The Chart of accounts is recommended to be consistent for GL and Activities.  The Activity field, when populated, already differentiates the JE entry line from one to the same account without an activity specified.  This allows for easily determining how much was booked to a specific account and also split the bookings to a specific account into project related or not.

Account Categories in the AC module also allow you to have a separate chart of accounts, if desired, from your GL Chart of Accounts.

Since an account category is required when an activity is entered, it allows for a separation of the GL and AC charts if separation is desired.

Many users default in the Account Category so this value doesn’t have to be specified on each transaction that uses an activity throughout the system.  The defaulting could occur on GL20 instead of GL00 if the accounting unit used in the transaction would alter the way you would account for the project/activity posting.

To create an income statement for some accounting units, create an Accounting Unit list on MX10 that includes the companies and accounting units that you want to include in the report. Specify that list when running the GL293 and presto – an Income Statement with just those company-accounting unit combinations desired.

This can also be done by creating company groups if the “bursting” should be done by different companies.

A Level group can also be used which is great if one of your Accounting Unit levels signifies a reporting level.  As with the MX10 list, using RW70 level groups can also create a “bursting” effect to the GL293 Income Statement report.

Of course, creating different RW100 reports can also create the same effect and can be run together as a whole on RW100 by specifying a Report Group for example.  Use the same Format for all of the reports, and create different Row definitions that allow you to “burst” the income statement into different accounting groups.

If fails with exit code 2, make sure your OS account is configured. To configure the OS account, type command secadm provision os-C -o -a in a Landmark command window.  Then try restarting the Landmark update.


To customize the login instructions on your AD FS login screen, first you need to download the theme that will be updated. Then, you will update the onload.js script with your custom code, and then reset the theme to use the updated onload.js. Open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and follow these steps:

Download your theme:

export-adfswebtheme -name “<your theme name>” -DirectoryPath “<local directory>”

Modify the onload.js file located at <local directory>/script/onload.js:

Upload your modified onload.js file:

set-adfswebtheme -targetname <your theme name> -additionalfileresource @{Uri=’/adfs/portal/script/onload.js’;Path=”<local directory>/script/onload.js”}

The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes.

To update the left-hand illustration on your AD FS login screen, open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and type the command:

set-adfswebtheme -targetname <your theme name> -illustration @{path=”<path to the  image>”}

The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes.


The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes. To create a custom theme, open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and type the command:

new-adfswebtheme -name <your theme name> -sourcename <the theme to copy>

For your first theme, you will probably want to use “default” as the source.

To activate your theme, type command:

set-adfswebconfig -activatethemename <your theme name>





To update the company logo on your AD FS login screen, open PowerShell as administrator on the AD FS server, and type the command:

set-adfswebtheme -targetname <your theme name> -logo @{path=”<path to the  image”}

The theme name that is delivered with the AD FS configuration is “default”, but you have the option of creating and customizing your own themes.


Lawson allows you to use distribution codes that allow for percentages to be negative which would create a deduction. Book the invoice at normal 100% for the expense account and use the distribution code to book the discounts to the proper GL accounts. The amount of the invoice will need to be adjusted to reflect the deductions taken.

If there is a vendor who always gets the same deductions, you can add the distribution code to their AP10 Vendor Record and it will always default onto invoices for that vendor.

IP Designer is no longer downloaded from InforXtreme, starting with IPA version 11.

The link to download can now be found in the validation URLs that are generated during the install. These web pages can be found on your Landmark server at LADIR/validationurls-<productline>.htm.

Landmark version 11 still has the validation URLs in the LADIR folder, but the Rich Client download link has moved.

To access the Rich Client download, use the URL https://<LANDMARK-SERVER>/canvas/native/.  You will find all the Rich Client links at this location.

NOTE: In v11, the validation URLs page contains the link to download IP Designer.