This article will demonstrate how to set up the most commonly-used Infor Lawson configurations in Landmark.

Infor delivers two configuration sets with Landmark: “main” and “system”.  “Main” refers to the LSF environment, and “system” refers to the Landmark environment.  It is best practices to use these configuration sets for the processes that access these systems.

Here are the most commonly used configurations for Lawson:

Infor Lawson

Used for web calls (DME/AGS) to Lawson, as well as Resource queries (Lawson Security)

  • Infor recommends using Connection Type “Web”
  • Retry Count – number of times IPA will retry the connection after a failed attempt
  • Pause Time – Amount of time in milliseconds between each attempt to reconnect when web call fails
  • User – the web user who has access to DME/AGS calls and/or Lawson Security
  • Password – the web user’s password
  • Data Area – the name of the data area being accessed in the LSF environment
  • Web Root –
  • Time Out – Number of seconds of attempting to connect after which a timeout occurs
  • Page Size – The number of records returned in a DME query (blank means no limit)

File Access

Used for file reads and manipulation on the LSF server

  • Click “Remote” if LSF resides on a different server from Landmark
  • LSF Web RMI Root – Same as Web Root in the Infor Lawson connection (
  • Web user – the user who has directory access on the Lawson server
  • Web password – the above user’s password
  • RMI timeout – Number of milliseconds of attempting to connect after which a timeout occurs
  • GENDIR – GENDIR environment variable value on the LSF server
  • LAWDIR – LAWDIR environment variable value on the LSF server



Used for SQL Queries and transactions

  • JDBC Driver – the driver name used for JDBC
  • Database URL – build the URL for your db
    • Example: jdbc:sqlserver://servername\instancename:port;databasename=databasename
    • Instance Name is optional
    • Port is optional (default is 1433)



Used for the Web Run process node (can be used to update and run batch jobs, etc.)

  • Data Area – the data area to which you are connecting on LSF
  • Web Root –
  • User – the user who has access to web run calls
  • Password – the above user’s password
  • Time Out – Number of seconds of attempting to connect after which a timeout occurs
  • Amount of time in milliseconds between each attempt to reconnect when web call fails


Sys Cmd

Used to run command line system commands, including Lawson commands such as importdb

  • Check “Remote” is LSF resides on a separate server from Landmark
  • LSF Web/RMI Root –
  • Web User – the user who has access to the LSF system
  • Web password – Web User’s password
  • RMI timeout – Number of milliseconds of attempting to connect after which a timeout occurs
  • GENDIR – GENDIR on LSF system
  • LAWDIR – LAWDIR on LSF system
  • Run as user – the provide user credentials under which the command should run
    • NOTE: Windows no longer allows cmd to be run as a different user, so command line will always be run under the user running the bpm service. This is most likely the system user, and as a result, that user will have to be added to Lawson security and given access to run Lawson commands (if that is how this node is used)
  • Run as user password – above user’s password (see note above)
  • Command timeout – Number of milliseconds of attempting to connect after which a timeout occurs

With the current administration’s goal to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, the future of Healthcare is in question. Infor just recently announced that they will soon be adding 6 new modules, which it refers to as Infor Provider Market Insights to Cloudsuite Healthcare.

These new modules include 4 core modules – Market Analytics, Provider Module, Access Module, and Referral Module, as well as 2 optional modules – Mergers & Acquisitions and De Novo Insights. The two optional modules are focused towards organizations whose goal is to expand their business, while the core modules are best for organizations who are looking to weather the upcoming healthcare storm.

While there is still much information about these modules that is still to be determined, the goal is to provide insight for healthcare leaders and their implementation of strategic decisions.

For Full Article Click Here

These are instructions for copying user jobs (by user) between environments. This will NOT allow you to copy jobs between environments on different versions of LSF (i.e. you cannot use these commands to copy v901 jobs to v10x).

  1. Run listusermap in both environments and make note of the NTID for the user in each environment
  2. In the source environment, run the command

jobdump –d –o job –v UserName “DOMAIN\UserName” outputfile

  1. Open the output file created by the command in a text editor
    1. Update any references to the NTID from the source system with the NTID of the destination system
    2. Make any directory structure changes as needed (i.e. change “D:\lsfprod to D:\lsftest”)
  2. Copy the output file to the destination system
  3. In the destination environment, run the command

jobload –c –o job inputfile

More on jobdump/jobload

You may be upgrading a client from LAUA to 901+ and will need to view their existing security classes in LAUA.  Whatever the reason, this is how you dump LAUA security.

Login to your server through LID.

Type LAUA >> Press Enter and you’ll be in Lawson User Security screen.

Press F7 >> D (Form Security)

Follow these parameter settings:

Now press F8 and sent to A. File, B. Printer, C. Screen

Your output should look something similar to this:


That’s it!  Now you can maneuver through LAUA screens and view/dump other useful data such as security class assignments, etc.


Here is a quick reference to Install CTPs in Lawson.

  1. Download and save CTP to LSF Server
  2. Extract .tar (unzip) on LSF server to folder (d:\patch\CTPXXXX)
  3. Log on LID as Lawson
  4. Change directory to extracted CTP location:
    cd d:\patch\CTPXXXXX)
  5. Run command: perl %gendir%/bin/lawappinstall preview <PRODLINE> (make sure it completes successfully)
  6. Rename/Save Preview.log
  7. Run command: perl %gendir%/bin/lawappinstall update <PRODLINE> (make sure it completes successfully)
  8. Run command: perl %gendir%/bin/lawappinstall activate <PRODLINE> (make sure it completes successfully)
  9. Go to the Lawson application and perform general testing to make sure everything is up and running.


During the ACTIVATE mode if it stops at dbreorg, this is likely do to activity in DB (“database in use”) or “No such file or directory” Perform the following:

On the LSF Server

Window Services:  Stop the IBMWASXXService – LSFAPP – This prevents users from accessing Portal

Window Services:  Stop Lawson.insightEnvironment “PRODLINE” –  stops LID to disconnect LID users

Task Manager:  End all java processes

Windows Services:  Start Lawson.insightEnvironment “PRODLINE” – starts LID

In LID, run the reorg manually:  dbreorg PRODLINE

Run the ACTIVATE step again


The Data Iterator node can be used to loop through records.  One way to use this node is to loop through the lines of a TXT or CSV file so that the data can be manipulated and stored somewhere else, or used in Lawson programs.  Here is an example of a process using data iterators.  The first node accesses a csv file and loops through each line.  The second iterator takes the line from the first node, and splits it on a delimiter.  From there, it loops through each field in the line and makes an assignment.

  1. The first node, which uses a file as the input
    1. Configuration name – select the configuration where the file resides (main is LSF, system is Landmark)
    2. Input file – the path to the file
    3. Parse by:
      1. Line – loop through each line
      2. Delimiter string – provide a character or string, the iterator will “split” on that string and loop through each item
      3. Length – use this for a fixed-length flat file
    4. Starting position – use this to determine which line the iterator should start on (so you could skip header rows if needed)
    5. Maximum read iterations – Use if you only want to read a certain number of lines/characters in a file
    6. Ignore trailing delimiter – will ignore the delimiter at the end of the line
    7. Accumulate output variables – Specifies whether records should be output into separate variables as they are parsed. If true (check box is selected), each record will be saved in the activity variable activityName_outputDataN, where activityName is the name of the activity and N is the record number.
  1. The second node, which uses a file as the input
    1. Configuration name – select the configuration where the file resides (main is LSF, system is Landmark)
    2. Input data – the data to read into the iterator
    3. Parse by:
      1. Line – loop through each line
      2. Delimiter string – provide a character or string, the iterator will “split” on that string and loop through each item
      3. Length – use this for a fixed-length flat file
    4. Starting position – use this to determine which character the iterator should start on
    5. Maximum read iterations – Use if you only want to read a certain number of lines/characters in a file
    6. Bytes to read – used for fixed width files
    7. Delimiter string – the string that splits each field of the record
    8. Ignore trailing delimiter – will ignore the delimiter at the end of the line
    9. Accumulate output variables – Specifies whether records should be output into separate variables as they are parsed. If true (check box is selected), each record will be saved in the activity variable activityName_outputDataN, where activityName is the name of the activity and N is the record number.

For most businesses today Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is likely the most important piece of technology that’ll make a part of how one runs their business. However, choosing the right ERP isn’t a simple task. Here’s a few questions to ask about your business to help you pick the right one.

  1. Does the software appeal to today’s workers?
  2. Is the software easy and efficient to modify and maintain?
  3. Does the software enable modular implementation?
  4. Can the software be implemented as a global, single-instance application?
  5. Is there a non-disruptive upgrade capability available?
  6. Can the software be extended as business demands change?
  7. Does the software provide different deployment options?
  8. Can you, as the customer, influence product development?
  9. Does the vendor’s R&D organisation include a workspace to drive disruptive innovation?
  10. Are you offered references to customers using the evaluated software package?

Being able to answer these questions in regards to how it will greatly effect your business will lead you to better deciding which ERP is best for your company.

For Full Article Click Here


Infor has reached an agreement to acquire Birst, Inc, a pioneer of cloud-native business intelligence (BI). The San Francisco-based company is a unique, comprehensive platform for sourcing, refining, and presenting standardized data insights at scale for driving business decisions. The Birst business intelligence (BI) platform connects the entire enterprise through a network of virtualized BI instances on-top of a shared common analytical fabric. The platform spans across enterprise resource planning forming a rich, simplified end-to-end BI suite in the cloud. In the last six years Infor has built one of the largest cloud companies in the world with 65 million users in more than 100 countries, investing nearly $3 billion in research and development to re-engineer industry specific applications for the cloud. This has generated double digit growth in cloud subscriptions. With a high mass of cloud subscribers and petabytes of critical data in the cloud, Birst provides Infor a single, elegant platform with a highly consumable user interface. Brad Peters, chairman and chief product officer said of the coming acquisiton, “Infor is the perfect home for Birst, providing the global scale and resources to accelerate our short-term growth and also a common long-term vision for the future of data-driven businesses using advanced business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.”


For Full Article, Click Here

The IP Designer Trigger Node, located under the Control Menu Group, is used to trigger another IPA process or Service.  Once you drag the node to the design screen, the processes and services list will auto-populate in the node properties.  The configuration settings are just like setting up a trigger in Rich Client or the Infor Process Automation administrator web application.

  • Trigger Type, Process, and Work Title are required. The  indicates that a variable can be used for that value.

  • Use the Process Variables tab to pass variables from the current process into the one being triggered