Problem: The GL40.2 form is not sized right.
Can you please open again program in Lawson Portal and once you open it, please do “CTRL+ALT+A” from your keyboard and send me the result it will show the XML file.
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<fld al=”left” blankzero=”0″ drlnokeys=”0″ ed=”upper” hdet=”1″ id=”hidden19″ keynbr=”GXB” nbr=”_f60″ nm=”GLT-MATRIX-CAT-2″ sz=”12″ tp=”Hidden”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”1″ col=”9″ drlnokeys=”0″ hdet=”1″ id=”out13″ keynbr=”GX2″ nbr=”_f61″ nm=”GLT-DESCRIPTION-2″ par=”TF0-2″ row=”4″ sz=”30″ tp=”Out”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”1″ col=”41″ deftkn=”MX00.1″ drlnokeys=”0″ ed=”upper” hdef=”1″ hdet=”1″ hsel=”1″ hselrul=”1″ id=”text21″ keynbr=”CV2″ mxsz=”32″ nbr=”_f62″ nm=”GLT-MX-VALUE-2″ par=”TF0-2″ row=”4″ sz=”20″ tp=”Text”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”0″ drlnokeys=”0″ ed=”upper” hdet=”1″ id=”hidden20″ keynbr=”GXC” nbr=”_f63″ nm=”GLT-MATRIX-CAT-3″ sz=”12″ tp=”Hidden”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”1″ col=”9″ drlnokeys=”0″ hdet=”1″ id=”out14″ keynbr=”GX3″ nbr=”_f64″ nm=”GLT-DESCRIPTION-3″ par=”TF0-2″ row=”5″ sz=”30″ tp=”Out”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”1″ col=”41″ deftkn=”MX00.1″ drlnokeys=”0″ ed=”upper” hdef=”1″ hdet=”1″ hsel=”1″ hselrul=”1″ id=”text22″ keynbr=”CV3″ mxsz=”32″ nbr=”_f65″ nm=”GLT-MX-VALUE-3″ par=”TF0-2″ row=”5″ sz=”20″ tp=”Text”/>
<fld al=”left” blankzero=”0″ drlnokeys=”0″ ed=”upper” hdet=”1″ id=”sp1″ nbr=”_f66″ nm=”_HK” req=”1″ sz=”23″ tp=”Sp”/>
<PATH id=”path1″ nbr=”_l53″/>
<msgBar bMsgArea=”1″ id=”msgbar1″ nbr=”msgBar”/>
<XSCRIPT id=”script1″ nbr=”_s1″>
function FORM_OnBeforeTransaction(fc)
if ((fc == “D”) ||
(fc == “C”))
var vID = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute(“ID”);
var vNtID = portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute(“lawsonuserlogin”);
var vMessage=”User Cannot Modify GL Entry”;
var vCompany=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-COMPANY”);
var vFYear=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-FISCAL-YEAR”);
var vAPeriod=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-ACCT-PERIOD”);
var vSystem=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-SYSTEM”);
var vJeType=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-JE-TYPE”);
var vCountrolGrp=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-CONTROL-GROUP”);
var vJeSeq=lawForm.getDataValue(“GLC-JE-SEQUENCE”);
// build the DME call that will get the related asset number
var vDmeString = portalWnd.DMEPath;
vDmeString += “&KEY=” + vCompany + “=” + vFYear + “=” + vAPeriod + “=” + vSystem + “=” + vJeType + “=” + vCountrolGrp + “=” + vJeSeq;
vDmeString += “&SELECT=OPERATOR=” + vNtID;
vDmeString += “&XCOLS=TRUE”;
vDmeString += “&OUT=XML”;
// send the DME call to the server
var vDMEInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(vDmeString);
if (!vDMEInfo || vDMEInfo.status)
var msg=”Error calling DME, “;
msg += (vDMEInfo
? “(status code): “+vDMEInfo.status
: “bad server response.”);
return false;
// create an XML object to contain the DME data
var vObjDMEXML = new portalWnd.DataStorage(vDMEInfo);
var vOpr=lawForm.getDataValue(“OPERATOR”);
// load a variable with the records returned by DME
var vRecords = vObjDMEXML.document.getElementsByTagName(“RECORD”);
if (vRecords.length != 1)
var vMsg = “Cannot Modify GL Entry”;
return false;
return true;
This shows the program is a Design Studio form formid=”GL40.2_CUSTOM”. The reason it didn’t show properly aligned to the Lawson Portal is because some of the size of the boxes did not match the Portal and DS form.
Run the analyzer tool from Lawson Portal.
Go to Portal > Migrate Custom Content > Migrate Custom Content > Migrate>Custom Form Nodes
You will get Pop ups for the custom form to migrate.
Click ok
And then go to Portal and try your screen again. It should not have the right size.
As organizations migrate to the cloud, cybersecurity threats have grown, making security a top priority. This shift is driven by the realization that data breaches can have devastating financial and reputational impacts. Businesses are now prioritizing the protection of sensitive data, often opting to invest more in security measures despite potentially higher costs. David S.Linthicum, industry expert and thought leader, shares an article on on why cloud security typically prioritizes and outranks cost and scalability for some companies. Linthicum explains how the shift in prioritizing cloud security over cost and scalability is a significant trend driven by several factors. Some include: rising cyberthreats, complex cloud environments, compliance and regulatory pressures, reputation, long-term cost implications, innovation and agility. “This landscape is driving businesses to adopt a ‘security-first’ mindset,” he notes.” Although this can be a platitude, we must recognize that other benefits of cloud computing—cost savings and scalability—can be undermined without good security planning and mechanisms. This shift mirrors a broader global movement toward valuing resilience and reliability alongside traditional operational metrics.”
How can companies keep security and cloud costs within a reasonable budget? Balancing cloud costs with security involves strategic approaches to optimize resources while safeguarding systems and data, Linthicum explains. “This directly correlates with the price of the cloud versus the value of security, and they are not often that easy to connect. Many assume that the more security you’ll need, the higher the cost of the cloud services.” However, he has found that in many instances that the opposite is true.
Below are Linthicum’s words of advice to help you find value in security and move away from the accepted mentality that more security always means more money.
- Build security into the architecture from the start to avoid expensive fixes later. This seems obvious but it’s often not done. Security is an afterthought about half the time, and companies then are forced to toss money at the problem.
- Automate compliance and management to reduce manual efforts and costs. Automation means repeating good processes without depending on humans; security is no different.
- Use strong access controls to ensure only authorized users access critical data. Identity management is the most used approach here, and for good reason.
- Regularly audit cloud usage to eliminate wasteful spending and optimize resource allocation. Also, train teams to efficiently manage cloud resources and security.
If you’re in Lawson on PO20 and you’re trying to delete a PO, you may sometimes come across the following error message, “Cannot delete, line ###### has been issued”.
There is a reason why you cannot delete and a workaround for it. The reason for it not being able to be deleted is that unfortunately, since the PO has been issued, the vendor has a copy of that PO. This means that it is a binding document. It cannot be deleted. It needs to be kept in the system so that it can be referenced if the vendor should call about it. The only action you can take is that the PO can be canceled instead.
In Lawson Security, you may come across a problem where no programs are found with any securable types enabled. This is a simple fix. Follow the steps below to learn how to fix security not registering Lawson (when given all securable types):
When editing the class select Add Rule, then in the Securable Types Online, add all top system codes (HR, AP, TE etc.) as shown below:
Next, you will need to validate that the objects are added:
Clear Server cache in LSA, Clear IOS cache in Portal.
Logout then log back in and test again. This should enable all and solve the issue.
This sort of task is commonly handled by a Lawson functional resource. Many organizations opt to engage a team of Lawson consultants who provide managed services for a fixed monthly fee. These consultant teams possess extensive expertise and diverse knowledge, making them suitable for large-scale enterprises. However, they are equally beneficial for smaller organizations that do not require a dedicated Lawson employee onsite. Nogalis provides such services, and we welcome you to reach out to us through our contact page.
The following error can be seen in the landmark grid log if a user action has action count:0 but has completed because “Timeout” is a system action and does not count as an action coming from the flow.
This error will appear every 30 minutes in the grid log (each time the escalation thread runs)
“Landmark Grid Error: LPA: Error: Invalid queue data passed to UserActionManager (workunit: 35854, activity: 2, action count: 0)”
Log in through richclient and search on “pfiactivity” in the search bar. Use this menu, find the workunits that are generating the error in the grid log and check each of the activities to ensure that each one has a status of “completed”. If the status is not “completed” you can manually update the status to resolve the error.
Lawson Portal 10.1 Series – Adding Main Content in Portal 10.1
We’ve covered three articles in the Lawson Portal 10.1 series: how to personalize the theme and portal elements of your Lawson Portal, as well as how to add personal bookmarks on the page. In the next part of the series, we will go over how to add main content.
In Lawson Portal 10.1, adding content to your main screen is very similar to previous versions. First, open the left-hand menu and go to General > Content.
Expand the bookmark that has the you wish to add (on the left). Double-click the subordinate (under the bookmark) that you wish to see on the main content page. The item will be moved to the right side under Main Content after it is added. If you don’t see the bookmark you are looking for, check with your administrator to make sure you have access.
Click Save and Reload Infor Lawson. Now your homepage will contain the content you selected.
Lawson Portal 10.1 Series – Adding Bookmarks in Portal 10.1
In the first two articles of the series we went over how to personalize the theme and portal elements of your Lawson Portal. The next article in the Lawson Portal 10.1 Series overview will cover how to add personal bookmarks on the page.
In Lawson Portal 10.1, adding bookmarks is very similar to previous versions. First, open the left-hand menu and go to General > Content.
Double-click from the available bookmarks that you wish to add (on the left). The Bookmark will be moved to the right side under bookmarks after it is added. If you don’t see the bookmark you are looking for, check with your administrator to make sure you have access.
Click Save and Reload Infor Lawson