For API calls that return a large result set, you may encounter the message “Error while executing Web Service activity reach the innerElementCountThreshold:50000”.  To resolve this issue, add a JVM command to allow a larger threshold.


Launch the Landmark Grid.  Click on the “configuration” icon.


Click “Applications”

Select your Landmark application


Click “Edit Properties”


Expand “Node Properties” under “Grid Defined Properties”


Click the link to Append another entry


Add the property “-Dorg.apache.cxf.stax.maxChildElements=<an appropriate # for your organization>”

Click “Update Property”

Be sure to save the Grid changes!!

Restart the server


If the IBM WebSphere Application Server deployment manager, node agent, or application server will not start, you can try clearing out the temporary directories and cached files.  Here are the steps to complete this procedure:

  1. Stop the deployment manager, node agent, and application server
  2. Back up the existing configurations
    1. Open a command line window as admin
    2. Navigate to PROFILE_ROOT\bin (i.e. D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin)
    3. Run the command “backupConfig <backup file>”
    4. Repeat this backup step for every profile (Dmgr, AppSrv01, etc)
  3. Rename or archive the following directories
    1. PROFILE_ROOT/wstemp
    2. PROFILE_ROOT/temp
    3. PROFILE_ROOT/config/temp
    4. Repeat this step for every profile
    5. These folders will be recreated when the servers are restarted
  4. Delete the javasharedresources directory located at C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\javasharedresources
  5. Initialize the OSGI configuration and clear the OSGI cache
    1. Open a command line window as admin
    2. Navigate to PROFILE_ROOT/bin
    3. Run command “osgiCfgInit”
    4. Run command “clearClassCache”
    5. Repeat this step for every profile
  6. Start the deployment manager, node agent, and application servers

Prior to Landmark version 11.0.29, IPA had trouble recovering gracefully from a loss in data connection.  When IPA loses connection with the database, it can sometimes throw this exception in the Work Unit logs:

To recover from this issue, you will need to restart the LPA node in Landmark grid, or restart the Landmark server.  After that, upgrade Landmark to a more stable version at the earliest convenience.






The error “security.authen.os_account_not_configured” in Landmark will present itself when attempting to open Landmark web pages.  There will be a 500 service error, and the security_authen.log will throw an exception similar to “: SecurityEventHandler #34 got exception.

1617884962 – L(2) : security.authen.os_account_not_configured”.

In this case, the resolution is to open the Landmark command line utility as the install user, and run the command secadm provision os -C -o -a.


Sat Sep 25 12:29:59.250 PDT 2021 – default-1617884962 – L(2) : security.authen.os_account_not_configured

Sat Sep 25 12:29:59.250 PDT 2021 – default-1617884962 – L(2) : SecurityEventHandler #34 got exception.

1617884962 – L(2) : security.authen.os_account_not_configured

Stack Trace : 1617884962 – L(2) : security.authen.os_account_not_configured













secadm provision os -C -o -a







In Lawson you may be creating a custom ESS form that you don’t want users to be able to get to (assuming you removed the search button).


Example of this below:

Open design studio by going to https://yourcompany.domain/lawson/studio

To remove these related forms, edit the custom form in design studio and remove transfers id in source:

Save the now custom form, make sure it is set to default in logan or is accessible via a bookmark direct URL.


Clear your IOS Cache and test to make sure the related button is now gone.


Good luck!

LBI Smart Notes not working (even intermittently) and the SystemOut log is spamming the error below?

Failed to obtain DB connection from data source ‘SNDB’: java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve datasource via JNDI url ‘java:comp/env/jdbc/LawsonSN’


Below is an easy fix for this as this is typically caused by differing versions of java.


First login to your LBI server and locate the InforLawsonBI Install directory typically found on the secondary drive (D drive in our case)

Go to file path:

..\InforLawsonBI\SmartNotification\Smart Notification.ear\lsnwar<Insert version>.war\WEB-INF\classes

Locate and open the file with Notepad or a text editor of your choice.

Edit the line shown below:

Change it to the following:

Save and reboot the LBI server or restart the IBM Webservices.

That’s it!