If you are getting an error message in Lawson Security Administrator that references “No record found for given key PDLSET1 in PRODLINE”, it is possible that your Lawson instance has lost connection from the database and is unable to recover.  This can happen during an unexpected restart of the system, or a network outage.  To resolve the issue, simple stop and restart the Lawson services, including the IBM WebSphere services.  The startup order is:

  • Insight environment
  • IBM WebSphere Cell Manager
  • IBM WebSphere Node
  • IBM WebSphere application server


With the latest java update, some instances of Lawson are throwing exceptions.  The portal is throwing a 404 error, and SSOCfgInfoServlet throws a 500 error.


In this scenario, the security_authen.log is throwing an exception “Failed to initialize authentication layer.”  The lase_server_0_0.log has a much more detailed error message referring to “Client requested protocol TLSv1 is not enabled or supported in server context”.


To resolve the issue, edit the java.security file at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security.  Update the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms line to include TLSv2.


This is a temporary solution; Infor is working on a permanent solution to resolve this issue.



Thu Aug 12 10:02:49.303 CDT 2021 – default-421637524 – L(4) : tenantID=DEFAULT thread=main. CacheManager.setRefreshInterval(): RefreshInterval =null is invalid.

Thu Aug 12 10:02:49.309 CDT 2021 – default-421637524 – L(4) : tenantID=DEFAULT thread=main. CacheManager.setRefreshInterval(): RefreshInterval =28800 seconds

Thu Aug 12 10:02:49.309 CDT 2021 – default-421637524 – L(4) : tenantID=DEFAULT thread=main. CacheManager.getCacheProperties: cache properties were initialized: Development=false, Instance=com.lawson.security.util.cache.ConcurrentCache, RefreshInterval=28800,

Thu Aug 12 10:05:55.179 CDT 2021 – default–932566529 – L(2) : error starting up SecEvent servlet, original message: Failed to initialize authentication layer. Cause Connection error (server.company.com, null). Cause: {2}.

Stack Trace :

com.lawson.security.authen.SecurityAuthenException: Connection error (server.company.com, null). Cause: {2}.

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.initClientAuthenDatThroughSSL(LawsonAuthentication.java:449)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.initClientAuthenDat(LawsonAuthentication.java:307)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.remoteInit(LawsonAuthentication.java:2593)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.initializeForTenant(LawsonAuthentication.java:244)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.performInitializeForTenant(LawsonAuthentication.java:181)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.initializeForTenant(LawsonAuthentication.java:127)

at com.lawson.security.authen.LawsonAuthentication.initialize(LawsonAuthentication.java:116)

at com.lawson.security.authen.SecEventServlet.init(SecEventServlet.java:86)

at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.init(ServletWrapper.java:345)

at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapperImpl.init(ServletWrapperImpl.java:168)

at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper.loadOnStartupCheck(ServletWrapper.java:1369)

at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebApp.doLoadOnStartupActions(WebApp.java:649)



21-08-12 10:10:46:682 12 default.SEVERE authen.SSOServer.run(): SSOServer: Got unexpected exception when processing new secured connection  com.lawson.security.server.LawsonNetException: Got exception while writing to connection /,10001

Stack Trace : com.lawson.security.server.LawsonNetException: Got exception while writing to connection /,10001

at com.lawson.security.server.AbstractDefaultEventSource.write(AbstractDefaultEventSource.java:299)

at com.lawson.security.server.Connection.<init>(Connection.java:170)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SecuredConnection.<init>(SecuredConnection.java:39)

at com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SSOServer.run(SSOServer.java:180)

Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Client requested protocol TLSv1 is not enabled or supported in server context

at sun.security.ssl.Alert.createSSLException(Alert.java:131)

at sun.security.ssl.Alert.createSSLException(Alert.java:117)

at sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(TransportContext.java:357)

at sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(TransportContext.java:313)

at sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(TransportContext.java:304)

at sun.security.ssl.ClientHello$ClientHelloConsumer.negotiateProtocol(ClientHello.java:740)

at sun.security.ssl.ClientHello$ClientHelloConsumer.onClientHello(ClientHello.java:705)

at sun.security.ssl.ClientHello$ClientHelloConsumer.consume(ClientHello.java:683)



Update JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security

You may encounter an error message when running a federation sync after Lawson is federated to Landmark.  There can be many causes of these errors, so it is important to start reviewing logs on both servers for more details.  In this case, the security_provisioning.log on LSF and the security_authen.log on LMK indicated a PKIX error “got exception while reading from connection.”

There is a workaround for this error.  Open LAWDIR/system/lsservice.properties on LSF and LADIR/system/lsservice.properties on Landmark.  In both files, add the line “server.keystore.use.classic=false”.  Reboot both machines and try the sync again.

Security_provisioning.log (LSF)

Security_authen.log (LMK)

Lsservice.properties (both)

An Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) is a business process management software that enables companies to integrate and manage automated processes in one place. ERP software offers the advantages of optimized and integrated business processes, lower operating costs, improved reporting capacity, data security and increased productivity. Solutions Review is an online directory of ERP vendors, platforms and software solutions that contains a condensed overview, contact information, links to the company’s social media handlers and the top 24 vendors.


Your company needs to identify the exact solutions and automation capabilities it needs in an ERP system to determine which system best serves your specific needs. You should create a cross-functional team that consists of accounting, supply chain, IT and possibly HR personnel that are part of the selection team; people who know how your business is run day-to-day.  One of the worst mistakes companies make in selecting an ERP system is having the executives watch a snazzy sales presentation with all the reporting at the end and decide on bells and whistles instead of what your company needs to perform your day-to-day processes.  All ERP systems provide reporting capabilities.  There are many inexpensive tools to create reporting dashboards for any ERP system so this should not be a deciding factor.

As a selection tool, it might be good to create a spreadsheet which lists the functions of an ERP system that your organization needs. These vary by company so your spreadsheet may look entirely different from another company’s spreadsheet.  Then have everyone on the cross-functional selection team rate the various ERP companies on their ability to provide each function on a 1 – 5 scale, for example.  Then totaling the scores will provide a good idea about which ERP solution best fits your overall needs.  Don’t forget to include the integration piece in your evaluation for making sure you can easily integrate any other software that your organization needs so you end up with a fully automated system.  Using this type of selection criteria: multi-functional, objective scoring on each function, allows you to end up with an objective way of making a decision based on the overall needs of your organization.

The cost of an ERP system is composed of license fees (depending on how many users you have), the software itself, the modules you choose, the host hardware, installation, maintenance, training and support. The Software Path Report 2019 states that you can expect to spend up to $7,200 per user on your system on average – and that’s a big investment – a reminder that ERP selection is a long-term consideration. In the traditional view of your ERP – selection, you don’t need to choose the most expensive; choose the system which you can get the best fit for your business.

In the outsourcing of software maintenance, a company hires a focused and tailored software maintenance partner to carry out and manage an entire or a specific segment of software maintenance.

Software maintenance outsourcing gives companies a competitive advantage by minimizing costs, improving customer service and ensuring product quality on a limited budget. Outsourcing Software maintenance to an experienced and reliable company gives companies a competitive advantage by reducing cost, improving product quality and improving customer service. Outsourced software maintenance services work with qualified multidisciplinary teams to help you execute temporary projects, reduce labor costs, and improve maintenance and execution speed.

This means your business can better manage its support budget, allocate funds to other projects, reduce costs, and avoid unexpected expenses.

This is a great option for companies to accomplish their support goals while reducing risks and maintaining cost savings. American companies should be aware of this approach as outsourcing software maintenance has many advantages. Whatever you are working for a large company or a start-up, we hope that these resources will help you make the right choice for your business when choosing whether to outsource maintenance to an agency or to build your own in-house app.

The following error may occur when running a stoplaw command, or when stopping the lawson insight service from Windows services.

To resolve the issue, open the windows registry editor (regedit).  Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control.  For 32-bit Windows systems, select New > DWORD.  For 64-bit Windows systems, select New > QWORD.  The name of the new value is “ServicesPipeTimeout”.  Set this value to a number of milliseconds that is appropriate for your environment (this may require trial & error).  Restart your machine and attempt a stoplaw command to verify.


If you receive the error message “SUA not installed” when performing some Linux functions, you’ll need to reinstall LUU with the -c option.

Here is an example of the error message:

First, back up your LUU folder.

Next, run the LUUSetup.pl script again with the -c option.

After a successful install, try your command again.