You may need to access APMONITOR for a failed job etc. Its usually as simple as searching APMONITOR in Lawson Portal. Often times its not setup in Lawson security and needs to be added.

  1. In Lawson security, go to the class you want to add APMONITOR to.
  2. Add a new rule and go under Online system code AP and search for token QAPM, grant all access.
  3. Clear server cache and log back into Lawson, search APMONITOR and your user should now be able to access it.

NOTE: As of March 2016, patch (CTP104021, JT-751224) has changed the token for APMONITOR to AP94.

Many organizations have experienced various difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Whether they are short-staffed due to furloughs or staff in mandatory quarantine, or searching for ways to be more productive while employees are working at home, this may be an opportunity to address some operational inefficiencies within the organization.  Here are some things to consider:

  • Manual processes: All software applications promise automation but few organizations ever achieve the goal.  Infor Process Automation (IPA) offers a workflow-based solution to automate nearly any process in Lawson.  You can use your own business logic to build a process that can do everything from onboarding automation to payroll automation.  This can be a great time and cost saver.
  • Process improvement: In addition to eliminating manual processes, there are also ways to use Lawson more effectively to improve efficiency. Your functional users and support staff cannot be expected to understand every aspect of the software and how to optimize processes within the application.  Hiring a managed services partner that knows and understands the application will be an investment in your future.  Once you can optimize your processes, you will free up time for employees to be more productive.  The initial time and cost will be minimal compared to the eventual benefit.
  • Empowering employees: Many employees have gone from doing 100% of their work in an office setting, to doing 100% of their work at home.  There are many solutions for allowing employees to connect to your network and do their work.  Since Lawson is web-based, it is a prime candidate for providing access externally over the internet.  To maintain a secure application, it would be best to configure Lawson to authenticate using with a secure method such as AD FS, and to implement multi-factor authentication.
  • Managed Services: A good Managed Service firm can help you administer Lawson and other Infor products, and even provide functional assistance, at the fraction of the cost of an FTE.  If you find that your organization is short-staffed during this period, it might be the perfect time to try a Managed Services model.

Lawson Managed Service

For more information about how Nogalis could help your organization save money (including process improvement and managed services), contact us any time.

You’re being audited or want to review previous invoices and you notice that usernames were being stored in the APINVOICE database table. Usernames of employees that no longer work for your organization or may have had a name change, thus not matching up their NTIDs found in your listusermap. This makes it near impossible to hold previous and existing employees accountable for older invoices.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Download and apply patch CTP-121954 from Infor Concierge cloud portal.
  2. A new token AP900 is added to Lawson Security. Add this token access to an existing class/role.
  3. Login to Lawson Portal, go to AP900, add a new job for each company your organization has.
  4. Backup the APINVOICE table.
  5. Submit the AP900 Job, this job can take anywhere from minutes to hours to complete.
  6. Verify all usernames have been converted to NTIDs.


Often users submit a requisition in Lawson and later find an error in the order and need to re-submit. When trying to delete via RQ10, they get the error “Cannot delete, requisition is awaiting approval.” Luckily this is an easy fix.

  1. Go to RQ13 and inquire on the company and requisition number. Then click Unrelease and confirmed it released.
  2. Go back to RQ10.1 and inquire on the same requisition. You’ll now see that its status is “Unreleased”. Now press Delete.

Done! Now go ahead and resubmit a new requisition with corrections.

You may have tried to add a report or update a job recently in Lawson and received a “Security Violation for Activity Group <XXXXX>”


Your first solution may be to give the user full rights to the Activity Group form (AC00) and table, but you’ll find that this solution will heed the same results.


  1. Check the security class causing the error. It’s likely it was written as an ELM rule (element) based on the Company Element.
  2. If this is true, it’s checking the CompanyControl attribute on the user’s RM Admin setup.
  3. The AC system uses the Security Code as defined on the AC00 (Activity Group) setup and interprets that value as the Company for AC security. By default, the AC00 Security Code is 9999.
  4. Add Company 9999 on in the users attributes as a valid company in the CompanyControl settings.


Recap: Because the ELM rule checked the CompanyControl attribute values, this Security Code (Company) value of 9999 needs to be added to the CompanyControl values for the user.

Follow these 6 simple steps to change your password on Infor Cloudsuite.

  1. Login to your Cloudsuite url:
  2. Go to Service Requests:
  3. On the top-right select Create a Service Request:
  4. Request type is SQL Manage User and click Next:
  5. Fill in Action: Change Password | User: userID | Password: New_Password
  6. Request takes up to a minute to process.

This is a more in-depth look at the security classes assigned to Landmark Security Roles. To find a better overview of Landmark Security Roles, see our article on “Infor Landmark Security Roles (ST) explained


Delivered Class Access Details
BasicProductLineAccess_ST In conjunction with ProductLineAccess_ST, provides general product line access that all Landmark actors need.
InbasketUser_ST Access to user’s own Inbasket for reviewing and taking action on work items.
Lpa_ST Access to the Infor Process Automation system, including menus in Infor Rich Client. All IPA users need this.
LpaAdmin_ST Access to Infor Process Automation administration menu options in Infor Rich Client.
JobQueueAccess_ST Access to the Landmark job queue.
ProcessAutomationProxy_ST Access to business classes related to proxy assignments
ProcessDesigner_ST Access to the business classes that the Infor Process Designer tool needs.
ProcessSchedulingAllAccess_ST Provides read, write access to IPA triggering features.
ProcessServerAllAccess_ST Provides read, write access to all IPA features.
ProcessServerReadAccess_ST Provides read access to all IPA features
ProductLineAccess_ST In conjunction with BasicProductLineAccess_ST, provides general product line access that all Landmark actors need.
ScheduledActionsAccess_ST Provides the ability to schedule Landmark actions.
ConfigConsoleSecurityAdmin_ST Provides all access to the Landmark Configuration Console.



From time to time you may get inquiries from a client’s audit team about Landmark Security Roles. This overview table helps explain their uses assuming no modifications were made to them by the organization or Infor. To see a more in-depth understanding of Landmark classes, see our article: “Infor Landmark Security Classes (ST) explained


Delivered role Intended for use by Contains these security classes
InbasketUser_ST Normal end-users who receive work items in the Inbasket BasicProductLineAccess_ST

ProductLineAccess_ST InbasketUser_ST

Lpa_ST ProcessSchedulingAllAccess_ ST

JobQueueServer_ST Users who must perform actions on the Landmark job queue. BasicProductLineAccess_ST

ProductLineAccess_ST JobQueueAccess_ST

ProcessDesigner_ST Process developers BasicProductLineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST


ProcessDesigner_ST ProcessSchedulingAllAccess_ ST

ProcessServerAllAccess_ST IPA system administrators BasicProductLineAccess_ST ProductLineAccess_ST


LpaAdmin_ST ProcessServerAllAccess_ST ProcessSchedulingAllAccess_ ST ScheduledActionsAccess_ST

ProcessServerReadAccess_ST IPA assistant administrators, power users, developers (depending on policies at

your site)



Not delivered through a role. Assign the class to any role for users who need to assign proxies. Users who need to assign Tasks to other users to cover for them. ProcessAutomationProxy_ST
ConfigConsoleSecurityAdmin_ST Users who need full access to the Configuration Console. ConfigAdminAccess_ST


ConfigConsoleSecurityAdmin_ ST


If your Lawson Add-ins is not working, check the following:

  1. Check the versioning of Excel, if you’re using 2010 or 2016, the MOA installer will vary.
    • For MOA installer versions, you can research this on and or search the downloads section within Infor concierge website.
  2. If add-ins is not working after installing, go to Excel options and check for “Disabled Application Add-ins”
  3. If Add-ins is disabled here, under Managed, select Disabled Items >> Go
  4. Access COM Add-ins and make sure Lawson MOA is enabled:


That’s it! Steps 2 through 4 are examples of Lawson Add-ins in Excel 2010.

Here are 5 things you can check for when seeing what is wrong with Lawson:

  1. Contact the different departments within the organization to confirm this is a wide spread issue. Coordinated with them to report back issues they are seeing.
  2. If users can’t access Lawson portal, check to see if websphere is running.
    1. If you have access to the LSF server, go into services and check if the IBM Websphere ServerApp service is running. Stopping and starting the ServerApp is typically safe as well if you’re trying to prevent users from logging in.
    2. If websphere is running, check for IOS log errors found in %LAWDIR%\system
  3. If you’re able to access Lawson portal but users report intermittent issue, check the LADB and LATM log.
    1. On the LSF server, go to %LAWDIR%\system directory and open the ladb.log and latm.log and search for “Database error (94)” or “Connection Failure” errors. Make sure the time stamps lineup.
  4. Check the Lawson job scheduler or reach out to your database team to check for any scripts running on the server.
    1. Its rarer but an update job or sql script could cause intermittent connection issues within Lawson if its hogging all the database or LSF server resources.
    2. Its also important to verify there is nothing important running if you’re thinking of rebooting the either servers.
  5. After doing the above checks and coordinating with the organization, if Lawson is still exhibiting issues and you’re seeing errors, it’s always best to reboot both the Lawson database server along with the LSF server.
    1. A simple way to do this would be to open up a command prompt or powershell in administration mode and type: shutdown -r -t 0