Nucleus Research has recognized Infor as a Leader in the latest Technology Value Matrix for Human Capital Management (HCM). The Nucleus HCM Value Matrix measures the ability of HCM vendors to deliver value in usability and functionality, and companies are placed into four categories: Leaders, Experts, Facilitators, and Core Providers. “Organizations are turning to Infor to deliver advanced technological capabilities to help do business better,” said Bill Vellante, Infor vice president and general manager. The Infor CloudSuite HCM will help organizations properly mange teams as it is structured to deliver insight into various aspects of employee management and is designed to help provide effective and economical solutions that can help companies save money and increase employee morale. With its powerful set of cloud-based human capital software solutions, the HR solution can replace certain complex processes, workflows, and systems with sophisticated, yet intuitive, technology, which can empower HR professionals to deliver more streamlined workforce processes and enhanced experiences.


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The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes. To create a custom theme, open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and type the command:

new-adfswebtheme -name <your theme name> -sourcename <the theme to copy>

For your first theme, you will probably want to use “default” as the source.

To activate your theme, type command:

set-adfswebconfig -activatethemename <your theme name>





To update the company logo on your AD FS login screen, open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and type the command:

set-adfswebtheme -targetname <your theme name> -logo @{path=”<path to the  image”}

The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes.


Lawson allows you to use distribution codes that allow for percentages to be negative which would create a deduction. Book the invoice at normal 100% for the expense account and use the distribution code to book the discounts to the proper GL accounts. The amount of the invoice will need to be adjusted to reflect the deductions taken.

If there is a vendor who always gets the same deductions, you can add the distribution code to their AP10 Vendor Record and it will always default onto invoices for that vendor.

Infor will be participating at Warehouse Tech Middle East, which is set for Sept 9, 2019. As gold sponsors for the upcoming conference, Infor plans to showcase the latest developments within the digital supply chain portfolio and warehouse management. Infor’s session, titled “Digital Supply Chain”, will showcase how technologies like the Internet of things (IoT) dynamic enterprise management and global supply chain visibility solutions can allow organizations within the region’s supply chain to remain competitive in the digital market. Infor will also highlight the latest advances with its Infor Supply Chain Management cloud software. Warehouse Tech Middle East is expected to draw over 300 supply chain executives from across the region. The single-day conference will be held at the Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers.


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IP Designer is no longer downloaded from InforXtreme, starting with IPA version 11.

The link to download can now be found in the validation URLs that are generated during the install. These web pages can be found on your Landmark server at LADIR/validationurls-<productline>.htm.

Landmark version 11 still has the validation URLs in the LADIR folder, but the Rich Client download link has moved.

To access the Rich Client download, use the URL https://<LANDMARK-SERVER>/canvas/native/.  You will find all the Rich Client links at this location.

NOTE: In v11, the validation URLs page contains the link to download IP Designer.

Businesses thrive and make profits through their customers. So why is it that not all businesses have considered investing in customer relationship management (CRM) software? CRM software is a valuable invesment because it improves work productivity and customer relationships. How you form and maintain relationships between you and your customers makes a huge difference in retaining them. It also applies to how you act on new leads and prevent people from bouncing away to one of your competitors. Lexie Lu at SocPub shares several reasons why you should invest in CRM software, as it will help your business relationships in the long run:

  1. Elevate Your Internal Communication – CRM software helps sales and marketing communicate better, as well as allows leadership tp better understand their client relationships.
  2. Reduce IT Costs – With all the money you save implementing a CRM software, you can utilize it elsewhere in the company, such as training your sales team or creating team-building opportunities.
  3. Increase Productivity – Implementing company-wide CRMs helps increase productivity and reducing wasted time trying to track down information needed to complete a task.
  4. Understand Your Customers Better – A customer who feels important and heard is much more likely to do business with you than one who feels they are starting from scratch every time.
  5. Automate Daily Tasks – A good CRM system automates some of them and frees up time for more creative endeavors.
  6. Remove Miscalculations – CRM software creates reports and runs statistics for you, removing the potential for human error.

More and more companies are jumping on the CRM bandwagon and so should you. If you’re planning on growing your company, a good CRM software may just be the push you need to increase your profits.


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UnsupportedClassVersionError occurs when running Lawson command line utilities. This could mean that Lawson is using an incompatible version of Java. Make sure you have a compatible version of java installed and activated. If that is the case, then check your enter.cmd file and make sure it isn’t manually setting the JAVA_HOME variables to the incorrect version of java. If it is, update to point to the correct location.

If you are unable to log into Infor Federation Services (IFS) with a very vague error message, check the event viewer on the AD FS server to see if there are any more descriptive messages there. A database login issue could indicate that the install user for IFS doesn’t have the proper permissions on the database. Make sure the Lawson and spinstall accounts both have full access on the two databases that are created by the IFS install.