON
Current Value for TIMESTATS=OFF
Current Value for USERFILTER=
Current Value for PROGRAMFILTER=
Current Value for DATAREAFILTER=
Current Value for TIMESTATSDIR=/tmp
Current Value for IDLETIME=1

Save this off for future reference.

#To enable timestats, run the following commands:

dbadmin set timestats on
dbadmin set programfilter programcode   (optional, specify a program code. e.g. AP175.  The default is all programs)
dbadmin set timestatsdir pathname  (optional, ex. /home/username or C:\timestats.  If not specified, stats files are created in /tmp or %TMPDIR% for Windows)
dbadmin set dataareafilter productline  (optional, specify a productline name.  The default is all productlines)
dbadmin set userfilter username   (optional, the default is all users)
dbadmin set reuse off

#Clear the active database drivers so that the changes become effective
dbadmin idleall
tmcontrol -rp productline programcode  (For online programs only)

#Run ‘dbadmin get’ after setting the options to check that the desired options are enabled.

#After should look like this:

Current Value for REUSE=OFF
Current Value for DEBUG=OFF
Current Value for DBAPIERRORS=ON
Current Value for TIMESTATS=ON
Current Value for USERFILTER=
Current Value for PROGRAMFILTER=HR211
Current Value for DATAREAFILTER=test
Current Value for TIMESTATSDIR=d:\lawson\temp\timstats
Current Value for IDLETIME=1

Now you’re ready to submit your job again. Once the job is submitted, you should be able to see the stat files get created in the timestatsdir directory.
Wait until the job has completed before viewing the file(s).

You can view the files after the job is complete but they aren’t all that easy to understand. To make them easier to digest:

Go to the stats directory and run:
analyze_stats -o > stats.out

You’ll notice that you now have two new files in this directory.

stats.out and a cfg file.

The stats.out file will give you a really great view of what’s going on with your program while the cfg file can be place in the xxsrc directory of your code and compiled with the program to optimize it based on the timestats results.

After you’re done:

To turn disable timestats and re-enable driver re-use:

dbadmin set timestats off
dbadmin set reuse on


Six months after announcing their strategic investment, Infor acquires Predictix, continuing to push to modernize the retail industry. A ground-breaking provider of cloud-native, predictive, and machine-learning solutions for retailers, Predictix will take place in Infor CloudSuite Retail, a modern enterprise application suite designed for today’s retail landscape. “Becoming part of Infor will further accelerate our retail revolution by providing scale and integrating two teams that sit at the intersection of cloud, analytics, machine learning, and self-service,” says Molham Aref, CEO of Predictix. Being managed in the Infor cloud, Predictix applications will be accessible to more than 58 million users.


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Note: Though possible, I would not recommend using jobdump and jobload from one version of Lawson to another as fields may change. Use at your own risk.


For this article, we will be doing jobdump and jobload in v10 between Prod and Test ProductLine.

Here are the flags for jobdump:


As you can see above, the flags give plenty of flexibility to specify what to dump. For this tutorial, we will be dumping all jobs for a single user from v10 Prod to v10 Test.

Step 1: First login to Lawson Interface Desktop, we’re logging into our v10 Prod server.

jobdump -d -o Job -v UserName LawsonPOBatch po_jobs.dmp

So we are essentially dumping all jobs –o Job for user –v UserName <YourUsersName> to a file called po_jobs.dmp that will be created in our current directory D:\lawson\temp\jobdump

We are dumping all jobs under our user: LawsonPOBatch. Make sure your user(s) exists in both ProductLines already.

Step 2: Transfer over your_dump_file.dmp file to other server via FTP etc.

Step 3: Login to your other servers productline, for us it will be v10 Test. Navigate through LID to your_dump_file.dmp file. This for us is: po_jobs.dmp

Here are the flags for jobload:


Since we dumped from Prod, we would be loading to Test. If it’s for the same user, no need to specify the username. If migrating to a new user with a different name, you can use a –m <source_user> <target_user>

We are transferring to the same user that is in both PROD and TEST so we don’t specify this.

Since we are transferring jobs from PROD to TEST you could specify this with –m ProductLine <SOURCE_PRODLINE> <TARGET_PRODLINE> (Must be in caps.)

Step 4: Run jobload in preview mode (without -c)

jobload -o Job -m ProductLine PROD TEST po_jobs.dmp

Or you could simply go into the .dmp file and change all instances of PROD to TEST (or whatever the name of your ProductLine is)


Then you could simply run

jobload -o Job po_jobs.dmp

This will run in preview mode. Run until you have no errors.

Step 5: Run in commit mode.

jobload -c -o Job -m ProductLine PROD TEST po_jobs.dmp


jobload -c -o Job po_jobs.dmp

if you edited the .dmp file manually.

If it was successful you’ll see the jobs being added.

Login to Lawson portal and verify those jobs got transferred over from that user.


Infor announced the next generation of Infor Fashion Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), a rich, industry-specific solution designed to help organizations keep up with rapid adjustment to what’s happening in retail and assist retail companies with better informed decision-making . The application can link vital areas of the fashion supply chain to the business – from line planning, design and development to sourcing, production, inventory management, customers and distribution. The newest iteration includes a bi-directional Adobe Illustrator plugin, which helps designers focus on product innovation. Additionally, with Infor CloudSuite Fashion, organizations can better integrate from concept to consumer through a flexible, subscription-based delivery model.


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File Channels are a feature in IPA that is similar to the ScanFile Client feature in ProcessFlow. A File Channel scans a directory periodically for files which will kick off processes in IPA. The files and processes are configured in File Receivers. Here is how to set them up.

How to Set up File Channels

  1. Log in to Rich Client Run A Process-1
  2. The canvas is now open. Look in the upper left corner and make sure you are pointing to the prod or test data area (not gen) Run A Process-3
  3. In the upper right corner, click “Start > Applications > Process Server Administrator > Administration > Channels Administrator”
    Create a File Channel in IPA-3

    1. At this point, you can click, HOLD, and drag the “Channels Administrator” link to the canvas. That way, it will create a shortcut on the canvas. Create a File Channel in IPA-4
  4. Once you are in Channels Administrator, click on the File Channels tab
  5. Click Actions > Create or click the create icon Run A Process-6
  6. Overview Tab
    Create a File Channel in IPA-6

    1. Enter a meaningful channel name
    2. Enter a description for the channel
    3. Check “Is Enabled”
      1. This can be unchecked when the file scanner is not needed
    4. Choose the channel type
      1. Local points to a directory on the local server
      2. Remote requires FTP to be enabled on the local server and the remote server
    5. Enter the directory that will be scanned by the file channel
    6. Choose whether to match case sensitivity on the file
    7. Enter an error file directory
      1. This is where files will go if there is an error in the scanning (NOT an error in the flow)
    8. Enter an in-progress file directory
      1. This is where files will go once they are successfully scanned
    9. Choose a scan interval (in minutes)
  7. Click the Save icon Create a File Channel in IPA-7

How to Set up File Channel Receivers

  1. Once you have created your File Channel, you must now set up the File Channel Receivers, which will configure the files that are picked up during a scan
  2. Make sure your File Channel is deactivated
    1. File Receivers cannot be created or modified if the File Channel is active
    2. Go to the File Channels screen
    3. Right click on the File Channel for which you are adding a receiver
    4. Select “Deactivate” Create a File Channel in IPA-8
  3. Open your new File Channel and navigate to the File Channel Receivers tab
  4. Click Actions > Create or click the create icon Run A Process-6
  5. Enter the Receiver details
    Create a File Channel in IPA-10
  1. Enter a name for the Receiver
  2. Enter a description
  3. Choose the file name for which the receiver will be scanning
    1. You can use regular expressions here
  4. Select the process that should begin when the file is found in a scan
  5. Choose the Startup Type
  • Click the Save icon Create a File Channel in IPA-7
  • Be sure to reactivate your File Channel so that it can begin scanning for your files
  1. Open Infor Rich Client Run A Process-1
  2. At the login prompt, enter the correct username and password
    Run A Process-2
  3. The canvas is now open. Look in the upper left corner and make sure you are pointing to the prod or test data area (not gen) Run A Process-3
  4. In the upper right corner, click “Start > Applications > Process Server Administrator > Scheduling > By Process Definition”
    Run A Process-4

    1. At this point, you can click, HOLD, and drag the “By Process Definition” link to the canvas. That way, it will create a shortcut on the canvas. Run A Process-5
  5. Once you are in User Defined Processes, you should see a list of Process Triggers that have been set up
  6. Locate the process that you wish to run
    1. If you do not see the process you wish to run, you must create a new trigger for it.
    2. Click the “New” icon Run A Process-6
    3. Select the Process Name you wish to run
      Run A Process-7
    1. Give the trigger a “Work Title” (this is a required field for the trigger to function)
      Run A Process-8
    1. Save the trigger
    2. Close this screen
      Run A Process-9
  1. Right click on the process and select “Start” Run A Process-10
  2. To check the status of the process, open the work units screen at “Start > Applications > Process Server Administrator > Workunits > Workunits”
    Run A Process-11
  3. This presents a list of workunits. Choose the workunit corresponding to the process you just ran, and double click to open the information screen
    1. Here, you can see any error messages and view the log
      Run A Process-12

You’re about to make some changes but want to create a backup for LDAP just in case there are any mistakes.

Let’s get started:

First thing we need to do is remote into the v10 server you want to backup LDAP.

Once in, create a “temp” directory somewhere in Lawson or lsfprod. For us, this will be Lawson\temp\<todays date>

Run CMD.exe as administrator:

How to Backup LDAP in v10 Lawson-1

Switch to drive Lawson is on, for us this is the D:\

Now type dsdbutil and hit enter, then type list instances and hit enter to get a list of instances.

How to Backup LDAP in v10 Lawson-2

Once you know what instance you want, type Activate instance <Instance Name>

This will set the instance name to backup.

Type ifm and press enter. To create the backup, type create full <directory output name>

Make sure there are no spaces in your directory output name.


create full D:\lawson\temp\20160531

Now check that directory and there should be a .dit file.

To restore an LDAP backup, turn off IBM Services in the correct order.

This should be:

  1. IBM Websphere app. server v8.5 Infot10Prod-app.
  2. IBM Websphere app. server v8.5 Node Agent
  3. IBM Cellmanager02

Turn off Prodinfor10ADLDS service (or similar name)

Then go to the <Drive>\Microsoft ADAM\ProdInfor10ADLDS\data directory and replace the .dit file with your backup (back up the existing .dit file just in case).

Start those IBM services back up in proper order along with Prodinfor10ADLDS.

Infor recently announced a major agreement with global authorized training partner LearnQuest. LearnQuest will deliver public and private authorized training for all Infor clients in Europe and the Asia Pacific region. This engagement will help align Infor’s product depth, user experience, last mile functonality and scientific insights with the global IT training experience of LearnQuest. Initial focus will be on applications and platforms such as Infor ION, M3, Global HR, Public Sector Suite, Workforce Management and Human Capital Management (HCM), spanning numerous verticals, including aerospace and defense, automotive, fashion, healthcare, high tech electronics, industrial manufacturing and retail, among others. Jason Fox, VP Infor Education, says this partnership offers valuable training options and greater flexibility for Infor customers.


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