Five-star hotel El Palace Barcelona has chosen to implement Infor Hospitality Management System (HMS) and Infor Sales and Catering System (SCS) across their 120-room property. The software will help create an integrated, standardized platform for this landmark property. Per the press release, El Palace Barcelona will use the Infor software to deliver a superior guest experience and meet the challenges of a constantly evolving hospitality industry in Spain. Infor HMS and Infor SCS were chosen based on keen, industry-specific functionality, ease of use and integration, references from other leading luxury hotel brands and a commercial flexibility that beat competing pitches. Friedrich von Schönburg, hotel manager of the El Palace Barcelona, says of the decision, “Even though we are steeped in tradition, the future of customer service excellence is digital. This demands better guest and operational data, seamless integration and an intuitive interface for staff and customers alike. This is what we have found with Infor HMS and Infor SCS.” Implementation will be done with Infor partner Sulcus.


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  1. Predictive Analytics in Healthcare. “Although the first few months of the pandemic came with unparalleled uncertainty, ongoing work into the causes, mechanisms and mortality of the disease have yielded valuable healthcare data.”
  2. IoMT: Connected Medical Devices Support Proactive Health Care. “The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) gained significant ground during the pandemic, allowing providers to deliver proactive care at a distance. Applications have ranged widely, from connected wearables that report critical patient data to the deployment of “smart beds” in hospital settings to improve patient comfort.”
  3. Future Telehealth Advances Will Deliver the Best of Both Worlds. “Together, many of the shifts that have taken place have moved the needle toward a more patient-focused experience of healthcare delivery. Although many providers expect the expansion of telehealth to persist even after patients and providers can safely meet in person, they also expect this technology-driven approach to undergo its own evolution. Such solutions will be essential for healthcare organizations serving distributed, disparate populations who may lack access to unlimited smartphone data or high-speed broadband internet.”
  4. New Cybersecurity Concerns Increase Cloud Adoption in Healthcare. “Changes in care delivery models also have implications for associated IT infrastructure, with cybersecurity concerns pushing some organizations to the cloud.”


For healthcare organizations, this continuing pandemic is clear about one thing: innovation and disruptive service is now the ‘new normal’.


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You may have saw our article on how to enable IOS DEBUG logging and realized after enabling it that the log gets spammed quite a bit which may actually make it harder to isolate an issue, especially if other users are currently in the system.

Today we will show you how to turn on DEBUG logging for a specific user to minimize log spam. This tutorial is only for the ios_logging.xml log.


  1. Login to your on-prem LSF system (admin rights required)
  2. Identify the users RM ID (case-sensitive) that you want enable debug logging for.
  3. Locate and backup your ios_logging.xml file in %LAWDIR%\system
  4. Edit ios_loggin.xml with a text editor
  5. Locate the following section:


<priority value=”INFO” />
<appender-ref ref=”IOS” />

<!– Appender Filters–>
<!–<appender-ref ref=”PORTAL” /> –>
<!–<appender-ref ref=”DIRECTIOS” /> –>



Change INFO to DEBUG:

<priority value=”DEBUG” />
<appender-ref ref=”IOS” />

<!– Appender Filters–>
<!–<appender-ref ref=”PORTAL” /> –>
<!–<appender-ref ref=”DIRECTIOS” /> –>


  1. Locate the following section:

<!– Filter for users  –>
<filter class=”com.lawson.ios.util.log.Log4JMDCFilter”>
<param name=”keyToMatch” value=”username” />
<param name=”valueToMatch” value=”lawson” />
<param name=”denyOnMatch” value=”false” />
<filter class=”org.apache.log4j.varia.DenyAllFilter”/>

Uncomment this section (remove the <!– and –> characters shown in bold above) and edit the “valueToMatch” value=”lawson” replacing “lawson” with the RM Id of your user, like so:

        <!– Filter for users  –>

<filter class=”com.lawson.ios.util.log.Log4JMDCFilter”>
<param name=”keyToMatch” value=”username” />
<param name=”valueToMatch” value=”ENTER_USERNAME” />

            <param name=”denyOnMatch” value=”false” />
<filter class=”org.apache.log4j.varia.DenyAllFilter”/>

  1. Save your changes (no restart required and you should see immediate changes)
  2. You should now see DEBUG entries in the log for that specific user.
  3. Just undo step 6 to revert changes (or revert to your backup file).

Good luck and happy debugging!

In recent news, Finnish rail maintenance leader VR FleetCare will standardize on Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise as the technology platform for the digital transformation of operations throughout the Nordic and Baltic countries. This project will be implemented by local Infor partner and rail maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) industry specialist Midport Scandinavia. Per the press release, Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise will enable VR FleetCare to adapt to the regulatory changes in the Finnish passenger rail transport industry and enable the sale and delivery of services to multiple rail operators. Selecting a cloud-based enterprise suite was chosen based on the functionality offered by the applications. The Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise demonstrated not only rapid deployment of the software but also ensured that VR FleetCare will always be on the latest release of the software without expensive and time-consuming upgrade projects. Another vital factor in this decision was the ability of the Infor OS cloud platform to connect with third-party enterprise resource planning (ERP) and group financial software was an additional, vital factor.


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SanMar Corporation, the largest supplier of apparel and other soft goods to the imprinted sportswear and promotional products industries, has selected cloud-based Infor Nexus Financial Supply Chain Management solutions as part of their plans to streamline collaboration with trading partners for greater visibility and control of orders, statuses and payments.  This partnership will support SanMar’s efforts to improve scalability and better serve customers. SanMar Corporation is a family-owned national supplier of 21 retail, private label and mill brands, and supplies apparel and accessories to screen printers, embroiderers, promotional products distributors, athletic dealers, industrial launderers and more. Per the press release, Infor will provide a single cloud network to connect internal and external parties and systems. Document automation and digitization of surrounding processes will remove friction from the supplier transaction process, and factory management and quality assurance automation will deliver efficiency and data integrity to improve compliance and performance.


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When having users test new patches, it’s a good practice to distinguish TEST from PROD visually. This helps users know what environment they’re in as they may be testing after a long day and may think they are testing in TEST when in fact they are changing production data.


This can simply be done by changing a banner color in Lawson Portal.

  1. Login to your TEST environment and locate your index.htm file found here: “D:\<lsf_folder>\web\lawson\portal”
  2. Assuming your index.htm file is unmodified locate header id=“topBanner”

  3. Use an online HTML Color Picker tool to choose the hex color you want to appear and replace background-color:#ff8787 to your preferred color hex color code.

Example of how it will appear:

  1. Save the changes, clear IOS cache, clear your browser cache, logout and back in to see the change. Enjoy!

Technology has transformed every industry, including healthcare. In fact, the digital age’s impact in the medical field has proven a game changer and has advanced the way we provide medical services to an abundance of patients in a variety of ways. Healthcare business writer Carol Trehearn wrote an article on sharing 4 ways that technology has vastly improved medical care and the healthcare industry as we know it.

1. Safer medical procedures -New technology has made medical procedures safer and more efficient.

2. Revolutionary medical treatments – Technology has revolutionized a wide selection of healthcare settings, including hospitals, physician’s surgeries, physiotherapy offices, and recovery centers.

3. Health & fitness apps – Health and fitness apps are extremely popular and have seen significant improvements over the years. You can use a health app to monitor your diet, exercise, heart rate, sleep, and much more.

4. Patient portals – Electronic records enable medical professionals to access patient information quicker and more efficiently. This improves patient care and saves valuable resources within healthcare settings.

Trehearn concludes by pointing out that technology has transformed medical care and improved the efficiency of healthcare services and treatment facilities. As medical technology continues to advance, we will continue to discover more ways to improve the quality of medical care and health services for everyone.


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Infor recently announced that Botanique Hotel Prague, a newly independent lifestyle hotel in central Prague, has implemented Infor EzRMS for its capacity for artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to recognize patterns and help ensure optimized rate and pricing recommendations. Per the press release, Infor EzRMS provides a centralized revenue management software solution that delivers an intelligent, dynamic, and consistent view of optimal potential revenue for the hotel’s 214 rooms and will help maximize the hotel’s yield and profit. Tomas Nesvorny, general manager of Botanique Hotel Prague, comments, “With a centralized view that enables us to track all of our segments, we are now positioned superbly to capitalize on market improvements as we move beyond the current restrictions of COVID.”


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In LBI Auditing Part 3b we went over Reporting Service Admin Audit Reports. In this article we will go over the Service Now (SN) portion of reports.


SN01.List of Alerts:

This report allows you to view what user(s) and or group(s) have access to what SN alert/report.

Column Name Description
Alert ID Assigned alert ID number.
Alert Name Alert name created by owner.
Owner Owner who published alert.
Creation Date Date in which the alert was created.
Last Modified/Rendered Date when the alert was last modified.
Shared To Alert shared access.
Roles Roles that grant access to the alert.
Security Specify Type of access (public, user, or group).


SN02. User/Group Access on SN Alerts:

This is a security report showing user/group access to specific alerts.

Column Name Description
User/Group Name of user or group.
Specify Access type (user or group).
Roles Roles that grant access to the alert.
Alert ID Assigned alert ID number.
Last Modified/Rendered Date when the alert was last modified.
Alert Alert name created by owner.
Last Rendered Date when the alert was last modified.


SN03.Top Rendered Alerts and their Top Viewers:

This report shows statistics on your most viewed alerts and top viewers.

Column Name Description
Top Alert Alerts with most views starting at the top
Alert Name Alert name created by owner.
No. of Views Total number of alert views.
Alert ID Assigned alert ID number.
Group Group being notified
Owner Owner who published alert.
Rank Top ranked viewers of the specific alert.
Viewer User viewing report.
Roles Roles that grant access to the alert.
User Views Total number of views per user.


For more details on these admin audit reports, check out Part 3a “Overview of Framework Service Admin Audit Reports” and Part 3b “Overview of Reporting Service Admin Audit Reports”.

The life of a business relies on data. Collecting, analyzing and acting on data is how you stay in business. So how do you optimize your data to grow your business? The answer is data science. Data science is the art of transforming existing data into meaningful insights that businesses can use to make decisions.  Core to the data scientist’s toolkit is artificial intelligence (AI), which strives to enable machines to replicate human intelligence to execute reasoning. Many experts have motioned for the integration of AI into customer relationship management (CRM) systems, the data powerhouse of a strong business. With CRM and AI, one can apply predictive analytics to grow and scale a business. Rekha Gibbons, chief operating officer at Raare Solutions, shares an article on Destination CRM explaining how data science can leverage this even more. Data is all about understanding people and CRM systems do just that – understand and record customer behavior. Gibbons lists a few examples of how brands successfully utilize data science to leverage customer data to their advantage.


Predictive. What’s better than knowing your customer’s needs? with predictive analytics, you can go a long way with sending personalized emails and offers based on data found from customers’ spending habits.

Personalization. Amazon has set the standard for personalization based on Big Data. Consumers can buy anything on Amazon, but the choices can be staggering. To reduce churn and help the consumer get what they really want, Amazon adopted a collaborative filtering engine. The collaborative filtering engine analyzes the items previously purchased, online shopping cart or wish list, products reviewed and rated, and frequent searches. This personalized recommendation system offers products that people with similar profiles have purchased.

Innovation. Peloton was storming the fitness world well before COVID-19. Because of the pandemic, the cycling company had to change their sales model a bit to conform to customers’ new needs. Peloton showed how data innovation can succeed even during extreme crises: confined at home with your own sanitized bike, while you connect to people just like you.

Cleanliness. Part of the beauty of understanding the more technical portions of data science is the foundation of data hygiene. Data integrity is always a problem. It makes absolutely no sense to add AI or machine learning if the data itself isn’t clean. And what does that mean? No duplicate records. Unique customer ID. Continuously fresh data.


Gibbons concludes while data science is a science, the instrumental factor is humanization. This is why CRM’s secret weapon is data science. This discipline allows marketers to answer core questions: Who to target? When to target? How to predict behavior? How to retain? Which channel? The next time you use analyze your data, make use of your secret weapon—the data scientist.


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