When restoring an existing cloud user in Lawson security (that was previously disabled), you have to match the mingle IFS ID with the SSOP identity.


  1. Go to mingle >> User Management

  1. View a user and under details look for the IFS User GUID
  2. Go to your orgs Infor Security Service webpage and edit the users identity
  3. Under SSOP Identity, (delete existing one) and copy the IFS User GUID in step 2 in the user field.
  4. Type in any password in both fields and click Save



This should resolve the authentication error.


Here is a screenshot of the whole process (ISS on left, Mingle User Management on right):

Good luck!

At times your user may get the error “Requestor does not exist” when logging into Lawson Portal and selects the Shopping link for Requisition Center.


This is because a valid Requestor must exist in Manage Identities in the Lawson Security Administrator (LSA) application.  To verify this, follow these steps:

1)  Login to the LSA Application

2)  Select User Management

3)  Select Manage Identities and verify the correct Requestor is populated

4)  Upon entering RQC/Shopping and the User’s Profile in Shopping where you see the user’s Requester, if it’s not showing the correct Requester, have the user click on the “New” button in the bottom-right-hand corner of the screen.


Note:  After any changes are made in LSA, upon re-entering RQC XML, you need to go into the Utilities link (rqc/html/utility.htm) and click on the RQC IOS Cache Refresh button before accessing the Shopping link again in RQC.


Error: ‘Access/Excel(DAO) connection is no longer supported…’

Report based on Excel, Access, or a Text file fail to refresh in Crystal Reports.

Could successfully refresh the report in previous version of Crystal Reports.

When refreshing a report connecting to MS Excel, or MS Access, or a Text file in Crystal Reports, it fails with the error:


“Failed to load database information.

“Details: Access/Excel(DAO) connection no longer supported,

use another alternative if possible, e.g. ODBC/JDBC.”


Followed by:  “Failed to load database information.”



Steps To Reproduce:

  1. In Crystal Reports 2016 or below, create a new report.
  2. In the Database Expert, under “Create New Connection” double click on “Access/Excel (DAO)”
  3. Select the MS Excel, or MS Access file to report from.
  4. Refresh the report, and it successfully display data.
  5. Save the report.
  6. In Crystal Reports 2020, open the same report, and refresh it.

It generates the error: “Failed to load database information. Details: Access/Excel(DAO) connection no longer supported,…”



  • The report connect to Excel, Access, or a Text file using Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO), which used Microsoft JET Engine.
  • This 32bit only connectivity technology have been deprecated by Microsoft.
  • Previous versions of Crystal Reports were 32bit applications, and could still use the deprecated Microsoft DAO technology to connect to Excel, Access or a Text file, as a legacy connection type.
  • Crystal Reports 2020 is a 64bit application, and therefore it is no longer possible to connect to Excel, Access, or a Text file using DAO, since there is no 64bit version of this deprecated Microsoft Technology.



  • Use an ODBC connection to connect to one of the following data sources in Crystal Reports:
    • MS Excel
    • MS Access
    • Text file
  • For MS Excel, and MS Access, you can also use an OLEDB Connection.


To use an ODBC Connection:

  1. Launch the 64bit Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator. (C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe)
  2. In the 64bit Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator, under the tab “System DSN”, click “Add…”
  3. Select the ODBC Driver corresponding to the type of document you want to report from:

– For MS Excel, select   : Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls,*.xlsx,*.xlsm,*.xlsb)

– For MS Access, select : Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)

– For a Text file, select  : Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)



If you do not see the ODBC Drivers, then it is either because you have a 32bit version of MS Office installed, or do not have a 64bit MS Office installed. To download and install the 64bit version of the Microsoft Office ODBC drivers, go to the Microsoft website, and search for: “Microsoft Access Database Engine”, then download and install the 64bit Microsoft Access Database Engine.

  1. Then click “Finish”
  2. Add an ODBC DSN Name and select the MS Excel, MS Access, or Text file you want to report from, and click “OK”
  3. In Crystal Reports, open your report based on MS Excel, MS Access or a Text file.
  4. Under the menu “Database”, select “Set Datasource Location”
  5. In the “Replace with” section, expand “Create New Connection”, and double click on “ODBC (RDO)”
  6. Select the ODBC DSN created in the previous steps to report from MS Excel, MS Access, or aText file.

Note: For MS Excel, if the Excel sheets are not visible, then:

  1. Right click on the “Connection”, and in the contextual menu, select “Options”
  2. In the “Options” window, check the option “System Tables”, and click “OK”
  3. Back to the “Database Expert” window, right click on the connection, and select “Refresh”
  4. The MS Excel sheets will now display. Select the desired MS Excel sheet.


  1. Once connected, in the section “Replace with”, select the new ODBC connection, and in the section “Current Data Source”, select the current connection, and click the button “Update”
  2. Once the connection is updated, click “Close”
  3. Back to the report, save the report.


To use an OLEDB connection

  1. In Crystal Reports, open your report based on MS Excel or MS Access.
  2. Under the menu “Database”, select “Set Datasource Location”
  3. In the “Replace with” section, expand “Create New Connection”, and double click on “OLE DB (ADO)”
  4. Select the Microsoft Office Access Database Engine Provider.



If you do not see the OLEDB Provider, then it is either because you have a 32bit version of MS Office installed, or do not have MS Office installed. To download and install the 64bit version of the Microsoft Office ODBC driver and OLEDB Provider, go to the Microsoft website, and search for: “Microsoft Access Database Engine”

  1. Change the Office Database type to: Excel, or Access
  2. Select the MS Excel, or MS Access file.
  3. Leave the User ID and Password blank.
  4. Once connected, in the section “Replace with”, select the new OLEDB connection, and in the section “Current Data Source”, select the current connection, and click the button “Update”
  5. Once the connection is updated, click “Close”
  6. Back to the report, save the report.

If you have added environment users in Lawson, and you are not seeing the new users in listusermap, there’s an easy fix for that.

You will need to run it with the command -a.  This will refresh the cache and show all users in NT order.

listusermap -a


If you would like to run other commands, here are some other tips for the listusermap usage:

-a – list all users,

-c – list from cache (Default),

-n – clean up cache,

-u – find user,

-p – find account,

-h – find historical user (NTxxxxxxxx),

-o – show historical user names in list,

-k – list archived user cache

To gain access to Infor Reporting to create and edit reports, you’ll need to make sure your organization first has the license for the software. Consult with Infor before moving forward.


Example of Infor Reporting Icon:

The above screenshot shows how a user may gain access to view Infor Reporting Reports. These can be reports that show Expense Reports, User Proxies, etc.


To gain access to the administration tools, you’ll need to assign these two roles:

XM-AdvancedBusinessAuthor – Allows access to canned templates (example reports to build off of)

XM-ProfessionalAuthor – Allows freeform access to create new and edit existing reports.


These roles must be assigned in Mingle under user management tab


Good luck!

If you receive the error message in Lawson Portal “The Server has not found anything matching the requested URI”, check the WebSphere SystemOut.log for the message “Failed to load webapp: context root /* is already bound.”  This means that one of your WAS applications (most likely the default app) is configured to start before the Lawson IOS application.  To fix this, either delete the Default Application, or configure its startup behavior.  Go to WAS Console > Applications > Enterprise Applications.  Click on the Default Application then “Startup behavior.”  Change the startup order to some larger number so the Default Application will attempt to start last in the order.  Save the changes and synchronize the nodes.  Then, start your IOS application.




If you have several files in the LAWDIR/productline/work directory that are taking up a lot of space and need to clean them up, most can be deleted, but be aware that the files with UPPERCASE file names are often used to transfer data to non-Lawson systems or ACH bank files, and they may be waiting to be used by a future process that has not run yet.


The following procedure is to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program.


Automated Cleanup of Print Files, Work Files, and Other Files

Use this procedure to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program. Before running the program or the recurring job, you must set up configuration files. These files enable you to set the cleanup options, exclude specific files from the cleanup process (by file name or by the user name associated with the files), and to specify date ranges for the files to be deleted.

The types of files to be deleted include:

  • Completed job entries
  • Completed jobs forms and the associated job logs
  • Batch report files
  • All print files from the print manager
  • Files from %LAWDIR%\productline\work directory
  • All user-related files from the %LAWDIR%\RQC_work, %LAWDIR%\RQC_work\log, %LAWDIR%\RQC_work\cookies directories
  • Log files from the user’s home directory: %LAUNTDIR% directory
  • WebSphere trace and dump (.dmp, .phd, javacore and .trc) files that are in subdirectories of the <WASHOME>\profiles directory.

To clean up print files, work files, RQC files, and other files:

  1. Configure the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file.

You can edit the parameters in the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file in two ways:

  • By using the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Tools. See Configuring Automated File Cleanupin the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Guide, 10.1. (This option is only available in Lawson for Infor Ming.le 10.1.)
  • By directly editing the file in the %LAWDIR%\system directory. See Directly Updating the prtwrkcleanup.cfg File.
  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_usrnames.cfg file.

This configuration file is divided into multiple sections:

  • Section 1: usernames list for print and completed job cleanup
  • Section 2: usernames list for RQC cleanup
  • Section 3: usernames list for users home directory cleanup.

The script uses each different section for a different cleanup job. Make sure to put usernames in the right sections to avoid undesired outcomes.

You can enter multiple usernames in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






Note: Do not remove the section dividers.

  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_exclude.cfg file.

Use this file to specify a list of file names to be excluded from the work file cleanup process.

You can enter multiple file names in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






  1. If you want to run the cleanup program just once, open a command line session and follow the substeps below. (Note that a recurring job may be more useful in the long term. See the next main step below.)
    1. Ensure that the prtwrkcln executable exists in %GENDIR%\bin.
    2. In a command line session, navigate to %GENDIR%\bin.
    3. At the command line, enter the following command:


  1. If you want to run the cleanup program via a recurring job, use the following substeps.
    1. In Lawson for Infor Ming.le, navigate to BookmarksJobs and Reports > Multi-step Job Definition.
    2. Specify this information to define a multi-step job.

Job Name

Specify a name for the multi-step job.

Job Description

Specify a description for the multi-step job.

User Name

Displays the name of the user defining the job.


Specify prtwrkcln. (This assumes this form ID exists. Use the For ID Definition utility (tokendef) to check if it exists and to add it as an environment form ID if necessary.)

Step Description

Specify a description for the step.

  1. Click Addto save the new job.
  2. Navigate to Related FormsRecurring Job Definition. Define a recurring job according to the instructions in the “Recurring Jobs” topic in Infor Lawson Administration: Jobs and Reports.

If you have several files in the LAWDIR/productline/work directory that are taking up a lot of space and need to clean them up, most can be deleted, but be aware that the files with UPPERCASE file names are often used to transfer data to non-Lawson systems or ACH bank files, and they may be waiting to be used by a future process that has not run yet.


The following procedure is to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program.


Automated Cleanup of Print Files, Work Files, and Other Files

Use this procedure to clean up print files, work files, RQC files, user home directory files, and WebSphere trace and dump files by either running a program or by defining a recurring job that calls the program. Before running the program or the recurring job, you must set up configuration files. These files enable you to set the cleanup options, exclude specific files from the cleanup process (by file name or by the user name associated with the files), and to specify date ranges for the files to be deleted.

The types of files to be deleted include:

  • Completed job entries
  • Completed jobs forms and the associated job logs
  • Batch report files
  • All print files from the print manager
  • Files from $LAWDIR/productline/work directory
  • All user-related files from the $LAWDIR/RQC_work, $LAWDIR/RQC_work/log, $LAWDIR/RQC_work/cookies directories
  • WebSphere trace and dump (.dmp, .phd, javacore and .trc) files that are in subdirectories of the <WASHOME>/profiles directory.

To clean up print files, work files, RQC files, and other files:

  1. Configure the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file.

You can edit the parameters in the prtwrkcleanup.cfg file in two ways:

    • By using the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Tools. See Configuring Automated File Cleanupin the Lawson for Infor Ming.le Administration Guide, 10.1. (This option is only available in Lawson for Infor Ming.le 10.1.)
    • By directly editing the file in the $LAWDIR/system directory. See Directly Updating the prtwrkcleanup.cfg File.
  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_usrnames.cfg file.

This configuration file is divided into multiple sections:

    • Section 1: usernames list for print and completed job cleanup
    • Section 2: usernames list for RQC cleanup
    • Section 3: usernames list for users home directory cleanup.

The script uses each different section for a different cleanup job. Make sure to put usernames in the right sections to avoid undesired outcomes.

You can enter multiple usernames in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






Note: Do not remove the section dividers.

  1. Configure the prtwrkcln_exclude.cfg file.

Use this file to specify a list of file names to be excluded from the work file cleanup process.

You can enter multiple file names in either a comma-separated format or a line-break-separated format.

For example:






  1. If you want to run the cleanup program just once, open a command line session and follow the substeps below. (Note that a recurring job may be more useful in the long term. See the next main step below.)
    • Ensure that the prtwrkcln executable exists in $GENDIR/bin.
      • In a command line session, navigate to $GENDIR/bin.
      • At the command line, enter the following command:


  1. If you want to run the cleanup program via a recurring job, use the following substeps.
    • In Lawson for Infor Ming.le, navigate to BookmarksJobs and Reports > Multi-step Job Definition.
      • Specify this information to define a multi-step job.

Job Name

Specify a name for the multi-step job.

Job Description

Specify a description for the multi-step job.

User Name

Displays the name of the user defining the job.


Specify prtwrkcln. (This assumes this form ID exists. Use the For ID Definition utility (tokendef) to check if it exists and to add it as an environment form ID if necessary.)

Step Description

Specify a description for the step.

  • Click Addto save the new job.
    • Navigate to Related FormsRecurring Job Definition. Define a recurring job according to the instructions in the “Recurring Jobs” topic in Infor Lawson Administration: Jobs and Reports.