Learning to delegate is an essential skill for any situation, personal or professional. In business, delegation is essential for building repeatable processes and systems. However, no matter how good of a process you create at your workplace, the unknowns like employees calling in sick or having a massive layoff calls for reorganization and restructuring. Maddy Osman at Trello states that it is necessary to proactively document and share knowledge so that other team members can step in to take over when something needs to be done. She shares a framework to break down complex work and effectively delegate tasks to a team:

  1. Create A Knowledge Base For Sharing Process Information
  2. Provide A Walkthrough For Each Process To Delegate
  3. Anticipate FAQs & Possibilities For User Error
  4. Create A 1-Page PDF Onboarding Guide To Bring New Teammates Up To Speed
  5. Explicitly Encourage Questions From Teammates
  6. Use A Project Management Tool To Set Expectations & Create Accountability

It’s not easy to break tasks down into repeatable processes. Other members of your team may approach problems completely different than you would, which is why you have to anticipate where a process can break down and any questions people might have when executing a task. However, if you take the necessary steps and invest in time to create a comprehensive and useful process documentation, you can save yourself time and resources in the future.


Original post by Maddy Osman from Trello.

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Infor’s newest cloud-native price management solution, Infor Price Management (IPM) has been officially released. The newest addition to the Infor Retail sector, Infor Price Management (IPM) is scalable, self-serviceable, and configurable, and serves as “one version of the truth” for price: evaluating prices, identifying conflicts and preventing leakage across applicable selling channels.  It enables retailers to focus on the creation of proprietary pricing models, identifying relevant sources of market intelligence, and differentiating their position in the market through value-based pricing. In addition, Infor Price Management permits retailers to bring together prices from disparate sources into a single execution platform for transparency across the organization – with the goal of eliminating conflicts and reducing price leakage.


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Step 1: Login to Infor Security Services (ISS)

Step 2: Goto SSO >> Manage Domains and click edit button as shown:

We are simply verifying the names of the displayed XML files:

Step 3: On the LSF server, go to the %LAWDIR%\security\domainauth\EXTERNAL directory to edit that XML


Step 4: Add an entry to an existing tree or create a new one:



That’s all that’s to it.

Step 1: Login to your LBI server and go to the Tools dashboard


Step 2: Select the Smart Notification link

Step 3: In Smart Notification interface, click the Admin button at the top right:

Step 4: Under Content section, select the Delivered Alert History link:

Final Step:

Select the between dates and click the “Get Delivered Alert History” button to see sent notifications. Below you’ll see all sent notifications on June 26th 2019. You can also filter down on the notifications by Alert ID and or Recipient. You can also redeliver these messages if needed.

Most SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses) have the general perception that Entreprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are suited for larger enterprises. This perception is due to the high cost of ownership, the complexity of implementation and the continuous maintenance costs. ERPs as of late, however, have made it possible for businesses ofsmaller sizes to benefit from these systems. While ERPs can be beneficial for SMBs, they still come with few obstacles, especially during implementation. Elizabeth Quirk of Solutions Review shares some of the top challenges small businesses face during ERP implementation.


  • Customization – Every company is different in its own way, so your ERP system may require some minor adjustments. This can often be a slippery slope, and as you begin to run into more complications, you’ll be tempted to address them with some customization. By over-customizing, you may face costly upgrades, so beware!
  • The Users – To prepare employees for the ERP system, you should also address some of the potential problems that may arise when using it, such as lack of understanding, poor adoption, and even selecting the wrong ERP system
  • Investment in Internal Hardware –  Working with a slow, heavy system can leave you incredibly unproductive. A properly managed ERP with the adequate hardware system has the ability to increase customer satisfaction and improve employee productivity. You should also consider looking into a cloud-hosted ERP system.


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Running BS531 creates two separate CSV files, one for employee benefits (BNBATCH) and one for dependent benefits (BNDEPBATCH).

Copy these files over to the D:\lsfprod\law\prod10\work\BNBATCH directory on your LSF application server (your directory names may differ slightly).

After creating your BN531 job, go in LID and use the jobdef command to locate it under the user you created it under.

Once located, press F6 and select “C. CSV File Attributes and verify”

Verify the File Name is BNBATCH and type is CSV:

Now run the BN531 job in report mode to verify there are no errors.

Run BN531 in update mode.


Once done, go back to the D:\lsfprod\law\prod10\work\BNBATCH directory and rename the BNBATCH to bnbatch_emp. Now rename bndepbatch file to BNBATCH.  Run the BN531 again in report. Once verified there are no errors, run the BN531 again and confirm the data carried over.

Hope this was helpful.


Even with the advancement in technology taking over almost every business, position, and process, there is still a need for strong relationships to develop organically – with human connection. A computer cannot build relationships by itself; you still need people for that. They’re the ones who feed computers intelligence. According to HubSpot, 58 percent of sales teams are increasing in size. With an increase in staff comes the need for experienced managers who know the value of face-to-face, personalized customer relationships. Sales managers are responsible for reporting to the board, managing technology needs, and of course managing people. Technology is perhaps unavoidable and integral to today’s business world, but often it seems that the tools that are supposed to help us end up making things overly complicated and not intuitive. Salespeople for example need a customer relationship management (CRM) system. It is essential to not only the sales team, but also the manager. The right CRM solution can save you time and money while helping close more deals. But it can also get in the way and end up being a hindrance to your ability to successfully manage people if it’s too difficult to use. Desitnation CRM suggests four things for mangers to look for and leverage in a CRM system as they run their sales teams:

  1. Workflow – A CRM system should aid workflow, not hinder it.
  2. Collaboration – A CRM system can fuel collaboration by giving each team member access to real-time data.
  3. Automation – A CRM should minimize your need to micromanage.
  4. Integrations – A CRM system should work seamlessly alongside the other tools your sales team uses, like email, contracts, and inventory.

Technology has the potential to improve a sales team and free up your time as a manager to focus more on helping you grow your business.


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Can’t Change Pricing on a Requisition or a PO?

There are settings in the Buyer (PO04) or Requestor (RQ04) setup.  It allows control over defaulting in pricing from any contracts or vendor agreements that you might have in place.  If you want a buyer or a requestor to be able to change the price on a PO or a Requisition, then consider the following changes:



At the bottom of the Main tab in PO04 – you can setup a buyer to allow unit cost overrides from different costs.  In this case, the user can’t override a cost that defaults in from a vendor agreement or Strategic Sourcing (Contracts).  However they can override the cost on a PO line item if it defaults in from the last PO or Last Cost (Invoice cost or adjusted cost).



At the bottom of the Main tab in RQ04 – you have similar options.  This user does not have the ability to override any cost that might default onto a requisition.

Norled AS, one of Norway’s largest ferry and express boat operators, has invested in Infor CloudSuite Human Capital Management (HCM) to help reduce costs, instill greater agility in responding to staff changes, and expedite HR processes and improve compliance. Infor was chosen over 17 potential partners as it was the only provider to deliver full workforce management functionality to assist in the strategic scheduling of staff. Norled manages drastically different staffing requirements as each boat is effectively its own business, needing different competencies, skills and personnel. Their in-house software and pre-built Excel worksheets require a large degree of manual interaction, consuming time and exposing Norled to risk. By replacing these systems with Infor CloudSuite HCM and integrating workforce planning and scheduling into self-service facilities on each boat, Norled expects to realise cost management savings, be more agile in securing the right staff for a specific vessel when responding to staff illness and holidays, and ensure full compliance with strict Norwegian maritime regulations.

Norled expects to roll out their first phase and go live in early 2020.


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