To adjust the maximum heap size of a node in Landmark Grid, you first need to be logged into the Grid Management Console. From there, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Configuration Manager link  (the gears icon located at top right corner).
  2. Next, click “Applications”.
  3. Select your Landmark deployed application.
  4. Click “Edit Properties”.
  5. Under Grid Defined Properties,  click “Max Heap”.
  6. Select the “All” Radio Button.
  7. Find the node you wish to adjust, and click on value it is currently assigned.
  8. In the popup window, enter a new value and click save.
  9. In the top left corner of the screen, click save again to apply the changes.
  10. Click the home link in top right corner.
  11. Click the stop link (black box in top right corner of the node you adjusted)
  12. The system will shutdown that JVM then, automatically restart it for your change to take affect.

And you’re done. Good luck!

For whatever reason that you need a Lawson profile ID, below is a quick way to access it in LID.

  1. Login into LID and go to a temp directory you’re okay with dumping a file to.
  2. Run this command lsdump -f roledump.txt ROLE SuperAdminRole
  3. Go to the directory you dumped the file in and open roledump.txt in a text editor
  4. Search for ProfileID until you find the one you’re looking for

Chances are, SuperAdminRole is created with an admin class assigned to it. You can also view this file using LASHOW command without having to dump the file.


Good luck!


Many organizations opt to engage Lawson consultant teams for managing their Lawson Security. These consultant teams offer managed services at a fixed monthly rate and possess extensive knowledge and expertise. This service is particularly suitable for larger organizations, but smaller organizations that do not require a full-time Lawson employee on-site may also find it beneficial. Nogalis provides this service, and you can contact us via our contact page for further information.


Follow these steps to edit the domain name on the ADFS instance:

Update the Domain Name

  1. Open the ADFS Management application from the ADFS server.
  2. On the right, select “Edit Federation Service Properties”.
  3. Change the Federation service name and identifier to reflect the new domain name.

Regenerate the Token Certificates

  1. Open a PowerShell session on the ADFS Server
  2. Run “Update-ADFSCertificate”, which will generate a new token-decrypting and token-signing certificate.
  3. The old certificate will remain primary on the instance and cannot be deleted until a new primary is selected.
  4. In PowerShell, run the command “set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $false”
  5. Now you can right-click the secondary (new) certificates and set them as primary.
  6. Delete the old certificates.
  7. Reset the rollover option in PowerShell: “set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $true”

Deploy the new Server Certificate

  1. Get the Thumbprint value on the new certificate for the new domain.
  2. In PowerShell, run command “set-ADFSSslCertificate -thumbprint <value you saved in step 11>”
  3. Bounce the ADFS service

Your ADFS domain/URL has been updated!


To clear an existing sync lock in order to rerun the sync from the beginning again

From ssoconfig -c:

Login to the Infor Security Services web page

On the menu bar navigate to Federation > Manage Locked Process

If there is a process listed, make a note of the process that is locked

From the command line, run the ssoconfig utility. Type ssoconfig -c

At the prompt, enter the ssoconfig password

Select Manage Locked Processes

Select the number of the process that needs to be unlocked

Once it has been cleared, a message will appear that the process has been cancelled

Select the number that corresponds to Exit to return to the ssoconfig menu

Select EXIT at the ssoconfig utility

From the ISS web page:

Login to the Infor Security Services web page

On the menu bar navigate to Federation > Manage Locked Process

If there is a process listed, kindly check the box and hit the “unlock” button (Note: There may be more than one locked process, but you only need one to unlock, and all will be unlocked).


These 5 tips could make applying patches that much less stressful and are also good practice in general.


Tip 1: Check existing patch logs to see if a patch has already been applied previously and current versioning. This is good to check after a patch has been applied as well.

These logs can be found and generated here in LID:

perl %GENDIR%\bin\patches_installed_report <productline>

perl %GENDIR%\bin\source_versions_report <productline>


Tip 2: Restart the LSF server (or services) to ensure no processes are being held up and when it boots up, turn off Websphere LSF Appserver service before applying a patch to ensure users cannot log on, especially if patch needs to be applied during or close to work hours.


Tip 3: Run dbdef command to make sure there is a connection to the database before patching


Tip 4: When activating or staging multiple patches, run this command to speed up the post compile process:

qcontrol -jlocal,4  – This will set the servers cores to 4 when processing form compiles. Set it back to 2 when done. You can also check the status of the compiled jobs with command: qstatus | head -5


Tip 5: If a Plus dictionary is created after patching, its typically good practice to compile the entire product line with the command: cobcmp (be aware this can take up to 20-30 minutes to complete, tip 4 helps with this). This ensures that all programs are functioning correctly before passed to testers.


Bonus Tip: Verify security is on before sent to the testers!  Hope these were helpful.


If you require assistance with applying patches for your v10 system, it is common for organizations to engage Lawson consultant teams for managed services, which are available at a fixed monthly rate. These consultant teams possess significant knowledge and expertise and are suitable for larger organizations. Additionally, smaller organizations that do not require a full-time Lawson employee on-site may also find this service advantageous. Nogalis offers this service, and you can contact us through our contact page for further details.

After an install or an update, you may experience an error “actor_does_not_support_run_as” on certain node types.

Caused by:
at .java:432)
… 15 more

To mitigate this issue, log into ISS, and go to Manage Users.  Search for the lawson user and click the Edit button.  On the Basic tab, set “RunAs Enabled” to “YES” and click save.  Wait for the configuration to take effect, or run a stoplaw/adminlaw/startlaw.



If you are not using ISS, the Landmark command to set the RunAs is:

secadm actor enablerunas lawson

After running this command, run the stoplaw/adminlaw/startlaw.


You will want to start by reviewing the security_provisioning.log(s) in your LAWDIR/system directory.


All transactions completed in ISS related to user maintenance, federation, and synchronization, are logged in the LAWDIR/system/security_provisioning.log(s).

Please note, the log may take a few minutes to complete after the sync completes in the browser. Once the logs have completed, best practice is to copy the log(s) to a new directory so that they are not overwritten while you are researching the sync errors.

Open the most recent provisioning log and go to the bottom of the log. If nothing has been done in ISS since the sync completed you should see a message similar to the one below followed by a list of records that failed:
Thu Apr 26 16:56:01.282 CDT 2018 – default-457261151: Sync Analysis for object type IDENTITY completed with status=true
Thu Apr 26 16:56:01.282 CDT 2018 – default-457261151: Sync Analysis successfully completed for object type IDENTITY
Thu Apr 26 16:58:52.073 CDT 2018 – 1360326122: Sync Execution successfully completed for Task ID[4,963] with failed transactions for Sync Records:

The list of records that failed is limited to one section of the sync. You will see a list of either roles, actors, services, domains, endpoints endpoint groups or identities, depending on which section of the sync had failed records. This is because once the sync completes the analysis or execution of the section with the failed records the sync process will not continue. You must address the failed records to continue the sync.

Alternately you can search the log for the word “completed” to find the most recent section of the sync process that completed. There will be a completed message for each section of the sync.


Examples of completed messages without failed records:

Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.536 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1845137754 – L(4) : Sync Execution task for [ROLE] with Task ID [1207] started.
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.536 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : Setting progress percentage [-1]
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.537 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : Success updating task [1207]
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.537 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : Starting Sync Execution using pagesize [500] and Nthread [5]
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.551 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : Retrieved 0 ROLE for execution
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.551 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : Sync Execution Successful for ROLE
Thu Jan 28 10:50:29.551 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1504145202 – L(4) : SyncExecution execution time for [ROLE] took [0] seconds to complete

Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.485 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-863748063 – L(4) : Sync Execution task for [DOMAIN] with Task ID [1219] started.
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.500 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : Setting progress percentage [-1]
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.500 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : Success updating task [1219]
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.502 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : Starting Sync Execution using pagesize [500] and Nthread [5]
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.506 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : Retrieved 0 DOMAIN for execution
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.506 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : Sync Execution Successful for DOMAIN
Thu Jan 28 10:55:33.506 GMT-06:00 2021 – default-1293059945 – L(4) : SyncExecution execution time for [DOMAIN] took [0] seconds to complete


Examples of completed messages with failed records:

Thu Jan 4 07:19:55.755 EST 2018 – default- 2123289590: SyncAnalysis for ACTOR have 2 error records
Thu Jan 4 07:19:55.755 EST 2018 – default- 2123289590: Sync Analysis for object type ACTOR completed with status=true
Thu Jan 4 07:19:55.842 EST 2018 – 2123289590: Sync Analysis completed for object type ACTOR with failed Sync Records:

Tue Apr 19 10:18:33.128 CDT 2018 – default-1441714547: SyncAnalysis for ENDPOINT have 7 error records
Tue Apr 19 10:18:33.128 CDT 2018 – default-1441714547: Sync Analysis for object type ENDPOINT completed with status=true
Tue Apr 19 10:18:33.130 CDT 2018 – 1441714547: Sync Analysis completed for object type ENDPOINT with failed Sync Records:

Tue Apr 3 10:51:21.774 EDT 2018 – default-471380075: SyncAnalysis for IDENTITY have 4 error records
Tue Apr 3 10:51:21.774 EDT 2018 – default-471380075: Sync Analysis for object type IDENTITY completed with status=true
Tue Apr 3 10:51:21.774 EDT 2018 – 471380075: Sync Analysis completed for object type IDENTITY with failed Sync Records:

To find the exceptions for the failed records you will need to search within the log(s) each failed record. For each failed record you will search for the value from the list without the semicolon at the end of the line:
For failed record ACTOR=user1; you will would search for “ACTOR=user1”
For failed record IDENTITY=USER:DOMAIN\user1,SERVICE=SSOP,ID=user1; you would search for “IDENTITY=USER:DOMAIN\user1,SERVICE=SSOP,ID=user1”