With the numerous digital security breaches in the news in recent months, many companies are asking themselves if their digital perimeters are safe enough to withstand against a cyber-attack. With the price of protection being costly, companies are having to make serious compromises. Organizations’ network perimeters have dramatically extended as companies try to make their private network support digital enterprise. This can be very dangerous because many private networks are based on a many-to-many model, meaning that a network with 10 thousand end points would need a business to watch almost 100 million potential connections.
Infor has announced a new addition to their Talent Science solutions known as Infor Coleman. Infor Coleman is an enterprise-grade, industry-specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform for Infor CloudSuite that learns and enhances the process of things like inventory management, human capital, and more. Talent Science is a helpful predictive talent analytic for the cloud that assists in fitting the right people to the right roles. Infor Coleman will benefit Talent Science by utilizing machine learning to improve predictions by leveraging millions of job candidates in the database in order to develop a model that is more accurately calibrated to the global workforce. The AI will also make prediction models more precise and valid. It’s predicted that this will allow for lower turnover rates and higher performances in those who are deemed as good fits for a role.
There are several ways to trigger an IPA process, including 4GL triggers and scheduling. One simple and low-overhead method is to use a HTTP(S) call.
HTTP(S) calls can be used to trigger a Process or a Service. To begin, you should have the process uploaded into IPA. Then you should create the Process or the Service Trigger. These can be created in Rich Client or in the IPA Admin web tool, but note that the following instructions use the verbiage & menus in Rich Client.
Creating a Process Trigger
- In Rich Client, go to Start > Scheduling by Process Definition
- Create New
- Select the Process under Process Name
- Give the trigger a work title
- Add variables if your process accepts them
Creating a Service Trigger
- In Rich Client, first create the Service Definition by going to Start > Configuration > Service Definitions
- Create New
- Give the service a Name and Description
- Check the “Is Service Enabled” check box
- Click the Save button
- Under the Processes tab, add the process that you will be running with this service (click the add new button)
- Select the process to add
- Make sure the “Is Service Process Enabled checkbox is checked
- Click the save button
- Add variables if your process accepts them
URL syntax for calling Process & Service Triggers
- Make sure you give your process a work title, in this case we are using Trigger Test
- These examples assume two variables: TestVar1 and TestVar2 (variables use a zero-based array)
- For a Service Call, triggerName is the service definition name
- For a Process Call, triggerName is the process trigger name
Asynchronous Service Call – https://ipahost:port/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ServiceAsync&triggerName=DHTest&dataArea=prod&workTitle=Trigger%20Test&varName\[0\]=TestVar1&varValue\[0\]=xyz&varName\[1\]=TestVar2&varValue\[1\]=123
Synchronous Service Call – https://ipahost:port/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ServiceSync&triggerName=DHTest&dataArea=prod&workTitle=Trigger%20Test&varName\[0\]=TestVar1&varValue\[0\]=xyz&varName\[1\]=TestVar2&varValue\[1\]=123
Asynchronous Process Call – https://ipahost:port/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ProcessAsync&triggerName=FileAccess&dataArea=prod&workTitle=Trigger%20Test&varName\[0\]=TestVar1&varValue\[0\]=xyz&varName\[1\]=TestVar2&varValue\[1\]=123
Synchronous Process Call – https://ipahost:port/bpm/trigger?triggerType=ProcessSync&triggerName=FileAccess&dataArea=prod&workTitle=Trigger%20Test&varName\[0\]=TestVar1&varValue\[0\]=xyz&varName\[1\]=TestVar2&varValue\[1\]=123
There are many benefits to implementing a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at your business. However, there are valid reasons as to why one would be hesitant to do so as it can be a very stressful time for everyone involved. There are certain steps that businesses both large and small can take in order to make the time less stressful and prevent an ERP disaster.
- Get Everyone on board – Explain to your team all of the benefits of implementing the new system and how it is going to improve the daily workflow.
- Take Advantage of Implementation Services – These implementation services were created to help ease with the transition process.
- Choose the right software for your company – What works for one company may not work for another. Research the system and discuss it with your team before making an overall decision.
- Customization isn’t Always Better – Sometimes going overboard with customization can have disastrous consequences and even more difficult to fix the problem.
- Create a Realistic and Flexible Timeframe – Most ERPs take at least two weeks to set-up, so plan ahead and don’t rush through it.
When applying a patch to the LSF environment, we saw Security Violation errors on environment utilities even though security was turned off. In the below example, the error was returned from trying to run ldunivtkns (to load environment tokens) and also on envrelease (to show the environment version.) This issue was resolved after contacting the network team to replicate file system permissions from an older Lawson server. While it was not shared exactly which permissions were changed that were not already in place, once the new permissions were applied, the Security Violations were replaced in the logs with the appropriate responses from the commands.
Initial Error
Error Resolved
Environment Security Settings
When installing Landmark 11 with Oracle, an error may return in the log related to a config variable when setting up the database. The installation will run for some time and eventually call D:\lmkprod]\env\install\dbcon
The SQL Query Node can be used to query any SQL Server database.
Connection information
- Either select the configuration name that contains your JDBC connection information
- Or select Override Connection and provide the override information
The SQL Query Node can run a SQL Query, Run a stored procedure, or perform a create/update command. If you are running a SQL Query, you can click the “Build” button to build the query in a GUI wizard.
For many start ups and small to medium sized companies, they believe that getting a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is going to be rather costly, making it only realistically obtainable for large or prosperous organizations. Companies think this for a myriad of reasons; they allocate enough resources for the training, they think of it as just another software, they make poor plans for it, and/or don’t use it to the fullest. In actuality, CRM helps to majorly reduce operating cost. It does this in many of ways. For starters it makes sure that all enquiries are addressed, helping increase sales and giving more clarity about the activities of the enquiries. In addition, CRM also increases sales by analyzing a detailed report about consumer patterns and behaviors.
The Message Builder Node accepts a string of text and appends each text of that string to the message each time the node is used. This can be useful when your process loops through records and records any error messages for each record. It’s also good for notification messages for multiple records.
The Variable name is what will be referenced when you want to use the built message later in the process.
Reference the variable name just like any other variable name. All nodes after the message builder will have access to the message builder variable.