To add your Lawson S3 Application to InforOS, log into the InforOS portal.  Go to the management menu (the little person at the top right), and select Admin Settings.

Click Add Application on the right side of the screen.

Select “Infor Application” for the Application Type.

Select your Lawson version.

Click the Choose Icon button to choose an Icon for your site.

Enter a descriptive Display Name.

The logical ID will auto populate, but you’ll need to append a unique string to the end of it (such as “test” or “prod”).

Enter the hostname for your Lawson application (

Enter the port.

Leave the context as the default Lawson.

Leave tenant ID blank (unless your tenant id is not the default).

Now a link to your Lawson Application will appear in the Homepages grid in InforOS!


If you are running GL199 to close the period, you may encounter the below error message in the print file (or in the job scheduler log) “Company being processed in different job”.

This means that Lawson “thinks” there is another GL199 job running that is processing the same company your job is trying to process.  If that is the case, allow the first job to finish before running yours.  However, there may not be any other jobs running, yet you are still encountering the error.

To troubleshoot, first try to trace back to the first time the GL199 ran and failed (it may be in recovery or canceled).  Look at the examine log for that run.  There may be a different error that indicates the root cause of the issue.  If so, resolve that issue and recover or rerun that job.

If there are no issues to resolve, and you are certain that the GL199 hasn’t failed in the middle of updating records, you can get your DBA to update the status flag so that Lawson will no longer think the GL199 is running.  This can be accomplished by creating a paint screen for GLSYSTEM, or by making a direct update in the database.  The field “UPDATING” needs to be set to 0.  Additionally, you should check to see if your failed GL199 job is stuck in GLMONITOR.  If so, you should delete the record for that job.  But make sure you are deleting the record for your job!!!

Lawson provides the ability to query Lawson tables via URL.  These transactions are called “DME” queries, and can be quite useful in IPA processes, or in scripting bulk data calls.

To query data using a DME call, the URL is https://<server name>/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?.  To select specific fields, use the “FIELD” key word.  To filter the results, use the “SELECT” key word.  You will need to have knowledge of the data tables and columns to build these queries.  The dbdef command in LID can be quite useful for this.


To query GEN data, the syntax would be https://<servername>/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=GEN

For example, this URL would return the PRODUCTLINE and FILENAME fields for the FILEDEF record with prefix “API”:,FILENAME


To query LOGAN data, the syntax would be https://<servername>/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=LOGAN

For example, this URL would return the VERSION data in the LOGAN data area

Data Area

To query your desired data area, the syntax would be https://<servername>/servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=<data area>

For example, this URL would return the CUCODE “USD” from the CUCODES table in the TEST data area.,DESCRIPTION


The default output type is XML, but you can also output in CSV format.  To do that, in the URL, append the command “&out=csv”.

After performing WebSphere or Infor application maintenance, your browser may present you with the error code “NET:ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION”, indicating that the Quality of Protection (QoP) protocol in WebSphere is using an outdated version.

To resolve this issue, open the WebSphere administration console for the application causing the error.  Navigate to SSL certificate and key management.  Select SSL configurations on the right-hand side.  Then select the Node for your web application, and click “Quality of protection” on the right-hand side.  Select a supported protocol.  Save the changes and restart the WebSphere services.  NOTE: also make this change to the Cell if applicable.


If you are testing your MSCM handheld connection against the secured MSCM URL, and getting a “Test Failed” error, you may need to modify the Quality of Protection protocol in WebSphere.

The symptoms of the issue are: “Test Failed” message on the handheld, and the MSCM COMM log will show an error stating “Failed during SSL handshake”.

To update the QoP protocol in WebSphere, open the WebSphere Admin Console for MSCM, and navigate to Security > SSL certificate and key management.  Click “SSL configurations” on the right side of the page.  Then select the NodeDefaultSSLSettings.  Click “Quality of protection (QoP) settings” on the right.  Update the Protocol to “SSL_TLSv2”.  Click “Apply” and save the configuration.  Repeat these steps for the cell (if applicable), then restart WebSphere services for MSCM.


**NOTE: To avoid future issues with the MSCM/Lawson connection, it is best to set the QoP protocol in the LSF WebSphere Console to the same values as MSCM.  Do this both for the Node and the Cell.






Infor recently updated handhelds and MSCM for a cloud environment. The test user was able to download the Infor CAB files to the handheld but was unable to download the PlatformDLL file. The error message kept coming back with “Internet Explorer cannot download file”


After ensuring all permissions were set for the user and running several tests, rechecking the configuration setup. We finally located the issue from the update and it turns out a port was reset to a default value and we had to change the Service Type to LHC. Below are the steps you can take to resolve this if you’re experiencing a similar issue.


  1. Login into MSCM with Server Administration group rights.
  2. Select MSCM Configuration >> Additional Settings
  3. Select Service Type LHC and under Handheld Service Properties, ensure you’re using the correct port. For us we had to update it to 1447

  1. We updated both LSF and handheld ports to 1447 and the user was now able to download the file.

Hope this was helpful!